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1 files changed, 44 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/projects/index.html b/projects/index.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5269472
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<!--#set var="title" value="Projects" -->
+<!--#include virtual="../includes/header.html" -->
+ The following is a list of projects that I maintain. All of these works are
+ freely-licensed and may be shared and modified under the terms of their
+ respective licenses. I offer my work with hope that some may find it useful,
+ but without any warranty. If it breaks, you're free to fix it (or find
+ someone who can) -- unlike the case with non-free software.
+<h3><a href="librcio/">libRCIO</a></h3>
+ A library written in ISO C to read and write UNIX-style run
+ control (configuration) files.
+<h3><a href="cowbell/">Cowbell</a></h3>
+ "Curses, I'm up already!" A feature-packed alarm clock with a curses
+ interface.
+<h3><a href="screen-batt/">screen-batt</a></h3>
+ A simple battery status indicator for GNU Screen.
+<h3><a href="changelog-gen/">changelog-gen</a></h3>
+ A UNIX shell script to generate a change log from “CHANGE:” tags found in
+ Git commit messages.
+<h3><a href="hidrect/">HIDRECT (Human Interface Device Reverse Engineering
+ Capture Tool)</a></h3>
+ A simple event-based capture tool for human interface devices.
+<h3><a href="vhc/">VHC (Virtual Host Config)</a></h3>
+ A collection of scripts to manage hosted users, domains, Web roots, and
+ mailboxes.
+<h3><a href="testbuild/">testbuild</a></h3>
+ A simple script to automate build testing for software managed with Git.
+<!--#include virtual="../includes/footer.html" -->