diff options
authorP. J. McDermott <>2013-10-31 01:41:45 (EDT)
committer P. J. McDermott <>2013-10-31 01:41:45 (EDT)
commitd0e09b8642648f921aa91eb37fe1ad71d34927dc (patch)
Initial commit.
-rw-r--r--fonts/LinLibertine_RB_subset.woffbin0 -> 29780 bytes
-rw-r--r--fonts/LinLibertine_R_subset.woffbin0 -> 27648 bytes
20 files changed, 31003 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d65f8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Swap and backup files
+# Generated files
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..886383f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Makefile
+# Copyright (C) 2013 Patrick "P. J." McDermott
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+# the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+# in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+HEADER = web
+srcs = \
+ resume.shtml
+htmls = $(srcs:.shtml=.html)
+pdfs = $(srcs:.shtml=.pdf)
+.SUFFIXES: .shtml .html .pdf
+all: $(htmls) $(pdfs)
+$(htmls): Makefile
+$(pdfs): Makefile
+resume.html: \
+ header/$(HEADER).html \
+ section/edu.html \
+ section/hon.html \
+ section/skl.html \
+ section/wor.html \
+ section/afl.html \
+ section/hob.html
+resume.pdf: \
+ styles/main.css
+ ssic -o $@ $(SSIFLAGS) $<
+ weasyprint -e utf8 $< $@
+ rm -f $(htmls) $(pdfs)
diff --git a/fonts/GPL.txt b/fonts/GPL.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b890e55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/GPL.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (with font exception)
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+As a special exception, if you create a document which uses this font, and embed this font or unaltered portions of this font into the document, this font does not by itself cause the resulting document to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the document might be covered by the GNU General Public License. If you modify this font, you may extend this exception to your version of the font, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/fonts/LICENCE.txt b/fonts/LICENCE.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd8b672
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/LICENCE.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+- Lizenz / Licence -
+Unsere Schriften sind frei im Sinne der GPL, d.h. (stark vereinfacht) dass Veränderungen an der Schriftart erlaubt sind unter der Bedingung, dass diese wieder der Öffentlichkeit unter gleicher Lizenz freigegeben werden. Querdenker behaupten oft, dass bei der Verwendung einer GPL-Schrift eingebettet in beispielsweise eine PDF auch diese freigestellt werden müsse. Deshalb gibt es die sogenannte "Font-exception" der GPL (welche diesem Lizenztext hinzugefügt wurde). Weitere Informationen zur GPL (Lizenztext mit Font-Exzeption als GPL.txt in diesem Paket).
+Zusätzlich stehen die Schriften unter der Open Font License (siehe OFL.txt).
+Our fonts are free in the sense of the GPL. In short: Changing the font is allowed as long as the derivative work is published under the same licence again. Pedantics keep claiming that the embedded use of GPL-fonts in i.e. PDFs requires the free publication of the PDF as well. This is why our GPL contains the so called "font exception". Further information about the GPL (licence text with font exception see GPL.txt in this package).
+Additionally our fonts are licensed under the Open Fonts License (see OFL.txt). \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fonts/LinLibertine_RB_subset.sfd b/fonts/LinLibertine_RB_subset.sfd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22b2805
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/LinLibertine_RB_subset.sfd
@@ -0,0 +1,8741 @@
+SplineFontDB: 3.0
+FontName: LinLibertineOB
+FullName: Linux Libertine O Bold
+FamilyName: Linux Libertine O
+Weight: Bold
+Copyright: Linux Libertine by Philipp H. Poll,\nOpen Font under Terms of following Free Software Licenses:\nGPL (General Public License) with font-exception and OFL (Open Font License).\nCreated with FontForge (\nSept 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011,2012
+UComments: "2003-08-29: Created.+AAoA-2004-07-25: v(1.0) release candidate+AAoA-2005-12-28: v(1.1.0) stable+AAoA-2006-01-01: v(2.0.0) stable+AAoA-2006-09-05: v(2.2.0) stable+AAoA-2006-12-04: v(2.3.0) stable+AAoA-2007-03-11: v(2.4.0) stable+AAoA-2007-06-11: v(2.6.0) stable+AAoA-2007-12-00: v(2.7.0) stable+AAoA-2008-06-00: v(2.8.14) stable+AAoA"
+Version: 5.1.4
+ItalicAngle: 0
+UnderlinePosition: -98
+UnderlineWidth: 40
+Ascent: 754
+Descent: 246
+LayerCount: 2
+Layer: 0 0 "Back" 1
+Layer: 1 0 "Fore" 0
+XUID: [1021 993 1524925707 4740893]
+FSType: 0
+OS2Version: 3
+OS2_WeightWidthSlopeOnly: 0
+OS2_UseTypoMetrics: 0
+CreationTime: 1156455862
+ModificationTime: 1383193427
+PfmFamily: 17
+TTFWeight: 700
+TTFWidth: 5
+LineGap: 0
+VLineGap: 0
+OS2TypoAscent: 894
+OS2TypoAOffset: 0
+OS2TypoDescent: -246
+OS2TypoDOffset: 0
+OS2TypoLinegap: 0
+OS2WinAscent: 894
+OS2WinAOffset: 0
+OS2WinDescent: 246
+OS2WinDOffset: 0
+HheadAscent: 894
+HheadAOffset: 0
+HheadDescent: -246
+HheadDOffset: 0
+OS2FamilyClass: 261
+OS2Vendor: 'PfEd'
+Lookup: 3 0 0 "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen" {"LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" } ['aalt' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'locl' Localized Forms Romaenisch" {"'locl' Localized Forms Romaenisch 1" } ['locl' ('latn' <'MOL ' 'ROM ' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen i >" {"'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen i > 1" } ['smcp' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen" {"LinLibertine-'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1" } ['smcp' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen i >" {"'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen i >" } ['smcp' ('latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'TRK ' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'fina' Wortendeformen" {"LinLibertine-'fina' Wortendeformen 1" } ['fina' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'frac' Brueche" {"LinLibertine-'frac' Brueche 1" } ['frac' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'sups' Hochgestellte" {"LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" ("superior" ) } ['sups' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'sinf' Tiefgestellte" {"LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" ("inferior" ) } ['sinf' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen" {"LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1" ("sc" ) } ['c2sc' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 1 "'liga' Standardligaturen ohne TRK CRT AZE" {"'liga' Standardligaturen ohne TRK CRT AZE 1" } ['liga' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 1 "'liga' Standardligaturen" {"LinLibertine-'liga' Standardligaturen 1" } ['liga' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'hlig' Historische Ligaturen" {"LinLibertine-'hlig' Historische Ligaturen 1" } ['hlig' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'dlig' optionale Ligaturen" {"LinLibertine-'dlig' optionale Ligaturen 1" } ['dlig' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'lnum' Versalziffern" {"'lnum' Versalziffern 1" } ['lnum' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'hebr' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'tnum' Tabellenziffern" {"LinLibertine-'tnum' Tabellenziffern 1" } ['tnum' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'pnum' Proportionalziffern" {"LinLibertine-'pnum' Proportionalziffern 1" } ['pnum' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'onum' Minuskelziffern" {"LinLibertine-'onum' Minuskelziffern 1" ("oldstyle" ) } ['onum' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'zero' gestrichene Null" {"LinLibertine-'zero' gestrichene Null 1" } ['zero' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'salt' Stilistische Alternativformen" {"LinLibertine-'salt' Stilistische Alternativformen 1" } ['salt' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'ss01' Stilgruppe 1" {"LinLibertine-'ss01' Stilgruppe 1 1" } ['ss01' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'ss02' Stilgruppe 2" {} ['ss02' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'ss03' Stilgruppe 3" {"LinLibertine-'ss03' Stilgruppe 3 1" } ['ss03' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'case' Versalformen" {"LinLibertine-'case' Versalformen 1" } ['case' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 257 0 0 "'cpsp' Versalabstaende" {"'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" } ['cpsp' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 258 0 0 "'kern' Kerning" {"LinLibertineO-'kern' Latin kerning" [150,0,4] "LinLibertineO-'kern' Cyrillic Kerning" [150,0,6] "LinLibertineO-'kern' Greek Kerning" [150,0,6] "LinLibertineO-'kern' Small Caps" [150,15,4] } ['kern' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 260 0 0 "'mark' Markenpositionierung" {"'mark' Top rechts" "'mark' Komb OR" "'mark' Top Akzent" "'mark' Mittelpunkt" "'mark' Ogonek" "'mark' Unten Anhang" "'mark' Unten Punkt" "'mark' Top Punkt2" } ['mark' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'hebr' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+MarkAttachClasses: 1
+DEI: 91125
+KernClass2: 12 8 "LinLibertineO-'kern' Small Caps"
+ 92
+ 83
+ 9
+ 42
+ 82
+ 4
+ 57 A Agrave Aacute Acircumflex Atilde Adieresis Aring Abreve
+ 15 V W Y Ydieresis
+ 3 K X
+ 4
+ 79
+ 49
+ 92
+ 78
+ 42
+ 4
+ 31
+ 79
+ 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} 0 {} -15 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} -35 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -35 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -25 {} -25 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} 0 {} -10 {} -25 {} 0 {} 20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -25 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -35 {} -60 {} 0 {} -22 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -120 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -25 {} -20 {} 0 {} -40 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} -25 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 20 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} -20 {} -40 {} 20 {} 0 {}
+KernClass2: 9 10 "LinLibertineO-'kern' Greek Kerning"
+ 9 Gamma Tau
+ 125 Upsilontonos Upsilon Upsilondieresis Upsilon1 uni03D3 uni03D4 uni1F59 uni1F5B uni1F5D uni1F5F uni1FE8 uni1FE9 uni1FEA uni1FEB
+ 9 Kappa Chi
+ 110 Omicrontonos Theta Omicron Phi uni03F4 uni1E0A uni1E0C uni1E0E uni1E10 uni1E12 uni1E4C uni1E4E uni1E50 uni1E52
+ 24 gamma kappa uni03DB zeta
+ 33 omicron rho phi omicrontonos phi1
+ 151 Alphatonos Alpha Delta Lambda afii10017 uni04D2 uni1E00 uni1F0A uni1F0B uni1F0C uni1F0D uni1F0E uni1F0F uni1FB8 uni1FB9 uni1FBA uni1FBB uni1F08 uni1F09
+ 3 Rho
+ 3 Tau
+ 23 Upsilon Upsilondieresis
+ 8 gamma nu
+ 3 chi
+ 50 Alpha Delta Lambda uni04D2 uni1FB8 uni1FB9 uni1FBC
+ 63 alpha omicron sigma phi uni03F2 uni03F5 omega sigma1 omegatonos
+ 64 alphatonos rho omicrontonos phi1 uni03F1 uni1F71 uni1F73 uni1F79
+ 10 mu uni03F0
+ 30 eta iota kappa uniF6BE upsilon
+ 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 30 {} 30 {} -24 {} -23 {} -35 {} -40 {} -20 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 20 {} 0 {} -17 {} -16 {} -60 {} -50 {} -30 {} -20 {} -30 {} 0 {} 20 {} 20 {} -16 {} -14 {} 0 {} -51 {} -31 {} 0 {} -60 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -8 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -49 {} -40 {} -20 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -5 {} 0 {} -60 {} -60 {} -60 {} -40 {} 20 {} -27 {} -16 {} 0 {} -44 {} 0 {} 20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} -30 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {}
+KernClass2: 9 7 "LinLibertineO-'kern' Cyrillic Kerning"
+ 63 afii10052 afii10020 afii10036 afii10050 uni0492 uni04AC uni04F6
+ 61 afii10062 afii10037 uni04EE uni04F0 uni04F2 afii10148 uni0476
+ 103 afii10061 afii10024 afii10028 afii10039 uni0496 uni049A uni049C uni049E uni04A0 uni04B2 uni04C1 uni04DC
+ 29 afii10032 afii10048 afii10147
+ 19 afii10085 afii10110
+ 61 afii10072 afii10076 afii10109 uni049F uni04A1 uni04B3 uni04DD
+ 55 afii10070 afii10080 afii10082 afii10071 uni04E7 uni04E9
+ 19 afii10044 afii10046
+ 35 afii10041 afii10148 uni0476 uni04B6
+ 47 afii10072 afii10085 x afii10110 uni04B3 uni04DD
+ 9 afii10017
+ 57 afii10070 afii10080 afii10083 afii10101 afii10846 uni04E9
+ 57 afii10065 afii10073 afii10086 afii10095 afii10097 uni04D5
+ 139 afii10067 afii10068 afii10074 afii10076 afii10078 afii10079 afii10081 afii10082 afii10087 afii10088 afii10090 afii10091 afii10107 afii10193
+ 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 30 {} 0 {} -50 {} -35 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} -100 {} -60 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -35 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -23 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {}
+KernClass2: 21 21 "LinLibertineO-'kern' Latin kerning"
+ 11 f longs f_f
+ 30 T Tcedilla Tcaron Tcommaaccent
+ 59 Y Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis Ygrave seven.fitted question
+ 47 V W Wcircumflex Wgrave Wacute Wdieresis uniE0E9
+ 22 K X Kcommaaccent K.alt
+ 211 at D O Q Ograve Oacute Ocircumflex Otilde Odieresis Oslash Dcaron Dcroat Omacron Obreve Ohungarumlaut uni0186 uni0189 uni018A uni018F uni01EA uni01EC uni020C uni020E uni022A uni022C uni022E uni0230 Odieresis.alt
+ 105 r v w y Thorn yacute ydieresis racute rcommaaccent rcaron wcircumflex ycircumflex wgrave wacute wdieresis
+ 89 g k x gcircumflex gbreve gdotaccent gcommaaccent kcommaaccent kgreenlandic gcaron f_k c_k
+ 21 b agrave egrave thorn
+ 77 e o p eacute ecircumflex edieresis ograve oacute ocircumflex otilde odieresis
+ 21 L Lacute Lcommaaccent
+ 114 A Agrave Aacute Acircumflex Atilde Adieresis Aring Amacron Abreve Aogonek Aringacute uni0200 uni0202 Adieresis.alt
+ 164 comma period underscore enquad emquad enspace emspace threeperemspace fourperemspace sixperemspace figurespace punctuationspace quotesinglbase quotedblbase ellipsis
+ 235 zero.inferior one.inferior two.inferior three.inferior four.inferior five.inferior six.inferior seven.inferior eight.inferior nine.inferior plus.inferior minus.inferior equal.inferior a.inferior e.inferior o.inferior x.inferior uni2094
+ 149 hyphen asciitilde guillemotleft guillemotright hyphentwo hyphennobreak figuredash endash emdash horizontalbar guilsinglleft guilsinglright hyphen.cap
+ 31 parenleft bracketleft braceleft
+ 87 U Ugrave Uacute Ucircumflex Udieresis Utilde Umacron Ubreve Uring Uhungarumlaut Uogonek
+ 145 H I N Igrave Iacute Icircumflex Idieresis Ntilde Hcircumflex Hbar Imacron Ibreve Iogonek Idotaccent IJ Jcircumflex Nacute Ncommaaccent Ncaron Eng
+ 11 F P uni01A4
+ 103 quotedbl quotesingle asterisk quoteleft quoteright quotereversed quotedblleft quotedblright quotedblrev
+ 30 T Tcedilla Tcaron Tcommaaccent
+ 18 Y Yacute Ydieresis
+ 53 V W Wcircumflex Wgrave Wacute Wdieresis uniE0E9 V.alt
+ 339 C G O Q Ccedilla Ograve Oacute Ocircumflex Otilde Odieresis Oslash Cacute Ccircumflex Cdotaccent Ccaron Gcircumflex Gbreve Gdotaccent Gcommaaccent Omacron Obreve Ohungarumlaut OE uni0187 uni0193 uni019F Ohorn Gcaron uni01EA uni01EC uni01F4 Oslashacute uni020C uni020E uni022A uni022C uni022E uni0230 zero.fitted zero.slashfitted six.fitted
+ 58 v w wcircumflex wgrave wacute wdieresis y yacute ydieresis
+ 1 x
+ 103 quotedbl quotesingle asterisk quoteleft quoteright quotereversed quotedblleft quotedblright quotedblrev
+ 165 A Agrave Aacute Acircumflex Atilde Adieresis Aring AE Amacron Abreve Aogonek uni01CD uni01DE uni01E0 uni01E2 Aringacute AEacute uni0200 uni0202 uni0226 Adieresis.alt
+ 66 comma period quotesinglbase onedotenleader twodotenleader ellipsis
+ 67 e c o d q ccedilla eogonek oe uni0188 uni018D ohorn eturned c_k c_h
+ 70 a g s aacute ae eacute oacute oslash aogonek cacute edotaccent uni022F
+ 18 m n p r z dotlessi
+ 34 parenright bracketright braceright
+ 27 J j Jcircumflex jcircumflex
+ 192 plus hyphen less equal greater asciitilde guillemotleft uni00AD periodcentered guillemotright divide hyphentwo hyphennobreak figuredash endash emdash horizontalbar guilsinglleft guilsinglright
+ 87 exclam question exclamdbl interrobang question_question question_exclam exclam_question
+ 90 b h k l thorn hcircumflex hbar kcommaaccent lacute lcommaaccent lcaron ldot lslash uni0180
+ 143 U Ugrave Uacute Ucircumflex Udieresis Utilde Umacron Ubreve Uring Uhungarumlaut Uogonek uni01D3 uni01D5 uni01D7 uni01D9 uni01DB uni0214 uni0216
+ 398 two.superior three.superior one.superior zero.superior i.superior four.superior five.superior six.superior seven.superior eight.superior nine.superior plus.superior minus.superior equal.superior parenleft.superior parenright.superior n.superior uni2098 uni2099 uniE0C0 uniE0C1 uniE0C2 uniE0C3 uniE0C4 uniE0C5 uniE0C6 uniE0CA uniE0CC uniE0CE uniE0CF q.superior uniE0D3 uniE0D4 uniE0D5 uniE0D9 degree
+ 1 u
+ 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 98 {} 98 {} 98 {} 24 {} 0 {} 0 {} 73 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 76 {} 80 {} 0 {} 80 {} 40 {} 0 {} 88 {} 0 {} 0 {} 55 {} 24 {} 24 {} -5 {} -49 {} -34 {} 0 {} -49 {} -63 {} -63 {} -49 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} -59 {} 10 {} 0 {} 37 {} 0 {} -39 {} 0 {} 24 {} 24 {} 24 {} -37 {} -44 {} -24 {} 0 {} -61 {} -44 {} -71 {} -60 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} -49 {} 0 {} 0 {} 24 {} 0 {} -39 {} 0 {} 24 {} 24 {} 24 {} -34 {} -49 {} -24 {} 0 {} -112 {} -88 {} -80 {} -60 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} -49 {} 0 {} 0 {} 24 {} 0 {} -24 {} 0 {} 0 {} 24 {} 24 {} -24 {} -54 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -15 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -24 {} 0 {} 0 {} 24 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -5 {} -34 {} 37 {} 0 {} 10 {} 10 {} 0 {} -29 {} -29 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -39 {} -12 {} -24 {} 10 {} 15 {} 10 {} 0 {} -49 {} -59 {} -8 {} 0 {} 0 {} -17 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -12 {} -24 {} 0 {} 0 {} 10 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -29 {} -37 {} -44 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -20 {} -20 {} 10 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -49 {} -54 {} -54 {} 0 {} -7 {} -7 {} -24 {} -40 {} -10 {} 7 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -49 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -63 {} -73 {} -112 {} -34 {} -65 {} 0 {} -73 {} 0 {} 0 {} -12 {} -12 {} 0 {} -12 {} 0 {} -37 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -34 {} 0 {} -61 {} -73 {} -73 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} -122 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -73 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -308 {} 0 {} 0 {} -49 {} -49 {} -49 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -37 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} -17 {} 0 {} 0 {} -24 {} 0 {} -17 {} -12 {} 0 {} 0 {} 73 {} -37 {} 0 {} 12 {} 12 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 37 {} 24 {} 24 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -59 {} -24 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 24 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 37 {} 24 {} 24 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 24 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 24 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 24 {} -59 {} -24 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 10 {} 12 {} 49 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -49 {} -49 {} -24 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {}
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+DStem2: 219.555 -98.2666 260.5 -93.25 0.0548206 0.998496<3.21001 89.8972 131.799 317.025 491.345 669.301 710.014 792.677>
+LayerCount: 2
+246.5 392.3 m 1
+ 256.3 571.6 l 1
+ 214 567.6 182 537.4 182 489 c 0
+ 182 453.3 214.2 417.6 246.5 392.3 c 1
+277.5 216.1 m 1
+ 267.3 31.1 l 1
+ 315.1 37 350 66.1 350 107 c 0
+ 350 152.4 315 187.8 277.5 216.1 c 1
+423 585 m 1
+ 429 531 433 493 433 444 c 1
+ 423 436 400 435 387 439 c 1
+ 372.4 491.3 352 551.6 296.8 567.8 c 1
+ 285.7 366.3 l 1
+ 290 364 l 2
+ 326 345 383 317 419 277 c 0
+ 446 247 467 219 467 171 c 0
+ 467 114 436.9 70.1 404 41 c 0
+ 367.2 8.4 319.5 -7.8 265.1 -8.9 c 1
+ 260.5 -93.2 l 1
+ 253.2 -97.4 229.6 -98.3 219.6 -98.3 c 1
+ 224.5 -8.5 l 1
+ 130.1 -5.6 123.7 9 76 9 c 1
+ 66 43 58 92 58 162 c 1
+ 73 166 88 171 104 165 c 1
+ 120.7 91.1 172.3 42.7 226.7 32.2 c 1
+ 238.2 242.3 l 1
+ 195.3 267.3 132.9 297.4 97 345 c 0
+ 76 373 66 414 66 450 c 0
+ 66 495 91 538 126 566 c 0
+ 162.4 594.9 217.1 608.3 258.4 609.9 c 1
+ 262.8 689.5 l 1
+ 272 693 291 694.5 303.8 694.5 c 1
+ 299.1 609 l 1
+ 358.9 605.2 379 591 423 585 c 1
+Validated: 527393
+StartChar: percent
+Encoding: 37 37 4
+Width: 637
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -19 39<464.6 519.986> 214 36<494.307 553.315> 297 39<145.6 200.986> 474 45<285.741 457.718> 530 36<175.307 234.8>
+VStem: 51 93<336.471 492.524> 243 42<385.164 492.404> 370 93<20.4707 176.524> 562 42<69.1637 208.803>
+LayerCount: 2
+463 53 m 0
+ 463 39.7 466 20 483 20 c 0
+ 503.7 20 523.4 36.7 537 60 c 0
+ 553.6 88.4 562 126.8 562 157 c 0
+ 562 209 537 214 523 214 c 0
+ 503.1 214 484.7 191.7 475 162 c 0
+ 463.8 127.7 463 83.6 463 53 c 0
+370 91 m 0
+ 370 171 423 250 512 250 c 0
+ 560 250 604 231 604 159 c 0
+ 604 60 550 -19 471 -19 c 0
+ 438.7 -19 409.7 -10.5 393 11 c 0
+ 379 29 370 54 370 91 c 0
+144 369 m 0
+ 144 355.7 147 336 164 336 c 0
+ 184.7 336 204.4 352.7 218 376 c 0
+ 234.6 404.4 243 442.8 243 473 c 0
+ 243 525 218 530 204 530 c 0
+ 184.1 530 165.7 507.7 156 478 c 0
+ 144.8 443.7 144 399.6 144 369 c 0
+51 407 m 0
+ 51 487 104 566 193 566 c 0
+ 219 566 243.8 560.4 261.1 543.9 c 1
+ 302.9 542.4 346.6 519 364 519 c 0
+ 406 519 473 525 514 569 c 1
+ 561 548 l 1
+ 150 -16 l 1
+ 96 -4 l 1
+ 462 497 l 1
+ 423 481 384 474 354 474 c 0
+ 332.5 474 303.3 482.7 284 492.8 c 1
+ 284.7 487.3 285 481.3 285 475 c 0
+ 285 376 231 297 152 297 c 0
+ 119.7 297 90.7 305.5 74 327 c 0
+ 60 345 51 370 51 407 c 0
+Validated: 527361
+StartChar: parenleft
+Encoding: 40 40 5
+Width: 315
+Flags: W
+HStem: -213 21G<154.5 286.75>
+VStem: 36 115<108.014 396.52>
+LayerCount: 2
+36 253 m 0
+ 36 435 139 607 270 720 c 1
+ 298 686 l 1
+ 268 651 151 517 151 253 c 0
+ 151 -11 266 -145 298 -181 c 1
+ 268 -213 l 1
+ 41 -17 36 208 36 253 c 0
+Validated: 3585
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'case' Versalformen 1"
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" parenleft.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" parenleft.superior
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: parenright
+Encoding: 41 41 6
+Width: 315
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -216 21G<28.5294 110.5>
+VStem: 164 115<107.48 395.986>
+LayerCount: 2
+279 251 m 0
+ 279 69 176 -103 45 -216 c 1
+ 17 -182 l 1
+ 47 -147 164 -13 164 251 c 0
+ 164 515 49 649 17 685 c 1
+ 47 717 l 1
+ 274 521 279 296 279 251 c 0
+Validated: 3585
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'case' Versalformen 1"
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" parenright.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" parenright.superior
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: asterisk
+Encoding: 42 42 7
+Width: 433
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: 571 69<77.0607 155.725 271.439 350.068>
+VStem: 114 99<486.481 523.5> 173 78<621.002 713.184>
+LayerCount: 2
+197 566 m 1xc0
+ 184 568 171 573 156 571 c 0
+ 111 563 75 563 75 608 c 0
+ 75 622 84 640 108 640 c 0
+ 142 640 159 607 203 588 c 1
+ 199 628 173 653 173 679 c 0
+ 173 700 193 718 211 718 c 0
+ 229 718 251 707 251 683 c 0xa0
+ 251 656 228 618 226 588 c 1
+ 271 607 282 642 315 642 c 0
+ 346 642 354 618 354 608 c 0
+ 354 578 320 568 285 568 c 0
+ 266 568 249 568 231 565 c 1
+ 265 529 316 531 316 480 c 0
+ 316 462 298 451 284 451 c 0
+ 235 451 238 513 213 552 c 1
+ 188 507 202 451 143 451 c 0
+ 126 451 114 464 114 479 c 0
+ 114 533 164 528 197 566 c 1xc0
+Validated: 8391713
+StartChar: plus
+Encoding: 43 43 8
+Width: 537
+Flags: W
+HStem: 195 74<61 232 306 477> 413 20G<232 306>
+VStem: 232 74<32 195 269 433>
+LayerCount: 2
+306 269 m 1
+ 477 269 l 1
+ 477 195 l 1
+ 306 195 l 1
+ 306 32 l 1
+ 232 32 l 1
+ 232 195 l 1
+ 61 195 l 1
+ 61 269 l 1
+ 232 269 l 1
+ 232 433 l 1
+ 306 433 l 1
+ 306 269 l 1
+Validated: 3585
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" plus.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" plus.superior
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" plus.superior plus.inferior uni2098
+StartChar: slash
+Encoding: 47 47 9
+Width: 316
+Flags: W
+VStem: 2 300
+LayerCount: 2
+302 682 m 1
+ 65 -21 l 1
+ 2 -21 l 1
+ 239 682 l 1
+ 302 682 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "LinLibertine-'frac' Brueche 1" uni2215
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" uni2215
+StartChar: one
+Encoding: 49 49 10
+Width: 514
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 34<128.617 207.874 396.126 475.383> 464 21G<107 141> 590 20G<353 362.5>
+VStem: 237 130<54.7283 488.997>
+LayerCount: 2
+367 122 m 2
+ 367 39 415 35 470 32 c 1
+ 480 26 480 4 470 -2 c 1
+ 388 -1 343 0 303 0 c 0
+ 263 0 134 -2 134 -2 c 1
+ 124 4 124 26 134 32 c 1
+ 189 35 237 39 237 122 c 2
+ 237 435 l 2
+ 237 485 231 489 218 489 c 0
+ 204 489 168 487 114 464 c 1
+ 100 474 92.8 490.4 92 507 c 1
+ 179 543 247 567 308 595 c 0
+ 331 606 348 610 358 610 c 0
+ 367 610 375 606 375 593 c 2
+ 375 593 367 536 367 483 c 2
+ 367 122 l 2
+Validated: 527905
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'onum' Minuskelziffern 1" one.taboldstyle
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'pnum' Proportionalziffern 1" one.fitted
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" one.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" one.superior
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" one.oldstyle one.superior one.fitted
+StartChar: two
+Encoding: 50 50 11
+Width: 514
+Flags: W
+HStem: 0 79<189 374.152> 569 41<188.046 284.244>
+VStem: 50 106<433.121 518.364> 325 128<362.149 526.844> 415 45<125.321 166.906>
+LayerCount: 2
+50 454 m 0xf0
+ 50 516 119 610 262 610 c 0
+ 321.3 610 374.4 590.4 410 556.4 c 0
+ 438.7 529 453 492.3 453 449 c 0xf0
+ 453 355.9 413.2 331.5 294 222 c 2
+ 235.2 168 l 2
+ 202.3 137.8 192 111 189 79 c 1
+ 319 79 l 2
+ 364 79 393 106 415 174 c 1
+ 438 174 447 170 460 164 c 1xe8
+ 453 107 441 38 429 0 c 1
+ 43 0 l 1
+ 39 32 l 1
+ 42 59 59.1 86.9 183 205 c 2
+ 268 286 l 2
+ 320.8 336.3 325 379 325 446 c 0
+ 325 481 313.8 514.7 298.6 534 c 0
+ 280.4 557.1 260 569 239 569 c 0
+ 190.8 569 156 523 156 500 c 0
+ 156 489 159 481 162 474 c 0
+ 165 465 167 458 167 453 c 0
+ 167 422 138 400 109 400 c 0
+ 73 400 50 429 50 454 c 0xf0
+Validated: 8916481
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'onum' Minuskelziffern 1" two.taboldstyle
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'pnum' Proportionalziffern 1" two.fitted
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" two.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" two.superior
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" two.oldstyle two.superior two.fitted
+StartChar: three
+Encoding: 51 51 12
+Width: 514
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 42<179.66 290.732> 299 40<157.581 212.299> 568 42<181.595 297.236>
+VStem: 61 100<460.229 539.292> 310.9 118.1<429.852 555.451> 338 129<128.207 260.312>
+LayerCount: 2
+248 568 m 0xf8
+ 214 568 172.4 564.9 161 504 c 0
+ 155 472 143 449 99 449 c 0
+ 66 449 61 472 61 486 c 0
+ 61 499 67.5 526.3 89 546 c 0
+ 120.6 575 162.6 610 267 610 c 0
+ 405 610 429 543 429 499 c 0xf8
+ 429 460 410.8 429.4 386.6 402 c 0
+ 371.6 385 351.6 371 336 363 c 1
+ 420 357 467 294 467 222 c 0
+ 467 165 446 119 416 83 c 0
+ 366 23 286 -10 217 -10 c 0
+ 168 -10 115 3 79 21 c 0
+ 57 32 46 47 46 68 c 0
+ 46 85 64 111 95 111 c 0
+ 132 111 149 89 160 74 c 0
+ 173 57 194 32 233 32 c 0
+ 270 32 338 57 338 172 c 0xf4
+ 338 292 265 307 213 307 c 0
+ 198 307 186 305 165 299 c 1
+ 159 306 157 318 157 328 c 0
+ 157 332 157 335 158 339 c 1
+ 250.5 359.9 310.9 421 310.9 497.1 c 0
+ 310.9 543.7 290.2 568 248 568 c 0xf8
+Validated: 8916481
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'onum' Minuskelziffern 1" three.taboldstyle
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'pnum' Proportionalziffern 1" three.fitted
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" three.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" three.superior
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" three.oldstyle three.superior three.fitted
+StartChar: four
+Encoding: 52 52 13
+Width: 514
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 34<162.617 236.64 409.36 483.383> 162 47<77.76 261 385 495.734> 590 20G<256.75 385>
+VStem: 261 124<50.5764 162 209 501>
+LayerCount: 2
+261 501 m 1
+ 208 429 127 292.5 77 209 c 1
+ 261 209 l 1
+ 261 501 l 1
+483 209 m 2
+ 494 209 498 203 498 193 c 0
+ 498 181 483 162 469 162 c 2
+ 385 162 l 1
+ 385 122 l 2
+ 385 39 423 35 478 32 c 1
+ 488 26 488 4 478 -2 c 1
+ 396 -1 364 0 324 0 c 0
+ 284 0 168 -2 168 -2 c 1
+ 158 4 158 26 168 32 c 1
+ 223 35 261 39 261 122 c 2
+ 261 162 l 1
+ 84 162 l 2
+ 60 162 56 164 51 169 c 2
+ 36 187 l 1
+ 30 198 22 206 22 210 c 0
+ 22 213 26.6 219.5 29 223 c 0
+ 111.5 346.5 218.5 519 295 610 c 1
+ 385 610 l 1
+ 385 209 l 1
+ 483 209 l 2
+Validated: 527905
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'onum' Minuskelziffern 1" four.taboldstyle
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'pnum' Proportionalziffern 1" four.fitted
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" four.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" four.superior
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" four.oldstyle four.superior four.fitted
+StartChar: five
+Encoding: 53 53 14
+Width: 514
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 44<195.952 282.394> 338 56<151.952 286.102> 508 92<169.148 424.888> 514 99<166.618 254.085 258.796 313.01 316.675 430>
+VStem: 323 136<118.328 295.998>
+LayerCount: 2
+323 188 m 0xe8
+ 323 288 287 338 240 338 c 0
+ 190 338 172 331 99 304 c 1
+ 86.2 312 l 1
+ 126 610 l 1
+ 183 606 215 600 256 600 c 0xe8
+ 316 600 353 606 426 613 c 1xd8
+ 449 600 l 1xe8
+ 430 514 l 1xd8
+ 369 510 351 508 315 508 c 0
+ 273 508 202 510 170 513 c 1
+ 164 481 158 433 151 381 c 1
+ 175 387 238 394 269 394 c 0
+ 387 394 459 319 459 219 c 0
+ 459 99 372 -10 239 -10 c 0
+ 191.2 -10 130.7 -2.5 92 18 c 0
+ 66.8 31.3 52 53.6 52 71 c 0
+ 52 93 67 118 103 118 c 0
+ 140 118 165 99 178 79 c 0
+ 194 54 213 34 233 34 c 0
+ 288 34 323 90 323 188 c 0xe8
+Validated: 8916481
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'onum' Minuskelziffern 1" five.taboldstyle
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'pnum' Proportionalziffern 1" five.fitted
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" five.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" five.superior
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" five.oldstyle five.superior five.fitted
+StartChar: six
+Encoding: 54 54 15
+Width: 514
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 39<224.347 310.843> 315 50<204.23 295.746> 569 41<339.203 447.966>
+VStem: 44 126<115.719 300.126> 343 134<109.663 262.764>
+LayerCount: 2
+171 289 m 1
+ 170 278 170 253 170 242 c 0
+ 170 68 225 29 275 29 c 0
+ 311 29 343 78 343 186 c 0
+ 343 245.5 303 315 245 315 c 0
+ 227 315 209.5 312.5 171 289 c 1
+450 569 m 1
+ 393 566 324 557 265 509 c 0
+ 217.9 470.7 184 402.5 176.5 330.5 c 1
+ 212.5 349.5 255 362 279 365 c 1
+ 442.5 361.5 477 253 477 204 c 0
+ 477 115.5 419 -10 263 -10 c 0
+ 162 -10 44 32 44 246 c 0
+ 44 342 75.7 447.2 152 513 c 0
+ 228 578.5 303 605.5 444 610 c 1
+ 451.8 600.4 453.1 581.2 450 569 c 1
+Validated: 527905
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'onum' Minuskelziffern 1" six.taboldstyle
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'pnum' Proportionalziffern 1" six.fitted
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" six.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" six.superior
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" six.oldstyle six.superior six.fitted
+StartChar: seven
+Encoding: 55 55 16
+Width: 514
+Flags: W
+HStem: -12 21G<121 229> 498 102<126.882 378.9>
+VStem: 60 35<413.4 453.601>
+LayerCount: 2
+184 498 m 2
+ 151 498 117 491 95 411 c 1
+ 60 414 l 1
+ 68 466 79 563 80 611 c 0
+ 80 614 81 614 84 614 c 0
+ 102 610 104 600 138 600 c 2
+ 473 600 l 1
+ 479 591 l 1
+ 350 319 296 169 229 -2 c 1
+ 127 -12 l 1
+ 121 0 l 1
+ 199 143.8 312.8 361.9 378.9 498 c 1
+ 184 498 l 2
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'onum' Minuskelziffern 1" seven.taboldstyle
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'pnum' Proportionalziffern 1" seven.fitted
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" seven.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" seven.superior
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" seven.oldstyle seven.superior seven.fitted
+StartChar: nine
+Encoding: 57 57 17
+Width: 514
+VWidth: 487
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 41<74.0338 182.797> 235 50<226.254 317.77> 571 39<211.157 297.653>
+VStem: 45 134<337.236 490.337> 352 126<299.874 484.281>
+LayerCount: 2
+351 311 m 1
+ 352 322 352 347 352 358 c 0
+ 352 532 297 571 247 571 c 0
+ 211 571 179 522 179 414 c 0
+ 179 354.5 219 285 277 285 c 0
+ 295 285 312.5 287.5 351 311 c 1
+72 31 m 1
+ 129 34 198 43 257 91 c 0
+ 304.1 129.3 338 197.5 345.5 269.5 c 1
+ 309.5 250.5 267 238 243 235 c 1
+ 79.5 238.5 45 347 45 396 c 0
+ 45 484.5 103 610 259 610 c 0
+ 360 610 478 568 478 354 c 0
+ 478 258 446.3 152.8 370 87 c 0
+ 294 21.5 219 -5.5 78 -10 c 1
+ 70.2 -0.4 68.9 18.8 72 31 c 1
+Validated: 527905
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'onum' Minuskelziffern 1" nine.taboldstyle
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'pnum' Proportionalziffern 1" nine.fitted
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" nine.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" nine.superior
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" nine.oldstyle nine.superior nine.fitted
+StartChar: colon
+Encoding: 58 58 18
+Width: 256
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: 0 139<82 185> 295 139<82 185>
+VStem: 60 146<21.9591 116.904 316.959 411.904>
+LayerCount: 2
+60 363 m 0
+ 60 402 94 434 134 434 c 0
+ 174 434 206 404 206 365 c 0
+ 206 327 172 295 132 295 c 0
+ 92 295 60 325 60 363 c 0
+60 68 m 0
+ 60 107 94 139 134 139 c 0
+ 174 139 206 109 206 70 c 0
+ 206 32 172 0 132 0 c 0
+ 92 0 60 30 60 68 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: less
+Encoding: 60 60 19
+Width: 512
+Flags: W
+LayerCount: 2
+153 240 m 1
+ 471 124 l 1
+ 471 62 l 1
+ 42 218 l 1
+ 42 262 l 1
+ 471 418 l 1
+ 471 356 l 1
+ 153 240 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: equal
+Encoding: 61 61 20
+Width: 551
+Flags: W
+HStem: 142 56<59 493> 266 57<59 493>
+LayerCount: 2
+493 198 m 1
+ 493 142 l 1
+ 59 142 l 1
+ 59 198 l 1
+ 493 198 l 1
+493 323 m 1
+ 493 266 l 1
+ 59 266 l 1
+ 59 323 l 1
+ 493 323 l 1
+Validated: 3585
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" equal.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" equal.superior
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" equal.superior
+StartChar: greater
+Encoding: 62 62 21
+Width: 512
+Flags: W
+LayerCount: 2
+359 238 m 1
+ 42 354 l 1
+ 42 416 l 1
+ 471 259 l 1
+ 471 215 l 1
+ 42 60 l 1
+ 42 122 l 1
+ 359 238 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: question
+Encoding: 63 63 22
+Width: 430
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 139<143 246> 475 21G<71 98> 622 36<147.137 252.301>
+VStem: 26 101<502.614 588.742> 121 146<11.9591 106.904> 160 65<182.871 308> 286 115<434.339 583.679>
+LayerCount: 2
+127 570 m 0xf6
+ 127 549 136 543 136 516 c 0
+ 136 491 113 475 83 475 c 0
+ 59 475 26 495 26 533 c 0
+ 26 568 45 591 79 619 c 0
+ 109 644 155 658 216 658 c 0
+ 330 658 401 597 401 505 c 0
+ 401 431 338 385 288 348 c 0
+ 260 328 225 301 225 229 c 2
+ 225 216 l 2
+ 225 191 220.5 182 192 182 c 0
+ 165.5 182 160 194 160 216 c 2
+ 160 231 l 2
+ 160 272 160 329 231 394 c 0
+ 266 425 286 462 286 512 c 0
+ 286 570 262.1 622 206 622 c 0
+ 162 622 127 598 127 570 c 0xf6
+121 58 m 0xea
+ 121 97 155 129 195 129 c 0
+ 235 129 267 99 267 60 c 0
+ 267 22 233 -10 193 -10 c 0
+ 153 -10 121 20 121 58 c 0xea
+Validated: 8915969
+StartChar: at
+Encoding: 64 64 23
+Width: 988
+Flags: HMW
+HStem: -160 39<407.274 632.859> 24 42<411.003 490.994 622.002 711.275> 381 34<502.903 579.761> 584 37<401.936 597.238>
+VStem: 92 94<102.389 345.27> 297 117<85.0796 246.981> 805 85<185.855 389.903>
+DStem2: 557 193 653 146 0.227108 0.97387<-90.6812 129.136>
+LayerCount: 2
+586 320 m 0
+ 586 355 582 381 557 381 c 0
+ 543 381 511 381 476 343 c 0
+ 431 295 414 227 414 164 c 0
+ 414 117 423 72 470 72 c 0
+ 500 72 530 107 557 193 c 0
+ 567 226 586 296 586 320 c 0
+640 80 m 0
+ 640 67 647 66 658 66 c 0
+ 695 66 805 129 805 273 c 0
+ 805 494 621 584 504 584 c 0
+ 349 584 186 459 186 228 c 0
+ 186 80 277 -121 521 -121 c 0
+ 598 -121 669 -97 731 -46 c 1
+ 752 -75 l 1
+ 688 -124 625 -160 502 -160 c 0
+ 265 -160 92 -7 92 221 c 0
+ 92 428 260 621 513 621 c 0
+ 739 621 890 476 890 287 c 0
+ 890 147 772 24 638 24 c 0
+ 606 24 573 27 560 39 c 0
+ 545.4 52.5 540 67 540 86 c 1
+ 507 44 458 26 434 26 c 0
+ 388.2 26 358.4 34.7 336 54 c 0
+ 307 79 297 122 297 158 c 0
+ 297 286 439 415 554 415 c 0
+ 602 415 631 398 648 377 c 1
+ 685 410 l 1
+ 712 399 l 1
+ 653 146 l 2
+ 647 120 640 91 640 80 c 0
+Validated: 527361
+StartChar: A
+Encoding: 65 65 24
+Width: 740
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 34<3.77002 69.5792 168.001 237.23 421.77 500.038 664.85 733.23> 235 48<250.562 425> 638 20G<426.5 441.203>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 308 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 116 5 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 354 850 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+273 283 m 2
+ 425 283 l 1
+ 343.1 520 l 1
+ 336.2 520 l 1
+ 247.8 296.3 l 2
+ 244 286 251 283 273 283 c 2
+165 79 m 2
+ 149 38 196.4 34.6 234 32 c 1
+ 240 26 240 4 234 -2 c 1
+ 197 -1 142 0 101 0 c 0
+ 62 0 44 -1 7 -2 c 1
+ 1 4 1 26 7 32 c 1
+ 50.5 35 81 40 107 102 c 2
+ 323.8 614 l 1
+ 359 614 419 649 434 658 c 1
+ 640 86 l 2
+ 658 35 691.2 35.5 730 32 c 1
+ 736 26 736 4 730 -2 c 1
+ 693 -1 637 0 596 0 c 0
+ 557 0 462 -1 425 -2 c 1
+ 419 4 419 26 425 32 c 1
+ 472.6 35.4 513 31 499 72 c 2
+ 443 235 l 1
+ 253 235 l 2
+ 229 235 223 231 218 218 c 2
+ 165 79 l 2
+Validated: 527905
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+StartChar: B
+Encoding: 66 66 25
+Width: 654
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 42<245.223 398.568> -2 34<13.6167 82.4056> 334 42<242 372.404> 605 42<245.143 375.475> 613 34<13.6167 82.4056>
+VStem: 102 140<47 334 376 598> 414 140<424.816 568.13> 461 147<100.315 274.622>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 268 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 250 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 146 185 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 267 850 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+242 562 m 2x36
+ 242 376 l 1
+ 298 376 l 2
+ 369 376 414 409 414 489 c 0
+ 414 587 358 605 312 605 c 0
+ 247 605 242 591 242 562 c 2x36
+242 334 m 1
+ 242 84 l 2
+ 242 55 248 40 308 40 c 0
+ 440 40 461 127 461 187 c 0xa5
+ 461 273 416 334 313 334 c 2
+ 242 334 l 1
+173 645 m 0
+ 204.7 645 265 647 315 647 c 0
+ 516.8 647 554 560 554 491 c 0x36
+ 554 440 512 385 458 361 c 1
+ 458 359 l 1
+ 564 331 608 274 608 186 c 0
+ 608 84 542 -2 337 -2 c 0xb5
+ 277 -2 213 0 173 0 c 0
+ 133 0 19 -2 19 -2 c 1
+ 9 4 9 26 19 32 c 1
+ 74 35 102 39 102 122 c 2
+ 102 523 l 2
+ 102 606 74 610 19 613 c 1
+ 9 619 9 641 19 647 c 1x6d
+ 19 647 133 645 173 645 c 0
+Validated: 8916513
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+StartChar: C
+Encoding: 67 67 26
+Width: 706
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 52<319.411 502.57> 617 41<313.904 488.187>
+VStem: 37 151<207.876 440.347> 596 43<455.192 507.556>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 363 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 356 -7 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+397 -10 m 0
+ 300 -10 222 7 158 53 c 0
+ 77.8 110.7 37 221.1 37 315 c 0
+ 37 535.2 202 658 398 658 c 0
+ 521 658 566 618 617 613 c 1
+ 626 558 634 510 639 458 c 1
+ 627.7 452 608 449 596 453 c 1
+ 570 539 525 617 387 617 c 0
+ 268 617 188 489.4 188 334 c 0
+ 188 178 280 42 396 42 c 0
+ 466 42 547 68 618 146 c 1
+ 629 146 646 134 651 125 c 1
+ 583 36 494 -10 397 -10 c 0
+Validated: 527905
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+StartChar: D
+Encoding: 68 68 27
+Width: 734
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 42<269.234 426.584> -2 34<25.6167 94.4056> 604 42<268.527 415.668> 613 34<25.6167 94.4056>
+VStem: 114 140<54.7283 590.272> 535 151<175.935 431.978>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 279 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 279 4 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 346 315 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 306 850 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 619 732 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+254 119 m 2xac
+ 254 52 280 40 350 40 c 0
+ 426 40 535 102 535 284 c 0
+ 535 435 513 604 316 604 c 0
+ 280 604 254 584 254 529 c 2
+ 254 119 l 2xac
+185 0 m 0
+ 145 0 31 -2 31 -2 c 1
+ 21 4 21 26 31 32 c 1
+ 86 35 114 39 114 122 c 2
+ 114 523 l 2
+ 114 606 86 610 31 613 c 1
+ 21 619 21 641 31 647 c 1x5c
+ 31 647 145 645 185 645 c 0
+ 225 645 267 646 320 646 c 0
+ 566 646 686 494 686 309 c 0
+ 686 207.4 653 124 605 82 c 0
+ 534.3 20.2 434.5 -2 347 -2 c 0
+ 307 -2 225 0 185 0 c 0
+Validated: 8916513
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+StartChar: E
+Encoding: 69 69 28
+Width: 609
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: HMW
+HStem: -2 34<11.77 85.9433> 0 42<249.172 454.205> 319 46<242 399.554> 603 42<249.747 438.219> 613 34<12.2578 85.9433>
+VStem: 102 140<48.1312 319 365 596.345> 414 43<252.086 303.875 376.375 431.914> 525 45<116.761 167.944>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 284 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 284 4 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 278 850 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 524 732 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+323 365 m 2x37
+ 390 365 411 374 414 429 c 1
+ 420 435 451 435 457 429 c 1
+ 456 399 455 376.5 455 343 c 0
+ 455 308.7 456 290 457 255 c 1
+ 451 249 420 249 414 255 c 1
+ 411 300 392 319 323 319 c 2
+ 242 319 l 1
+ 242 90 l 2
+ 242 63 261 42 283 42 c 2
+ 384 42 l 2x77
+ 460 42 505 98 525 170 c 1
+ 538.1 173.2 559.6 170.9 570 165 c 1
+ 562 114 557 48 543 -2 c 1xa7
+ 543 -2 453 0 405 0 c 2
+ 170 0 l 1x67
+ 170 0 64 -1 15 -2 c 1
+ 9 4 9 26 15 32 c 1
+ 85 35 102 39 102 122 c 2
+ 102 522 l 2
+ 102 605 85 610 15 613 c 1
+ 9 619 9 641 15 647 c 1xaf
+ 65 646 169 645 169 645 c 1
+ 464 645 l 2
+ 488 645 496 646 513 649 c 0
+ 516 649 517 648 517 646 c 0
+ 519 638 524 542 529 501 c 1
+ 519.2 496.3 498.4 494.2 486 496 c 1
+ 464 565 443 603 368 603 c 2
+ 283 603 l 2
+ 259 603 242 578 242 554 c 2
+ 242 365 l 1
+ 323 365 l 2x37
+Validated: 8916513
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+StartChar: F
+Encoding: 70 70 29
+Width: 545
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 34<13.6167 82.4056 266.36 340.383> 299 46<242 399.554> 603 42<249.747 443.163> 613 34<12.2578 85.9433>
+VStem: 102 140<50.5764 299 345 596.345> 414 43<232.086 283.875 356.375 411.914> 496 35<493.302 535.012>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 206 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 150 -1 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 281 850 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 504 732 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+242 122 m 2xee
+ 242 39 280 35 335 32 c 1
+ 345 26 345 4 335 -2 c 1
+ 295 -1 213 0 173 0 c 0
+ 133 0 59 -1 19 -2 c 1
+ 9 4 9 26 19 32 c 1
+ 74 35 102 39 102 122 c 2
+ 102 522 l 2
+ 102 605 85 610 15 613 c 1
+ 9 619 9 641 15 647 c 1xde
+ 65 646 169 645 169 645 c 1
+ 466 645 l 2
+ 490 645 498 646 515 649 c 0
+ 518 649 518.7 648 519 646 c 0
+ 520.3 637.7 528.3 539.7 531 496 c 1
+ 521.2 491.3 508.4 489.2 496 491 c 1
+ 474 560 448 603 373 603 c 2
+ 283 603 l 2
+ 259 603 242 578 242 554 c 2
+ 242 345 l 1
+ 323 345 l 2
+ 390 345 411 354 414 409 c 1
+ 420 415 451 415 457 409 c 1
+ 455.5 380 455 345.5 455 323 c 0
+ 455 300 455 270 457 235 c 1
+ 451 229 420 229 414 235 c 1
+ 411 280 392 299 323 299 c 2
+ 242 299 l 1
+ 242 122 l 2xee
+Validated: 8916513
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+StartChar: G
+Encoding: 71 71 30
+Width: 732
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 42<316.533 488.572> 271 37<432.77 504.783 660.223 700.23> 616 42<296.386 484.632>
+VStem: 33 151<189.05 437.31> 514 140<78.4212 261.096> 602 44<456.261 503.722>
+AnchorPoint: "komb_OR" 620 606 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 367 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 367 2 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 308 335 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 365 850 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 631 732 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+395 658 m 0xf8
+ 519.5 658 572.5 623 625 623 c 1
+ 632 551 637 501 646 459 c 1
+ 634 453 618 451 602 453 c 1xf4
+ 577 539 510.5 616 381 616 c 0
+ 328 616 273 595 234 542 c 0
+ 197 491 184 413 184 327 c 0
+ 184 195 238 32 407 32 c 0
+ 458 32 482 42 514 74 c 1
+ 514 223 l 2
+ 514 263 488 267 436 271 c 1
+ 430 277 430 302 436 308 c 1
+ 481 307 547 306 584 306 c 0
+ 622 306 669 307 697 308 c 1
+ 703 302 703 277 697 271 c 1
+ 669 268 654 258 654 223 c 2
+ 654 106 l 2
+ 654 95 659 87 669 78 c 1
+ 605 24 497 -10 385 -10 c 0
+ 280 -10 201 12 138 66 c 0
+ 69 124 33 217 33 307 c 0
+ 33 415 72 505 139 565 c 0
+ 208 627 297 658 395 658 c 0xf8
+Validated: 8916513
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+StartChar: grave
+Encoding: 96 96 31
+Width: 392
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: 508 166
+VStem: 103 173
+LayerCount: 2
+198 674 m 1
+ 267 550 l 2
+ 271 543 276 532 276 524 c 0
+ 276 515 268 508 259 508 c 0
+ 251 508 241 513 224 528 c 2
+ 103 633 l 1
+ 105 644 l 1
+ 113 653 142 676 178 676 c 0
+ 183 676 194 675 198 674 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: space
+Encoding: 32 32 32
+Width: 250
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+LayerCount: 2
+Colour: ffff
+StartChar: ampersand
+Encoding: 38 38 33
+Width: 729
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 61<550.172 644.504> -10 52<209.495 335.32> 402 34<506.77 548.272 654.134 707.23> 616 42<278.386 363.579>
+VStem: 39 128<86.3938 223.202> 151 107<466.351 572.742> 383 102<471.914 598.092>
+LayerCount: 2
+236.2 317.1 m 1x7a
+ 174.6 265.6 167 218.3 167 170 c 0
+ 167 87.9 215 42 256 42 c 0
+ 304.8 42 340.8 52.8 385.4 100.9 c 1
+ 338.3 163.7 262.5 276.5 236.2 317.1 c 1x7a
+601.4 324 m 0
+ 579.5 287 530 212 485.3 156.3 c 1
+ 513.3 111.3 551 51 601 51 c 0
+ 633.3 51 660.3 72.3 681 97.3 c 1
+ 691 97.3 698.7 76.3 699 61 c 1
+ 661 10 611 -10 566 -10 c 0xb6
+ 510 -10 465.6 -0.900002 415.8 66.1 c 1
+ 373.3 23.8 311.4 -10 232 -10 c 0
+ 117.5 -10 39 27.8 39 144 c 0x7a
+ 39 212.9 80.5 284.7 214.5 349.5 c 1
+ 170.6 411.3 151 444.9 151 491 c 0x76
+ 151 520.5 160 565 192 600 c 0
+ 222.7 633.6 276.7 658 342 658 c 0
+ 434 658 485 597 485 547 c 0
+ 485 466.3 421 410.3 335 376 c 1
+ 339 371 l 1
+ 355 343 453.1 207 453.1 207 c 2
+ 457.7 200.6 464.2 201 468 205.5 c 0
+ 503.2 247.1 523.5 282 544.3 326.3 c 0
+ 557.8 355.1 568 397.5 510 402 c 1
+ 504 408 504 430 510 436 c 1
+ 537 435 574 434 611 434 c 0
+ 633 434 682 435 704 436 c 1
+ 710 430 710 408 704 402 c 1
+ 652.5 396 627.5 368.1 601.4 324 c 0
+258 536 m 0
+ 258 505.3 281 457 307 419 c 1
+ 312 413 l 1
+ 353.7 446 383 500 383 537 c 0
+ 383 580 358.3 616 324 616 c 0
+ 282.5 616 258 581.8 258 536 c 0
+Validated: 8916513
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'salt' Stilistische Alternativformen 1" ampersand.alt
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1" ampersand.alt
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1" ampersand.alt
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" ampersand.alt
+StartChar: quotesingle
+Encoding: 39 39 34
+Width: 215
+Flags: W
+HStem: 411 234
+VStem: 51 110<492.66 631.224>
+LayerCount: 2
+98 411 m 1
+ 83 415 l 1
+ 83 415 51 585 51 591 c 0
+ 51 614 73 645 116 645 c 0
+ 158 645 161 626 161 608 c 0
+ 161 593 124 417 124 417 c 1
+ 98 411 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: comma
+Encoding: 44 44 35
+Width: 244
+Flags: W
+HStem: -167 31<29.202 58.7959> 6 121<72.019 121.794>
+VStem: 125 74<-63.7638 45>
+LayerCount: 2
+112 127 m 0
+ 165.5 127 199 86 199 4 c 0
+ 199 -31 173.3 -79.7 145 -108 c 0
+ 116.5 -136.5 72.9 -160.7 36 -167 c 1
+ 24.9 -159.5 23.8 -148.8 29 -136 c 1
+ 74 -124 125 -53.5 125 -27 c 0
+ 125 -5 102.3 2.7 89 6 c 0
+ 69.7 10.8 49 39 49 64 c 0
+ 49 86.5 86 127 112 127 c 0
+Validated: 527393
+StartChar: hyphen
+Encoding: 45 45 36
+Width: 358
+Flags: W
+HStem: 215 79<54.2307 303.146>
+VStem: 38 282<231.01 279.106>
+LayerCount: 2
+273 215 m 2
+ 75 215 l 2
+ 51 215 38 225 38 236 c 0
+ 38 253 63 294 84 294 c 2
+ 284 294 l 2
+ 312 294 320 284 320 273 c 0
+ 320 260 296 215 273 215 c 2
+Validated: 3585
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'case' Versalformen 1" hyphen.cap
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: period
+Encoding: 46 46 37
+Width: 244
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 139<71 174>
+VStem: 49 146<11.9591 106.904>
+LayerCount: 2
+49 58 m 0
+ 49 97 83 129 123 129 c 0
+ 163 129 195 99 195 60 c 0
+ 195 22 161 -10 121 -10 c 0
+ 81 -10 49 20 49 58 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: zero
+Encoding: 48 48 38
+Width: 514
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 42<215.473 293.556> 568 42<218.617 294.937>
+VStem: 30 143<159.444 439.338> 342 142<157.869 454.868>
+LayerCount: 2
+260 568 m 0
+ 220 568 173 530 173 287 c 0
+ 173 202 173.6 32 256 32 c 0
+ 296.4 32 342 86.8 342 327 c 0
+ 342 503.8 298.8 568 260 568 c 0
+255 -10 m 0
+ 109 -10 30 134 30 298 c 0
+ 30 498 131 610 260 610 c 0
+ 360.7 610 484 542.7 484 307 c 0
+ 484 69 354 -10 255 -10 c 0
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'zero' gestrichene Null 1" zero.slash
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'onum' Minuskelziffern 1" zero.taboldstyle
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'pnum' Proportionalziffern 1" zero.fitted
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" zero.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" zero.superior
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" zero.oldstyle zero.fitted zero.slash zero.slashfitted perthousandzero
+StartChar: I
+Encoding: 73 73 39
+Width: 367
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 34<25.6167 94.4056 273.594 342.383> 613 34<25.6167 94.4056 273.594 342.383>
+VStem: 114 140<47 598>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 147 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 147 1 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 148 325 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 150 850 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+114 523 m 2
+ 114 606 86 610 31 613 c 1
+ 21 619 21 641 31 647 c 1
+ 71 646 145 645 185 645 c 0
+ 225 645 297 646 337 647 c 1
+ 347 641 347 619 337 613 c 1
+ 282 610 254 606 254 523 c 2
+ 254 122 l 2
+ 254 39 282 35 337 32 c 1
+ 347 26 347 4 337 -2 c 1
+ 297 -1 225 0 185 0 c 0
+ 145 0 71 -1 31 -2 c 1
+ 21 4 21 26 31 32 c 1
+ 86 35 114 39 114 122 c 2
+ 114 523 l 2
+Validated: 3617
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=6 dv=0
+StartChar: J
+Encoding: 74 74 40
+Width: 373
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -187 59<13.5 122.696> 613 34<40.77 123.807 295.92 361.23>
+VStem: 141 140<-22.2492 599.635>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 186 315 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 182 850 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+281 522 m 2
+ 281 103 l 2
+ 281 -40 223 -92 179 -129 c 0
+ 138 -164 87 -187 28 -187 c 0
+ -1 -187 -70 -163 -70 -116 c 0
+ -70 -87 -30 -60 -12 -60 c 0
+ 28 -60 33 -88 46 -105 c 0
+ 56 -118 74 -128 92 -128 c 0
+ 135 -128 141 -99 141 81 c 2
+ 141 522 l 2
+ 141 605 124 610 44 613 c 1
+ 38 619 38 641 44 647 c 1
+ 94 646 145 645 210 645 c 0
+ 268 645 309 646 358 647 c 1
+ 364 641 364 619 358 613 c 1
+ 298 610 281 605 281 522 c 2
+Validated: 3617
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+StartChar: K
+Encoding: 75 75 41
+Width: 736
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 34<19.6167 88.4056 267.594 336.383 676.02 729.23> 613 34<19.6167 88.4056 267.594 336.383 472.77 516.655 644.513 697.23>
+VStem: 108 140<47 318.3 341.9 598>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 336 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 142 -1 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 330 850 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 643 732 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+108 523 m 2
+ 108 606 80 610 25 613 c 1
+ 15 619 15 641 25 647 c 1
+ 65 646 139 645 179 645 c 0
+ 219 645 291 646 331 647 c 1
+ 341 641 341 619 331 613 c 1
+ 276 610 248 606 248 523 c 2
+ 248 341.9 l 1
+ 281.1 352.6 308.8 372.1 374 430 c 2
+ 374 430 449.9 493.1 481.1 525 c 0
+ 531 576 534.9 607.4 476 613 c 1
+ 470 619 470 641 476 647 c 1
+ 513.5 646 559 645 599 645 c 0
+ 633.5 645 669 646 694 647 c 1
+ 700 641 700 619 694 613 c 1
+ 634.5 604.5 578.6 556.1 520.1 504 c 2
+ 411 407 l 2
+ 400.2 397.4 399 385 399 378 c 0
+ 399 370 411.9 353.3 429 333 c 2
+ 648 74 l 2
+ 673.6 43.7 696 36 726 32 c 1
+ 732 26 732 4 726 -2 c 1
+ 687 -1 647 0 608 0 c 0
+ 578 0 525 -1 505 -2 c 0
+ 501 -2 500.4 1 500 4 c 0
+ 498 20 484 48 464 74 c 2
+ 313 271 l 2
+ 292.7 297.2 278.4 311.1 248 318.3 c 1
+ 248 122 l 2
+ 248 39 276 35 331 32 c 1
+ 341 26 341 4 331 -2 c 1
+ 291 -1 219 0 179 0 c 0
+ 139 0 65 -1 25 -2 c 1
+ 15 4 15 26 25 32 c 1
+ 80 35 108 39 108 122 c 2
+ 108 523 l 2
+Validated: 527905
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+StartChar: L
+Encoding: 76 76 42
+Width: 577
+Flags: HMW
+HStem: -2 34<25.6167 94.4056> 0 42<261.972 438.224> 613 34<25.6167 94.4056 273.594 342.383>
+VStem: 114 140<47 598> 511 43<116.761 167.354>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 260 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 260 1 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 286 315 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 149 850 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 469 732 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+349 42 m 2x78
+ 454 42 491 98 511 170 c 1
+ 523.4 171.8 544.2 169.7 554 165 c 1
+ 548 113 538 48 528 -2 c 1xb8
+ 528 -2 437 0 408 0 c 2
+ 184.8 0 l 2x78
+ 146 0 31 -2 31 -2 c 1
+ 21 4 21 26 31 32 c 1xb8
+ 86 35 114 39 114 122 c 2
+ 114 523 l 2
+ 114 606 86 610 31 613 c 1
+ 21 619 21 641 31 647 c 1
+ 31 647 145 645 185 645 c 0
+ 225 645 255 646 337 647 c 1
+ 347 641 347 619 337 613 c 1
+ 282 610 254 606 254 523 c 2
+ 254 121 l 2
+ 254 61 268 42 289 42 c 2
+ 349 42 l 2x78
+Validated: 8916513
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+StartChar: M
+Encoding: 77 77 43
+Width: 899
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 34<9.1958 59.3776 158.925 210.804 598.196 658.528 812.069 875.804> 613 34<53.77 121.856 775.537 840.23>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 393 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 107 2 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 426 445 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 431 850 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+662.7 116 m 2
+ 637 534 l 1
+ 635 534 l 1
+ 410 5 l 2
+ 406.1 -4.1 397 -8 391 -8 c 0
+ 385 -8 373.8 -2.1 371 5 c 2
+ 174.4 498 l 1
+ 170.2 498 l 1
+ 144 123 l 1
+ 138.6 66.7 144 37 210 32 c 1
+ 216 26 216 4 210 -2 c 1
+ 180 -1 120 0 96 0 c 0
+ 72 0 40 -1 10 -2 c 1
+ 4 4 4 26 10 32 c 1
+ 67 37 79 61.1 84.9 121 c 2
+ 125 533 l 2
+ 132 608 126 609 57 613 c 1
+ 51 619 51 641 57 647 c 1
+ 262 645 l 1
+ 441 201 l 1
+ 446 201 l 1
+ 636 645 l 1
+ 837 647 l 1
+ 843 641 843 619 837 613 c 1
+ 769 609 764 596 768.3 542 c 2
+ 798.1 121 l 2
+ 803.9 38.2 807 35 875 32 c 1
+ 881 26 881 4 875 -2 c 1
+ 841.8 -1 796 0 766 0 c 0
+ 736 0 646 -1 599 -2 c 1
+ 593 4 593 26 599 32 c 1
+ 664 35 667.7 35 662.7 116 c 2
+Validated: 527905
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+StartChar: N
+Encoding: 78 78 44
+Width: 740
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -12 21G<549.618 585.4> -2 34<20.77 89.8593 180.791 251.23> 613 34<28.77 77.2322 485.77 556.209 647.141 716.23>
+VStem: 111 50<48.6827 449.993> 576 50<221.982 596.317>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 348 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 125 -4 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 356 320 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 346 850 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+631 0 m 1x78
+ 612.8 -8.8 603 -12 567.8 -12 c 1xb8
+ 567.8 -12 547.5 7.1 527.8 32 c 2
+ 192.8 430 l 2
+ 182.3 442.5 173.5 450 169 450 c 0
+ 163 450 161 440 161 430 c 2
+ 161 133 l 2
+ 161 42 178 39 248 32 c 1
+ 254 26 254 4 248 -2 c 1
+ 198 -1 179.7 0 136 0 c 0
+ 92.3 0 73 -1 24 -2 c 1
+ 18 4 18 26 24 32 c 1
+ 94 39 111 44 111 133 c 2
+ 111 550 l 1
+ 105 576 75 610 32 613 c 1
+ 26 619 26 641 32 647 c 1
+ 195 645 l 1
+ 284.1 540 l 1
+ 549.4 227.5 l 2
+ 563 211.4 576 205.5 576 231 c 2
+ 576 512 l 2
+ 576 603 559 606 489 613 c 1
+ 483 619 483 641 489 647 c 1
+ 539 646 559.8 645 605 645 c 0
+ 647.1 645 664 646 713 647 c 1
+ 719 641 719 619 713 613 c 1
+ 643 606 626 601 626 512 c 2
+ 626 102 l 2
+ 626 71 631 0 631 0 c 1x78
+Validated: 8916513
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+StartChar: O
+Encoding: 79 79 45
+Width: 730
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 42<307.921 450.94> 616 42<281.331 423.892>
+VStem: 37 151<190.183 438.814> 543 151<199.741 448.97>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 350 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 350 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 346 322 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 335 850 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "komb_OR" 620 606 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+351 616 m 0
+ 261.9 616 188 533 188 329 c 0
+ 188 141 274 32 384 32 c 0
+ 485 32 543 141.9 543 308 c 0
+ 543 511 458 616 351 616 c 0
+694 329 m 0
+ 694 230.9 663.2 148.5 608 89 c 0
+ 550.6 27.1 467 -10 364 -10 c 0
+ 194 -10 37 111 37 309 c 0
+ 37 401.4 66.2 484.2 118.1 546 c 0
+ 176.2 615.3 262.6 658 363 658 c 0
+ 546 658 694 528 694 329 c 0
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+StartChar: P
+Encoding: 80 80 46
+Width: 614
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 34<25.6167 94.4056 273.594 342.383> 277 42<293.121 398.432> 613 41<148.188 389.086> 613 34<25.6167 94.4056>
+VStem: 114 140<47 598> 439 151<383.924 562.033>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 240 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 150 -3 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 286 464 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 277 850 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 509 732 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+346 654 m 0xec
+ 421 654 476 642.8 513 621 c 0
+ 575.1 584.3 590 524.1 590 484 c 0
+ 590 430.9 572.7 366 523 325 c 0
+ 482.8 291.9 421.1 277 333 277 c 0
+ 309 277 312 278 298 280 c 1
+ 284 289 278 303 278 322 c 1
+ 292 320 313 319 328 319 c 0
+ 410 319 439 363 439 467 c 0
+ 439 589 372 613 314 613 c 0xec
+ 261 613 254 592 254 524 c 2
+ 254 122 l 2
+ 254 39 282 35 337 32 c 1
+ 347 26 347 4 337 -2 c 1
+ 297 -1 225 0 185 0 c 0
+ 145 0 71 -1 31 -2 c 1
+ 21 4 21 26 31 32 c 1
+ 86 35 114 39 114 122 c 2
+ 114 523 l 2
+ 114 606 86 610 31 613 c 1
+ 21 619 21 641 31 647 c 1xdc
+ 71 647 306 654 346 654 c 0xec
+Validated: 8916513
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+StartChar: Q
+Encoding: 81 81 47
+Width: 730
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: HMW
+HStem: -229 77<497.196 612.159> -124 64<243.5 323.863> -10 42<307.921 450.939> 616 42<281.337 423.901>
+VStem: 37 151<190.183 438.821> 543 151<199.76 448.97>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 336 324 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 348 850 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "komb_OR" 620 606 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 619 732 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+351 616 m 0
+ 261.9 616 188 533 188 329 c 0
+ 188 141 274 32 384 32 c 0
+ 485 32 543 141.9 543 308 c 0
+ 543 511 458 616 351 616 c 0
+694 329 m 0
+ 694 230.9 663.2 148.5 608 89 c 0
+ 564.5 42 505.8 9.3 435 -3.7 c 1
+ 407.7 -11.1 366.3 -29.8 322.5 -60.2 c 1
+ 324.4 -60.1 326.2 -60 328 -60 c 0
+ 438 -60 509 -152 597 -152 c 0
+ 626 -152 662 -142 684 -115 c 1
+ 701 -137 l 1
+ 662 -193 620 -229 557 -229 c 0
+ 427 -229 364 -124 271 -124 c 0
+ 263.1 -124 248.8 -127.6 234.2 -137.7 c 1
+ 221.5 -151.7 209.4 -166.8 198 -183 c 1
+ 159 -153 l 1
+ 163.7 -145 169.5 -137.3 176.4 -130.1 c 0
+ 212.1 -87.3 267.4 -40.2 327.9 -8.2 c 1
+ 172.4 7.6 37 125.1 37 309 c 0
+ 37 401.4 66.2 484.2 118.1 546 c 0
+ 176.2 615.3 262.6 658 363 658 c 0
+ 546 658 694 528 694 329 c 0
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+StartChar: R
+Encoding: 82 82 48
+Width: 716
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 42<647.495 706.501> -2 34<25.6167 94.4056 273.594 342.383 653.026 708.117> 283 42<254 346.413> 613 41<152.006 405.086> 613 34<25.6167 94.4056>
+VStem: 114 140<47 283 325 596.869> 455 151<399.759 562.033>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 308 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 178 -1 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 319 850 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 559 732 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+455 467 m 0x36
+ 455 589 388 613 330 613 c 0
+ 277 613 254 592 254 524 c 2
+ 254 325 l 1
+ 297 325 l 2
+ 381 325 455 344.4 455 467 c 0x36
+362 654 m 0
+ 437 654 492 642.8 529 621 c 0
+ 591.1 584.3 606 524.1 606 484 c 0
+ 606 382 528 330 474 308 c 1
+ 610 98 l 2
+ 638 56 661 32 706 32 c 1xb6
+ 710 24 710.5 4.9 707 -2 c 1x66
+ 697 -7 645.3 -10 605 -10 c 0xa6
+ 545 -10 504 34 473 79 c 2
+ 356 253 l 1
+ 342 275.8 333.4 282.7 254 283 c 1
+ 254 122 l 2
+ 254 39 282 35 337 32 c 1
+ 347 26 347 4 337 -2 c 1
+ 297 -1 225 0 185 0 c 0
+ 145 0 71 -1 31 -2 c 1
+ 21 4 21 26 31 32 c 1
+ 86 35 114 39 114 122 c 2
+ 114 523 l 2
+ 114 606 86 610 31 613 c 1
+ 21 619 21 641 31 647 c 1x6e
+ 71 647 322 654 362 654 c 0
+Validated: 8916513
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+StartChar: S
+Encoding: 83 83 49
+Width: 504
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: HMW
+HStem: -10 42<162.595 303.607> 617 41<194.051 315.582>
+VStem: 41 125<470.704 560.454> 337 126<101.248 210.04>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 234 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 223.5 2 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 236.1 345 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 231.9 850 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 480.8 732 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+421 631 m 1
+ 428 573 432 532 432 479 c 1
+ 421 470 396 470 382 474 c 1
+ 364 540 336 617 251 617 c 0
+ 199.8 617 166 583 166 527 c 0
+ 166 470 237.3 418.4 277 398 c 0
+ 316 378 372 347.1 411 304 c 0
+ 440.5 271.4 463 236.1 463 184 c 0
+ 463 122.4 430.5 76.3 395 44.5 c 0
+ 353.8 7.6 305.2 -10 244 -10 c 0
+ 105.9 -10 103 10 46 10 c 1
+ 35 47 27 100 27 175 c 1
+ 43 179 60 184 77 178 c 1
+ 97 87 166 32 233 32 c 0
+ 294 32 337 65.8 337 115 c 0
+ 337 171 292 211 246 243 c 0
+ 203.3 272.7 120.4 307.1 74 369 c 0
+ 51.4 399.1 41 446.7 41 485 c 0
+ 41 533.6 68.7 580 106 610 c 0
+ 147.7 643.6 206.6 658 252 658 c 0
+ 345 658 366 639 421 631 c 1
+Validated: 527905
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+StartChar: T
+Encoding: 84 84 50
+Width: 652
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: HMW
+HStem: -2 34<164.77 247.807 422.193 505.23> 604 41<92.255 252.482 417.34 557.54>
+VStem: 3 39<501.917 547.732> 265 140<45.3649 595.442> 607 39<504.917 551.486>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 340 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 333 1 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 507 285 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 307 850 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 619 732 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+405 123 m 2
+ 405 40 422 35 502 32 c 1
+ 508 26 508 4 502 -2 c 1
+ 452 -1 398.9 0 333 0 c 0
+ 268.6 0 217 -1 168 -2 c 1
+ 162 4 162 26 168 32 c 1
+ 248 35 265 40 265 123 c 2
+ 265 506 l 2
+ 265 567 255 604 218 604 c 2
+ 169 604 l 2
+ 103 604 62 579 42 499 c 1
+ 30 499 13 500 3 504 c 1
+ 14 552 24 605 28 650 c 0
+ 28 651 30 653 32 653 c 0
+ 70 650 188 645 265 645 c 2
+ 406 645 l 2
+ 485 645 596 650 630 653 c 0
+ 631 653 633 651 633 650 c 0
+ 634 605 639 553 646 507 c 1
+ 637 503 618 502 607 502 c 1
+ 590 579 548 604 473 604 c 2
+ 451 604 l 2
+ 415 604 405 567 405 503 c 2
+ 405 123 l 2
+Validated: 527905
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+StartChar: U
+Encoding: 85 85 51
+Width: 732
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 42<317.806 491.729> 613 34<6.77002 72.0797 242.899 322.23 485.77 563.312 662.375 726.23>
+VStem: 87 140<124.668 600.619> 581 65<145.386 598.444>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 328 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 388 -6 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 406 321 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 346 850 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+227 522 m 2
+ 227 269 l 2
+ 227 204 229 129 278 82 c 0
+ 308.1 53.1 349 32 397 32 c 0
+ 566 32 581 165 581 277 c 2
+ 581 522 l 2
+ 581 605 564.5 606.5 489 613 c 1
+ 483 619 483 641 489 647 c 1
+ 534.8 646 586.8 645 616 645 c 0
+ 643.8 645 684 646 723 647 c 1
+ 729 641 729 619 723 613 c 1
+ 664 607 646 605 646 522 c 2
+ 646 295 l 2
+ 646 117 581 -10 376 -10 c 0
+ 328.6 -10 236.9 -8.9 174 32 c 0
+ 117.5 68.7 87 139 87 236 c 2
+ 87 522 l 2
+ 87 605 70 610 10 613 c 1
+ 4 619 4 641 10 647 c 1
+ 60 646 110.7 645 156 645 c 0
+ 203.7 645 270 646 319 647 c 1
+ 325 641 325 619 319 613 c 1
+ 242 610 227 605 227 522 c 2
+Validated: 527905
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+StartChar: V
+Encoding: 86 86 52
+Width: 700
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -12 21G<340.15 354.15> 613 34<2.77002 67.2821 244.488 319.23 463.77 530.604 631.966 697.23>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 348 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 348 3 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 374 474 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 376 850 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 679 732 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+594 543 m 2
+ 381 11 l 2
+ 373.6 -7.4 361.3 -12 347 -12 c 0
+ 333.3 -12 320.7 -5.9 314 11 c 2
+ 96 559 l 2
+ 78.1 604 45 609 6 613 c 1
+ 0 619 0 641 6 647 c 1
+ 43 646 99 645 140 645 c 0
+ 179 645 279 646 316 647 c 1
+ 322 641 322 619 316 613 c 1
+ 268 610 230.7 605.5 242 573 c 2
+ 366 216 l 1
+ 381.5 171 l 1
+ 398 210 l 1
+ 536 566 l 2
+ 550.6 603.8 505 610 467 613 c 1
+ 461 619 461 641 467 647 c 1
+ 504 646 559 645 600 645 c 0
+ 631.8 645 664 646 694 647 c 1
+ 700 641 700 619 694 613 c 1
+ 650 610 618.1 603.2 594 543 c 2
+Validated: 527905
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+StartChar: W
+Encoding: 87 87 53
+Width: 1028
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -12 21G<315.5 326 683.35 697.65> 613 34<6.77002 71.1968 249.02 323.23 787.77 840.931 967.479 1021.23>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 495 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 325 -10 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 540 850 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 979 732 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+574.5 613 m 1
+ 715 216 l 1
+ 729.5 174 l 1
+ 742 210 l 1
+ 855 545.5 l 2
+ 867.4 583 848 603.8 791 613 c 1
+ 785 619 785 641 791 647 c 1
+ 828 646 875 645 916 645 c 0
+ 950.8 645 985.2 646 1018 647 c 1
+ 1024 641 1024 619 1018 613 c 1
+ 974 610 934.4 581.6 913 522.5 c 2
+ 725 11 l 2
+ 718.3 -7.2 704.3 -12 691 -12 c 0
+ 675.7 -12 665.1 -7.6 658 11 c 2
+ 505 409.8 l 1
+ 355 11 l 2
+ 347.2 -9.7 331 -12 321 -12 c 0
+ 310 -12 295.1 -9.6 288 11 c 2
+ 100 559 l 2
+ 85.1 602.4 49 609 10 613 c 1
+ 4 619 4 641 10 647 c 1
+ 47 646 103 645 144 645 c 0
+ 183 645 283 646 320 647 c 1
+ 326 641 326 619 320 613 c 1
+ 272 610 235.9 606 246 573 c 2
+ 355 216 l 1
+ 364.5 184 l 1
+ 372 210 l 1
+ 514.6 613 l 1
+ 527.5 608.8 556.3 608.8 574.5 613 c 1
+Validated: 527905
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+StartChar: X
+Encoding: 88 88 54
+Width: 718
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -1 34<6.77002 80.078 196.61 246.23 406.77 452.622 648.042 710.369> 613 34<31.631 88.6764 288.4 339.23 459.77 509.106 613.988 684.23>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 307 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 102 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 596 345 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 372 850 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 689 732 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+434 89 m 1
+ 342 246 l 2
+ 328.5 269.1 321.7 271.3 312 258 c 0
+ 269.7 199.7 231 142.3 199 82 c 0
+ 183.3 52.4 198.7 36 243 33 c 1
+ 249 27 249 5 243 -1 c 1
+ 203 0 144 1 121 1 c 0
+ 98 1 40 0 10 -1 c 1
+ 4 5 4 27 10 33 c 1
+ 54.7 37.3 90 45.4 117.8 81 c 2
+ 282 291 l 2
+ 298.2 311.7 297.9 316 278 344 c 2
+ 133.7 547 l 2
+ 95.9 600.1 77 610 35 613 c 1
+ 29 619 28 641 34 647 c 1
+ 64 646 150 645 189 645 c 0
+ 229 645 296 646 336 647 c 1
+ 342 641 342 619 336 613 c 1
+ 280 610 278.7 594.3 301 557 c 2
+ 377.7 428.7 l 2
+ 389 409.6 395.7 402 406.7 414.7 c 0
+ 448.2 462.5 480 516 507 564 c 1
+ 522 594 507.3 610 463 613 c 1
+ 457 619 457 641 463 647 c 1
+ 503 646 556 645 579 645 c 0
+ 602 645 651 646 681 647 c 1
+ 687 641 687 619 681 613 c 1
+ 636.3 608.7 605.7 600.8 578.2 565 c 2
+ 443 388.7 l 2
+ 426.2 366.7 425.6 359.5 447.7 327 c 2
+ 602.3 99 l 2
+ 638.9 45.1 665 36 707 33 c 1
+ 713 27 714 5 708 -1 c 1
+ 678 0 605 1 566 1 c 0
+ 526 1 450 0 410 -1 c 1
+ 404 5 404 27 410 33 c 1
+ 466 36 459.2 53.7 434 89 c 1
+Validated: 527905
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+StartChar: Y
+Encoding: 89 89 55
+Width: 624
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 34<146.77 229.807 404.193 487.23> 613 34<2.63097 61.3671 223.758 274.23 411.77 465.584 559.126 622.23>
+VStem: 247 140<44.9117 334.469>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 322 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 322 1 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 345 850 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+387 122 m 2
+ 387 39 404 35 484 32 c 1
+ 490 26 490 4 484 -2 c 1
+ 434 -1 380.3 0 325 0 c 0
+ 256.7 0 199 -1 150 -2 c 1
+ 144 4 144 26 150 32 c 1
+ 230 35 247 39 247 122 c 2
+ 247 259 l 2
+ 247 296 244.5 302.5 227 332 c 2
+ 99.7 547 l 2
+ 66.5 603.1 48 610 6 613 c 1
+ 0 619 -1 641 5 647 c 1
+ 35 646 108 645 147 645 c 0
+ 187 645 231 646 271 647 c 1
+ 277 641 277 619 271 613 c 1
+ 215 610 214.6 594.8 236 557 c 2
+ 340.4 373 l 2
+ 349.3 357.4 356 357 362.6 370 c 2
+ 466 564 l 2
+ 482.2 594.4 459.3 610 415 613 c 1
+ 409 619 409 641 415 647 c 1
+ 455 646 503 645 526 645 c 0
+ 549 645 589 646 619 647 c 1
+ 625 641 625 619 619 613 c 1
+ 574.3 608.7 555.2 603.4 532.2 565 c 2
+ 404 351 l 2
+ 391 329.4 387 307.5 387 267.7 c 2
+ 387 122 l 2
+Validated: 527905
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+StartChar: Z
+Encoding: 90 90 56
+Width: 624
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -8 21G<552 572> 0 44<208.684 493.191> 602 43<142.523 402.995> 633 20G<71 91>
+VStem: 42 39<478.917 529.438> 563 39<126.175 174.083>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 287 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 287 4 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 535 321 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 320 850 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 619 732 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+429 44 m 2x6c
+ 495 44 543 97 563 177 c 1
+ 575 177 592 176 602 172 c 1
+ 596 111.5 583 24.5 575 -5 c 0
+ 575 -6 573 -8 571 -8 c 0x8c
+ 533 -5 415 0 338 0 c 2
+ 39 0 l 2
+ 25 0 20 5 20 15 c 0
+ 20 22 22.3 29.8 28 38 c 2
+ 402 579 l 2
+ 409 589 418 602 400 602 c 2
+ 209 602 l 2x6c
+ 143 602 101 556 81 476 c 1
+ 69 476 52 477 42 481 c 1
+ 53 529 64 605 68 650 c 0
+ 68 651 70 653 72 653 c 0x1c
+ 110 650 228 645 305 645 c 2
+ 506 645 l 2
+ 534.5 645 559 647 572 647 c 0
+ 585.5 647 589 642.8 589 637 c 0
+ 589 626.2 586.9 620.2 567 591 c 2
+ 213 72 l 2
+ 200 53 198 44 229 44 c 2
+ 429 44 l 2x6c
+Validated: 8916513
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+StartChar: bracketleft
+Encoding: 91 91 57
+Width: 397
+Flags: W
+HStem: -193 30<244.088 345.511> 673 30<241.533 345.511>
+VStem: 97 100<-135 645.875>
+LayerCount: 2
+97 -193 m 1
+ 97 703 l 1
+ 342 703 l 1
+ 348 697 348 679 342 673 c 1
+ 205 663 197 648 197 561 c 2
+ 197 -50 l 2
+ 197 -137 204 -152 342 -163 c 1
+ 348 -169 348 -187 342 -193 c 1
+ 97 -193 l 1
+Validated: 3585
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'case' Versalformen 1"
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: backslash
+Encoding: 92 92 58
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+HStem: 678 20G<11 82.1662>
+VStem: 11 295
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+76 698 m 1
+ 306 -48 l 1
+ 241 -48 l 1
+ 11 698 l 1
+ 76 698 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bracketright
+Encoding: 93 93 59
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+Flags: W
+HStem: -195 30<53.4888 157.467> 671 30<53.4888 154.912>
+VStem: 202 100<-137.875 643>
+LayerCount: 2
+302 701 m 1
+ 302 -195 l 1
+ 57 -195 l 1
+ 51 -189 51 -171 57 -165 c 1
+ 194 -155 202 -140 202 -53 c 2
+ 202 558 l 2
+ 202 645 195 660 57 671 c 1
+ 51 677 51 695 57 701 c 1
+ 302 701 l 1
+Validated: 3585
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'case' Versalformen 1"
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: uni02C4
+Encoding: 708 708 60
+Width: 1000
+VWidth: 999
+LayerCount: 2
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: underscore
+Encoding: 95 95 61
+Width: 486
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+HStem: -154 51<5 482>
+LayerCount: 2
+482 -103 m 1
+ 482 -154 l 1
+ 5 -154 l 1
+ 5 -103 l 1
+ 482 -103 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: a
+Encoding: 97 97 62
+Width: 506
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 70<351 458.915> -10 60<125.5 232.247> 402 42<171.391 262.805>
+VStem: 44 120<61.1723 156.968> 61.5 113.9<297.509 383.507> 290 126<70.3412 218 257 374.933>
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+295.2 48.5 m 1xac
+ 289 48 l 1
+ 256 22 198 -10 169 -10 c 0
+ 82 -10 44 26 44 95 c 0x74
+ 44 174 117.6 203 223 236 c 2
+ 290 257 l 1
+ 290 384 255 402 213 402 c 0
+ 179.5 402 172.3 390.3 170.8 379.2 c 0
+ 168.4 362 175.4 345.2 175.4 332 c 0
+ 175.4 307.8 148.6 285.8 113.2 285.8 c 0
+ 73.6 285.8 61.5 307.8 61.5 336.4 c 0
+ 61.5 402.4 174 444 247 444 c 0
+ 329 444 418 415 418 271 c 1
+ 416 127 l 2
+ 416 78 422 60 444 60 c 0
+ 463 60 473 64 486 74 c 1
+ 497.5 65.8 501.8 57.8 504 46 c 1
+ 467 11 428.3 -10 373 -10 c 0
+ 329 -10 302 8 295.2 48.5 c 1xac
+290 218 m 1
+ 238 201 l 2
+ 167.3 177.9 164 147.1 164 110 c 0
+ 164 79 179 50 222 50 c 0
+ 240 50 265 66 290 86 c 1
+ 290 218 l 1
+Validated: 8916513
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" a.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" a.superior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: b
+Encoding: 98 98 63
+Width: 542
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 42<218.585 322.263> 373 71<257.309 332.069> 640 32<3.14355 63.8851> 678 20G<172.5 195.5>
+VStem: 74 130<47.2213 360.338 388 633.244> 368 140<141.377 333.214>
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+74 127 m 2
+ 74 565 l 2
+ 74 633.6 69 635 6 640 c 1
+ 1 649 0 660 3 672 c 1
+ 74 675 154 686 191 698 c 1
+ 200 698 207 694 207 685 c 2
+ 207 685 204 648 204 583 c 2
+ 204 388 l 1
+ 233 409 286 444 317 444 c 0
+ 369.7 444 418 434 454 393 c 0
+ 486.2 356.3 508 299.8 508 243 c 0
+ 508 99.9 391 -10 280 -10 c 0
+ 234.4 -10 173 0 134 30 c 1
+ 125 11.7 115 -2 102 -13 c 1
+ 91 -13 80 -10 68 -6 c 1
+ 72 32 74 44 74 127 c 2
+204 348 m 1
+ 204 67 l 1
+ 223 44 245.7 32 275 32 c 0
+ 354 32 368 148.4 368 230 c 0
+ 368 328 331 373 282 373 c 0
+ 258.5 373 237 369.5 204 348 c 1
+Validated: 527905
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" b.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" b.superior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: c
+Encoding: 99 99 64
+Width: 456
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 72<234.451 335.126> 402 42<205.102 288.383>
+VStem: 37 135<131.783 307.849> 305 117<296.764 386.24>
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 490 580 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+422 87 m 1
+ 384 32 315 -10 255 -10 c 0
+ 183.5 -10 138.3 5.1 99 42 c 0
+ 60.2 78.5 37 136.4 37 201 c 0
+ 37 349 141 444 259 444 c 0
+ 368 444 422 385 422 340 c 0
+ 422 309 399 284 367 284 c 0
+ 335 284 308 304 305 331 c 0
+ 302 363 287 402 250 402 c 0
+ 197 402 172 347 172 236 c 0
+ 172 116 231 62 306 62 c 0
+ 335 62 369 81 409 118 c 1
+ 420 118 422 99 422 87 c 1
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" c.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" c.superior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: d
+Encoding: 100 100 65
+Width: 561
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 66<218.256 282.655> 23 32<498.156 547.438> 402 42<223.613 337.531> 638 34<280.144 340.885> 678 20G<449.5 472.5>
+VStem: 37 140<106.962 294.33> 351 130<81.849 388.367 432.6 631.337>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 221 -110 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+351.6 94.8 m 1xbe
+ 351.2 103.4 351 111.9 351 120 c 2
+ 351 366.2 l 1
+ 326.7 399.3 302.2 402 276 402 c 0
+ 245.7 402 218.5 386.1 202 359 c 0
+ 183.1 328 177 282.3 177 229 c 0
+ 177 112 216 56 266 56 c 0
+ 277.7 56 330.5 77.9 351.6 94.8 c 1xbe
+354.7 48 m 1
+ 346 48 l 1
+ 325 34 251 -10 224 -10 c 0xbe
+ 168.2 -10 143 4 107 32 c 0
+ 58.4 69.8 37 138.5 37 198 c 0
+ 37 331 150 444 279 444 c 0
+ 307.9 444 331.9 439.4 351 432.6 c 1
+ 351 563 l 2
+ 351 632 346 633 283 638 c 1
+ 278 647 277 660 280 672 c 1
+ 351 675 431 686 468 698 c 1
+ 477 698 484 694 484 685 c 2
+ 484 685 481 648 481 583 c 2
+ 481 133 l 2
+ 481 76 491.5 60.1 546 55 c 1
+ 548 49 550 29 548 23 c 1x7e
+ 479 14 419 0 382 -10 c 1
+ 368 -10 359.8 -5 359 7 c 2
+ 359 7 356.8 24.4 354.7 48 c 1
+Validated: 8916513
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" d.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" d.superior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: e
+Encoding: 101 101 66
+Width: 489
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 86<221.319 350.445> 235 40<177 315> 402 42<210.46 289.483>
+VStem: 37 135<127.941 235 275 300.984> 315 127<259 366.741>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 239.2 -110 basechar 0
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+177 275 m 1
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+ 315 277 315 290 315 296 c 0
+ 315 376 278 402 251 402 c 0
+ 239.7 402 212.9 391.8 197 368 c 0
+ 183.4 347.7 178 310 177 275 c 1
+431 129 m 1
+ 441 129 446 111 446 98 c 1
+ 396 25 328 -10 259 -10 c 0
+ 187.9 -10 138.6 5.9 101 40 c 0
+ 58.2 78.8 37 139.5 37 198 c 0
+ 37 351 157 444 262 444 c 0
+ 409 444 442 351 442 266 c 0
+ 442 252 437 235 413 235 c 2
+ 173 235 l 1
+ 173 230 172 226 172 219 c 0
+ 172 121 220 76 298 76 c 0
+ 336 76 390 87 431 129 c 1
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" e.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" e.superior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: f
+Encoding: 102 102 67
+Width: 391
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 34<19.77 83.2627 246.737 310.23> 384 50<23 100 230 351> 656 42<259.305 366.57>
+VStem: 100 130<44.1813 384 434 565.649> 321 128<580.527 654.671>
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+230 128 m 2
+ 230 44 246 35 307 32 c 1
+ 313 26 313 4 307 -2 c 1
+ 264 -1 220 0 165 0 c 0
+ 110 0 65 -1 23 -2 c 1
+ 17 4 17 26 23 32 c 1
+ 84 35 100 44 100 126 c 2
+ 100 384 l 1
+ 50 384 l 2
+ 27 384 23 387 23 394 c 2
+ 23 421 l 2
+ 23 429 64 434 98 434 c 2
+ 100 434 l 1
+ 100 454 l 2
+ 100 550 134 600 171 640 c 0
+ 209 681 265 698 312 698 c 0
+ 418 698 449 651 449 624 c 0
+ 449 581 425 560 392 560 c 0
+ 356 560 330 585 321 617 c 0
+ 314 641 310 656 293 656 c 0
+ 271 656 230 634 230 485 c 2
+ 230 434 l 1
+ 331 434 l 2
+ 350 434 351 430 351 424 c 2
+ 351 401 l 2
+ 351 389 334 384 316 384 c 2
+ 230 384 l 1
+ 230 128 l 2
+Validated: 3617
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" f.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" f.superior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: g
+Encoding: 103 103 68
+Width: 521
+Flags: HMW
+HStem: -238 42<164.509 334.426> -25 94<146.499 365.612> 142 38<192.516 272.803> 406 38<182.587 266.209>
+VStem: 11 109<-154.71 -66.8839> 44 99<58.4478 119> 46 120<221.128 367.201> 290 122<217.225 367.083> 400 101<-121.848 -51.5623>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 229 -319 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+290 288 m 0xf3
+ 290 367 270 406 223 406 c 0
+ 184 406 166 379 166 305 c 0
+ 166 254 174 180 236 180 c 0
+ 262 180 290 192 290 288 c 0xf3
+175 -25 m 0
+ 154 -25 141 -23 131 -19 c 1
+ 120 -39 120 -62 120 -96 c 0
+ 120 -147 165 -196 231 -196 c 0
+ 269.3 -196 320 -193.9 351 -176.4 c 0
+ 383.9 -157.8 400 -117.2 400 -81 c 0xf880
+ 400 -27.8 251.8 -25 175 -25 c 0
+467 394 m 0
+ 442 394 424 415 420 428 c 1
+ 417 434 410 440 401 440 c 0
+ 391 440 358 422 350 412 c 1
+ 384 384 412 347 412 291 c 0
+ 412 246.1 391.8 210.5 363 185 c 0
+ 328.9 154.8 282 142 231 142 c 0
+ 200 142 178.5 143 157.5 153 c 1
+ 152.5 141 143 127 143 111 c 0xf5
+ 143 71 170 69 188 69 c 0
+ 261.5 69 412.3 62 451 36 c 0
+ 491.3 8.9 501 -33.6 501 -55 c 0
+ 501 -165 342 -238 203 -238 c 0
+ 155.1 -238 88.7 -232.1 50 -205 c 0
+ 22.5 -185.7 11 -143 11 -106 c 0xf880
+ 11 -89 55 -32 98 -6 c 1
+ 78.4 0.4 66.2 8.2 57 22 c 0
+ 47 37 44 48.9 44 68 c 0xf4
+ 44 88.2 92 141 123 167.5 c 1
+ 75 194 46 247 46 296 c 0xf2
+ 46 347.3 73.4 385.6 114 412 c 0
+ 147.1 433.5 188.9 444 232 444 c 0
+ 277 444 298 442 316 432 c 1
+ 345 458 403 491 447 491 c 0
+ 485 491 511 462 511 443 c 0
+ 511 406 495 394 467 394 c 0
+Validated: 8916481
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" g.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" g.superior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: h
+Encoding: 104 104 69
+Width: 619
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 34<19.77 83.2627 243.609 290.23 337.77 384.004 544.737 608.23> 370 74<322.456 438> 640 32<29.1436 89.8851> 678 20G<198.5 221.5>
+VStem: 100 130<44.1063 343.984 371.6 633.244> 398 130<44.1813 351.585>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 259 -110 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+528 128 m 2
+ 528 44 544 35 605 32 c 1
+ 611 26 611 4 605 -2 c 1
+ 562 -1 518.4 0 463 0 c 0
+ 415.4 0 383 -1 341 -2 c 1
+ 335 4 335 26 341 32 c 1
+ 382 35 398 44 398 128 c 2
+ 398 295 l 2
+ 398 352 363 370 323 370 c 0
+ 305.1 370 271.5 358.1 230 331.6 c 1
+ 230 127 l 2
+ 230 44 245 35 287 32 c 1
+ 293 26 293 4 287 -2 c 1
+ 244 -1 212.6 0 165 0 c 0
+ 109.6 0 65 -1 23 -2 c 1
+ 17 4 17 26 23 32 c 1
+ 84 35 100 44 100 127 c 2
+ 100 565 l 2
+ 100 633.6 95 635 32 640 c 1
+ 27 649 26 660 29 672 c 1
+ 100 675 180 686 217 698 c 1
+ 226 698 233 694 233 685 c 2
+ 233 685 230 648 230 583 c 2
+ 230 371.6 l 1
+ 286.8 407.4 358.2 444 395 444 c 0
+ 481 444 528 394 528 284 c 2
+ 528 128 l 2
+Validated: 8916513
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'salt' Stilistische Alternativformen 1" h.alt
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" h.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" h.superior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" h.alt
+StartChar: i
+Encoding: 105 105 70
+Width: 322
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 34<26.77 89.8255 244.175 307.23> 384 32<35.5625 87.9141> 424 20G<198.75 220> 530 128<113.302 213.126>
+VStem: 97 135<41.0577 376.985 548.993 640.845>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 136 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 137 12 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 209 10 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+232 122 m 2
+ 232 39 243 36 304 32 c 1
+ 310 26 310 4 304 -2 c 1
+ 261 -1 220.4 0 167 0 c 0
+ 113.6 0 72 -1 30 -2 c 1
+ 24 4 24 26 30 32 c 1
+ 91 37 102 39 102 122 c 2
+ 102 314 l 2
+ 102 371 91.5 378.9 37 384 c 1
+ 35 390 33 410 35 416 c 1
+ 104 425 184.5 433 213 444 c 1
+ 227 444 236 438 236 427 c 2
+ 236 427 232 371 232 321.3 c 2
+ 232 122 l 2
+97 596 m 0
+ 97 626 120 658 167 658 c 0
+ 209 658 232 622 232 592 c 0
+ 232 566 206 530 161 530 c 0
+ 121 530 97 563 97 596 c 0
+Validated: 8916513
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" i.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" i.superior
+Substitution2: "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen i >"
+Substitution2: "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen i > 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: j
+Encoding: 106 106 71
+Width: 312
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -232 68<-16 94.906> 384 32<35.5625 87.9141> 424 20G<198.75 220> 530 128<111.302 211.126>
+VStem: 95 135<548.993 640.845> 102 130<-85.5263 375.268>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 109 -319 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 154 215 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+102 314 m 2xf4
+ 102 371 91.5 378.9 37 384 c 1
+ 35 390 33 410 35 416 c 1
+ 104 425 184.5 433 213 444 c 1
+ 227 444 236 438 236 427 c 2
+ 236 427 232 371 232 321 c 2
+ 232 110 l 2
+ 232 -79 198 -138 151 -176 c 0
+ 114 -207 76.6 -232 -1 -232 c 0
+ -31 -232 -87 -210 -87 -165 c 0
+ -87 -137 -54 -105 -37 -105 c 0
+ -3 -105 16 -130 32 -146 c 0
+ 43 -157 48 -164 62 -164 c 0
+ 92 -164 109 -125.5 109 -92 c 0
+ 109 -26.4 102 19 102 76 c 2
+ 102 314 l 2xf4
+95 596 m 0xf8
+ 95 626 118 658 165 658 c 0
+ 207 658 230 622 230 592 c 0
+ 230 566 204 530 159 530 c 0
+ 119 530 95 563 95 596 c 0xf8
+Validated: 8916513
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" j.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" j.superior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: k
+Encoding: 107 107 72
+Width: 613
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 34<19.77 83.2627 242.818 280.23 534.762 602.23> 209 40<230 298.773> 402 34<338.77 395.601 510.758 577.23> 640 32<29.1436 89.8851> 678 20G<198.5 221.5>
+VStem: 100 130<44.3177 209 249 633.244>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 290.1 -214.4 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 107.9 -57.3 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 305.9 783.5 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 535.6 696.4 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+100 127 m 2
+ 100 565 l 2
+ 100 633.6 95 635 32 640 c 1
+ 27 649 26 660 29 672 c 1
+ 100 675 180 686 217 698 c 1
+ 226 698 233 694 233 685 c 2
+ 233 685 230 648 230 583 c 2
+ 230 249 l 1
+ 260 249 306.3 266.2 319 277.2 c 0
+ 339 294.5 361.1 318.7 383 349 c 0
+ 411.5 388.5 396 398 342 402 c 1
+ 336 408 336 430 342 436 c 1
+ 379 435 426 434 463 434 c 0
+ 489 434 552 435 574 436 c 1
+ 580 430 580 408 574 402 c 1
+ 498 393.5 470.9 359.2 438.5 323.5 c 2
+ 389 269 l 2
+ 384.7 264.3 387.2 256.1 392 249 c 2
+ 508 78 l 2
+ 538.4 33.2 560.2 35.5 599 32 c 1
+ 605 26 605 4 599 -2 c 1
+ 562 -1 506 0 465 0 c 0
+ 430 0 385 -2 385 -2 c 1
+ 383 0 l 1
+ 383 26 l 2
+ 383 41 380 50 367 78 c 0
+ 350.1 114.5 322 156 299 190 c 0
+ 288.5 205.5 258 209 230 209 c 1
+ 230 127 l 2
+ 230 44 246.5 35.5 277 32 c 1
+ 283 26 283 4 277 -2 c 1
+ 253 -1 208.7 0 165 0 c 0
+ 109.6 0 65 -1 23 -2 c 1
+ 17 4 17 26 23 32 c 1
+ 84 35 100 44 100 127 c 2
+Validated: 527905
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" k.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" k.superior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: l.superior
+Encoding: 737 737 73
+Width: 1000
+VWidth: 917
+LayerCount: 2
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: m
+Encoding: 109 109 74
+Width: 905
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 34<22.77 85.8255 237.539 283.23 328.77 375.004 533.382 579.23 619.77 666.004 826.737 890.23> 370 74<318.637 411.474 608.105 717.631> 379 32<31.5625 83.817>
+VStem: 98 130<41.4929 347.81> 389 130<41.5449 338.31> 680 130<44.1813 355.406>
+CounterMasks: 1 1c
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 408 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 137 9 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 278 215 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 392 645 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+228 122 m 2xdc
+ 228 39 238 36 280 32 c 1
+ 286 26 286 4 280 -2 c 1
+ 237 -1 208.6 0 163 0 c 0
+ 109.6 0 68 -1 26 -2 c 1
+ 20 4 20 26 26 32 c 1
+ 87 37 98 39 98 122 c 2
+ 98 309 l 2
+ 98 366 87.5 373.9 33 379 c 1
+ 31 385 29 405 31 411 c 1xbc
+ 100 420 160 434 197 444 c 1
+ 211 444 219.1 439.2 220 427 c 2
+ 220 427 223.3 403.9 225.7 374.2 c 1
+ 282.7 406.4 355.2 444 391 444 c 0
+ 449.5 444 489.5 415 504.8 371.5 c 1
+ 562.7 404.3 647.2 444 684 444 c 0
+ 770 444 810 394 810 284 c 2
+ 810 128 l 2
+ 810 44 826 35 887 32 c 1
+ 893 26 893 4 887 -2 c 1
+ 844 -1 800 0 745 0 c 0
+ 697 0 665 -1 623 -2 c 1
+ 617 4 617 26 623 32 c 1
+ 664 35 680 44 680 128 c 2
+ 680 295 l 2
+ 680 352 652 370 612 370 c 0
+ 595.9 370 553 358.4 515.4 338.8 c 1
+ 517.5 328.5 519 308.5 519 284 c 2
+ 519 128 l 2
+ 519 44 536 35 576 32 c 1
+ 582 26 582 4 576 -2 c 1
+ 533 -1 502 0 454 0 c 0
+ 406 0 374 -1 332 -2 c 1
+ 326 4 326 26 332 32 c 1
+ 373 35 389 44 389 128 c 2
+ 389 295 l 2
+ 389 352 359 370 319 370 c 0
+ 302.1 370 266.7 359.5 227.8 335.9 c 1
+ 227.9 331 228 326.1 228 321.3 c 2
+ 228 122 l 2xdc
+Validated: 8916513
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" m.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" m.superior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: n
+Encoding: 110 110 75
+Width: 616
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 34<22.77 85.8255 237.539 283.23 335.77 382.004 542.737 606.23> 370 74<325.579 436> 379 32<31.5625 83.817>
+VStem: 98 130<41.4929 336.434> 396 130<44.1813 354.944>
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+228 122 m 2xd8
+ 228 39 238 36 280 32 c 1
+ 286 26 286 4 280 -2 c 1
+ 237 -1 208.6 0 163 0 c 0
+ 109.6 0 68 -1 26 -2 c 1
+ 20 4 20 26 26 32 c 1
+ 87 37 98 39 98 122 c 2
+ 98 309 l 2
+ 98 366 87.5 373.9 33 379 c 1
+ 31 385 29 405 31 411 c 1xb8
+ 100 420 160 434 197 444 c 1
+ 211 444 219.1 439.2 220 427 c 2
+ 220 427 224.2 397.4 226.5 362.1 c 1
+ 281.6 399.9 352.7 444 393 444 c 0
+ 479 444 526 394 526 284 c 2
+ 526 128 l 2
+ 526 44 542 35 603 32 c 1
+ 609 26 609 4 603 -2 c 1
+ 560 -1 516.4 0 461 0 c 0
+ 413.4 0 381 -1 339 -2 c 1
+ 333 4 333 26 339 32 c 1
+ 380 35 396 44 396 128 c 2
+ 396 295 l 2
+ 396 352 366 370 326 370 c 0
+ 308.4 370 267.7 350.4 228 323.1 c 1
+ 228 321.3 l 1
+ 228 122 l 2xd8
+Validated: 8916513
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" n.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" n.superior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: o
+Encoding: 111 111 76
+Width: 551
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 42<238.333 337.027> 402 42<213.654 311.914>
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+260 402 m 0
+ 193 402 177 321 177 229 c 0
+ 177 155 209 32 291 32 c 0
+ 327 32 374 63.9 374 184 c 0
+ 374 321 328 402 260 402 c 0
+37 207 m 0
+ 37 266.1 53.8 326.4 91.7 370 c 0
+ 131.2 415.4 193.1 444 276 444 c 0
+ 424.5 444 514 346.8 514 216 c 0
+ 514 160.3 496.6 92.3 446 47 c 0
+ 404.9 10.2 345.5 -10 275 -10 c 0
+ 140.6 -10 37 76.4 37 207 c 0
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" o.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" o.superior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: p
+Encoding: 112 112 77
+Width: 581
+Flags: HMW
+HStem: -234 34<19.77 82.8255 237.175 300.23> -10 42<237.971 346.51> 377 67<289.388 359.134> 379 32<28.5625 80.817>
+VStem: 95 130<-190.507 370.067> 403 140<129.164 323.949>
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+LayerCount: 2
+95 309 m 2xec
+ 95 366 84.5 373.9 30 379 c 1
+ 28 385 26 405 28 411 c 1xdc
+ 97 420 157 434 194 444 c 1
+ 208 444 216.1 439.2 217 427 c 2
+ 217 427 220.1 405.3 222.4 377 c 1
+ 228 377 l 1
+ 263 409 317 444 346 444 c 0
+ 397.7 444 447.9 429.2 483 394 c 0
+ 521.9 355 543 292.7 543 237 c 0
+ 543 89.5 444.4 -10 292 -10 c 0
+ 268 -10 246.5 -4 225 7 c 1
+ 225 -110 l 2
+ 225 -193 236 -196 297 -200 c 1
+ 303 -206 303 -228 297 -234 c 1
+ 254 -233 213.4 -232 160 -232 c 0
+ 106.6 -232 65 -233 23 -234 c 1
+ 17 -228 17 -206 23 -200 c 1
+ 84 -195 95 -193 95 -110 c 2
+ 95 309 l 2xec
+225 65 m 1
+ 250 38 275 32 286 32 c 0
+ 373 32 403 126 403 210 c 0
+ 403 327 355 377 314 377 c 0xec
+ 290.5 377 253.5 363.6 224.7 337.6 c 1
+ 224.9 332.2 225 326.7 225 321.3 c 2
+ 225 65 l 1
+Validated: 8916513
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" p.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" p.superior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: q
+Encoding: 113 113 78
+Width: 573
+Flags: W
+HStem: -234 34<277.77 340.825 495.175 558.23> 402 42<231.965 337.698>
+VStem: 36 140<109.731 301.547> 353 130<-190.507 28 58.5549 386.827>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 348 -319 basechar 0
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+483 -110 m 2
+ 483 -193 494 -196 555 -200 c 1
+ 561 -206 561 -228 555 -234 c 1
+ 512 -233 471 -232 418 -232 c 0
+ 365 -232 323 -233 281 -234 c 1
+ 275 -228 275 -206 281 -200 c 1
+ 342 -195 353 -193 353 -110 c 2
+ 353 28 l 1
+ 348 28 l 1
+ 331 20 268 -10 241 -10 c 0
+ 185.2 -10 151 2.9 116 28 c 0
+ 53.9 72.6 36 148.5 36 208 c 0
+ 36 341 155 444 288 444 c 0
+ 335.8 444 370.3 423.6 391.5 407.1 c 1
+ 414.4 427 450.9 444 464 444 c 0
+ 478 444 487 438 487 427 c 2
+ 487 427 483 371 483 321.3 c 2
+ 483 -110 l 2
+353 71 m 1
+ 353 365.6 l 1
+ 331 392.7 308.7 402 285 402 c 0
+ 220 402 176 329 176 229 c 0
+ 176 82 238 46 288 46 c 0
+ 300 46 334 56 353 71 c 1
+Validated: 527905
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" q.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" q.superior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: r
+Encoding: 114 114 79
+Width: 428
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 34<22.77 85.8255 240.175 303.23> 351 93<276.35 374.877> 380 31<31.5625 83.673>
+VStem: 98 130<41.4929 331.1 348 369.703>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 135 -110 basechar 0
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+228 268.3 m 2xd0
+ 228 122 l 2
+ 228 39 239 36 300 32 c 1
+ 306 26 306 4 300 -2 c 1
+ 257 -1 216.4 0 163 0 c 0
+ 109.6 0 68 -1 26 -2 c 1
+ 20 4 20 26 26 32 c 1
+ 87 37 98 39 98 122 c 2
+ 98 309 l 2
+ 98 366 87.5 374.9 33 380 c 1
+ 31 386 29 405 31 411 c 1xb0
+ 97 417.5 149.5 432 197 444 c 1
+ 211 444 219.2 435.8 220 427 c 2
+ 220 427 225 378 227 348 c 1
+ 231 348 l 1
+ 277 414 315 444 350 444 c 0
+ 386 444 416 414 416 388 c 0
+ 416 346 387.5 315.5 358.5 315.5 c 0
+ 336 315.5 319 323.5 312 331.9 c 0
+ 303.5 342.2 293.1 351 283.7 351 c 0
+ 269 351 260.2 343.8 252 334 c 0
+ 239 318.5 228 304 228 268.3 c 2xd0
+Validated: 8916513
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" r.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" r.superior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: s.superior
+Encoding: 738 738 80
+Width: 1000
+VWidth: 625
+LayerCount: 2
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: t
+Encoding: 116 116 81
+Width: 358
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 70<189.2 291.513> 384 50<21.5972 91 217 342>
+VStem: 88 130<67.3293 384 434.1 549.542>
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+63 434 m 2
+ 91 434.1 l 1
+ 91 513.5 95 540.5 102 550 c 0
+ 108.8 559.2 138 565 155 572.1 c 0
+ 170.7 578.7 208 589.8 215.3 589.8 c 0
+ 220 589.8 223 587.4 223 581 c 2
+ 223 581 220 534.6 218 468 c 2
+ 217 434 l 1
+ 334 434 l 2
+ 339 434 342 432 342 428 c 2
+ 342 397 l 2
+ 342 388 328 384 318 384 c 2
+ 217 384 l 1
+ 217 284 218 177 218 127 c 0
+ 218 77 240 60 262 60 c 0
+ 281 60 306 64 319 74 c 1
+ 331 64 337 58 337 46 c 1
+ 317 18 256.3 -10 201 -10 c 0
+ 177.4 -10 140.5 -1.3 118 18 c 0
+ 96.6 36.3 88 70 88 105 c 0
+ 88 155 88.7 283.3 91 384 c 1
+ 26 384 l 2
+ 22 384 21 385 21 390 c 2
+ 21 419 l 1
+ 33.7 430 49 433.9 63 434 c 2
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" t.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" t.superior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: u
+Encoding: 117 117 82
+Width: 598
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 74<174 300.632> 23 32<527.156 576.438> 402 34<18.77 71.7019 309.77 363.604>
+VStem: 89 130<76.3607 390.242> 380 130<79.2506 389.888>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 239 -110 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+510 133 m 2xb8
+ 510 76 520.5 60.1 575 55 c 1
+ 577 49 579 29 577 23 c 1x78
+ 508 14 448 0 411 -10 c 1
+ 397 -10 388.8 -5 388 7 c 2
+ 388 7 385.7 25.8 383.5 51 c 1
+ 326 18.8 253.3 -10 217 -10 c 0
+ 131 -10 89 43.5 89 150 c 2
+ 89 306 l 2
+ 89 390 68 400 22 402 c 1
+ 16 408 16 430 22 436 c 1
+ 65 435 102.5 434 154 434 c 0
+ 172.3 434 193 435 211 436 c 1
+ 217 430 221 419 221 402 c 0
+ 221 378 219 390 219 306 c 2
+ 219 139 l 2
+ 219 68.5 249 64 289 64 c 0
+ 306.5 64 340.2 65.9 380.8 91 c 1
+ 380.3 101.1 380 111.1 380 120.7 c 2
+ 380 306 l 2
+ 380 390 364 397 313 402 c 1
+ 307 408 307 430 313 436 c 1
+ 352 435 417.3 434 445 434 c 0
+ 464 434 484 435 502 436 c 1
+ 508 430 512 419 512 402 c 0
+ 512 378 510 390 510 306 c 2
+ 510 133 l 2xb8
+Validated: 8916513
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" u.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" u.superior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: v
+Encoding: 118 118 83
+Width: 529
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -12 21G<250.5 262> 402 34<6.77002 58.7572 214.583 262.23 338.77 389.326 471.175 522.23>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 241 -110 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+342 402 m 1
+ 336 408 336 430 342 436 c 1
+ 369 435 406 434 443 434 c 0
+ 465 434 497 435 519 436 c 1
+ 525 430 525 408 519 402 c 1
+ 466 397 453.3 369.4 433.4 324 c 2
+ 296 11 l 2
+ 287 -9.6 267 -12 257 -12 c 0
+ 244 -12 227 -6 221 9 c 2
+ 90.4 325 l 2
+ 69.6 375.4 67.5 395.2 10 402 c 1
+ 4 408 4 430 10 436 c 1
+ 47 435 98 434 133 434 c 0
+ 182.1 434 222 435 259 436 c 1
+ 265 430 265 408 259 402 c 1
+ 196.8 396.6 210.8 379.3 227.9 331 c 2
+ 291.1 153 l 2
+ 293.6 146 297.6 138.8 301.6 148 c 2
+ 380.7 331 l 2
+ 402.8 382.1 396 398 342 402 c 1
+Validated: 527905
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" v.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" v.superior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: w
+Encoding: 119 119 84
+Width: 777
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: HMW
+HStem: -12 21G<242.5 254 508.5 520> 402 34<10.77 63.1099 221.737 271.23 576.77 623.908 715.993 766.23>
+DStem2: 231.862 331 94.4316 325 0.359056 -0.933316<-58.9864 179.138> 299.944 160 380 258 0.339339 0.940664<0 119.351> 481.862 331 380 258 0.359732 -0.933056<31.47 179.7> 619.737 322.5 672.5 315.5 0.373229 0.927739<-167.479 59.459>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 352 -110 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+481.9 331 m 2
+ 547.8 163.8 l 2
+ 551.6 154.2 557.6 152.9 562.1 165.2 c 2
+ 619.7 322.5 l 2
+ 638.5 372.4 634 398 580 402 c 1
+ 574 408 574 430 580 436 c 1
+ 617 435 660 434 697 434 c 0
+ 723 434 741 435 763 436 c 1
+ 769 430 769 408 763 402 c 1
+ 707 397 690.4 359.4 672.5 315.5 c 2
+ 550 11 l 2
+ 541.8 -9.5 525 -12 515 -12 c 0
+ 502 -12 483 -9.2 476 9 c 2
+ 380 258 l 1
+ 286 11 l 2
+ 278 -10 259 -12 249 -12 c 0
+ 236 -12 223.3 -10.1 216 9 c 2
+ 94.4 325 l 2
+ 74.7 376.3 71.5 395.2 14 402 c 1
+ 8 408 8 430 14 436 c 1
+ 51 435 102 434 137 434 c 0
+ 188.1 434 231 435 268 436 c 1
+ 274 430 274 408 268 402 c 1
+ 205.8 396.6 215.7 378.9 231.9 331 c 2
+ 289.3 161.2 l 2
+ 292.7 151.3 297.4 153.1 299.9 160 c 2
+ 395 423.5 l 1
+ 414.4 421.5 432.9 421.7 451 423 c 1
+ 451 423 463.1 378.6 481.9 331 c 2
+Validated: 527905
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" w.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" w.superior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: x.superior
+Encoding: 739 739 85
+Width: 1000
+VWidth: 608
+LayerCount: 2
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: y
+Encoding: 121 121 86
+Width: 558
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -232 104<86.4456 200.812> 402 34<6.77002 56.7726 208.462 257.23 367.77 420.434 505.585 551.23>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 242 -319 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 262 645 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+242 -168 m 0
+ 230.8 -187.9 203 -212 182 -222 c 0
+ 168.2 -228.5 138.2 -232 125 -232 c 0
+ 111.6 -232 95.4 -225.1 86 -214 c 0
+ 76.5 -202.7 74 -187.1 74 -174 c 0
+ 74 -154 96 -128 134 -128 c 0
+ 148 -128 151 -132 169 -132 c 0
+ 197 -132 209.1 -113.7 222.3 -83 c 2
+ 246 -28 l 2
+ 254 -10 235 8 218 32 c 1
+ 89 328 l 2
+ 61.7 390.6 54 398 10 402 c 1
+ 4 408 4 430 10 436 c 1
+ 30 435 87 434 121 434 c 0
+ 157 434 217 435 254 436 c 1
+ 260 430 260 408 254 402 c 1
+ 193 397 202.8 379 221 338 c 2
+ 314 129 l 2
+ 314.9 127.2 315.3 125.9 315.4 125 c 1
+ 315.5 125.5 315.7 126.2 316 127 c 2
+ 419 358 l 2
+ 435 394 403 399 371 402 c 1
+ 365 408 365 430 371 436 c 1
+ 408 435 442 434 477 434 c 0
+ 505 434 523 435 548 436 c 1
+ 554 430 554 408 548 402 c 1
+ 511 399 481 368 467 339 c 0
+ 414 227 365 119 285 -74 c 0
+ 273 -104 257.8 -139.9 242 -168 c 0
+Validated: 527905
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" y.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" y.superior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: z
+Encoding: 122 122 87
+Width: 452
+Flags: HMW
+HStem: 0 39<176 335.024> 394 42<119.75 266> 426 20G<59.7808 69.749>
+VStem: 40 43<298.978 350.316>
+DStem2: 26 32 175.253 42 0.554394 0.832254<91.0675 436.165>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 207 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 208 4 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 207 215 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 220 646 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 399 580 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+61 446 m 0xb0
+ 78.5 442.6 87.9 436 120 436 c 2
+ 313 436 l 2
+ 342 436 410 438 415 438 c 0
+ 422 438 427 435 427 431 c 0
+ 427 427 424.3 419.2 409 394 c 0
+ 348.7 294.8 248.8 136.7 175.3 42 c 1
+ 176 39 l 1
+ 272 39 l 2
+ 324 39 344.5 57.2 370 110 c 2
+ 384 139 l 1
+ 396 139 417.5 136.7 424 133 c 1
+ 417 83 404 31 392 -3 c 1
+ 40 0 l 2
+ 25 0 17 5 17 12 c 0
+ 17 17 17.4 20.4 26 32 c 0
+ 102.4 134.9 199.9 282.2 267.8 395 c 1
+ 266 396.8 l 1
+ 164 394 l 2xd0
+ 134 393 103 371 83 298 c 1
+ 71.4 295.4 48.8 297.3 40 301 c 1
+ 48 350 54 395 55 440 c 0
+ 55 442.4 58.6 446 61 446 c 0xb0
+Validated: 8916513
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" z.inferior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'sups' Hochgestellte 1" z.superior
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: braceleft
+Encoding: 123 123 88
+Width: 307
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -212 24<255.497 291.757> 231 32<9.56719 65.1507> 683 24<258.392 291.757>
+VStem: 106 102<406.75 636.203> 112 104<300.375 531.25>
+LayerCount: 2
+208 552 m 2xf0
+ 216 386 l 2
+ 220.3 297 178.2 268.2 111 249 c 1
+ 111 245 l 1
+ 178.8 216.8 220.4 177.3 216 95 c 2xe8
+ 208 -54 l 2
+ 203.5 -138 244 -188 288 -188 c 1
+ 294 -194 294 -206 288 -212 c 1
+ 187 -212 101 -179 106 -49 c 2xf0
+ 112 121 l 2
+ 114 182 87.5 222 14 231 c 1
+ 6 239 5 254 14 263 c 1
+ 88 270 112 320 112 370 c 1xe8
+ 106 554 l 2
+ 102 667 198 707 288 707 c 1
+ 294 701 294 689 288 683 c 1
+ 250 672 203 654.9 208 552 c 2xf0
+Validated: 8916513
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'case' Versalformen 1"
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: bar
+Encoding: 124 124 89
+Width: 220
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -233 21G<80 140> 678 20G<80 140>
+VStem: 80 60<-233 698>
+LayerCount: 2
+140 -233 m 1
+ 80 -233 l 1
+ 80 698 l 1
+ 140 698 l 1
+ 140 -233 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: braceright
+Encoding: 125 125 90
+Width: 307
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -211 24<15.2427 48.6079> 233 32<241.849 297.433> 684 24<15.2427 51.5029>
+VStem: 91 104<-35.25 195.625> 99 102<-140.203 89.25>
+LayerCount: 2
+99 -56 m 2xe8
+ 91 110 l 2
+ 86.7 199 128.8 227.8 196 247 c 1
+ 196 251 l 1
+ 128.2 279.2 86.6 318.7 91 401 c 2xf0
+ 99 550 l 2
+ 103.5 634 63 684 19 684 c 1
+ 13 690 13 702 19 708 c 1
+ 120 708 206 675 201 545 c 2xe8
+ 195 375 l 2
+ 193 314 219.5 274 293 265 c 1
+ 301 257 302 242 293 233 c 1
+ 219 226 195 176 195 126 c 1xf0
+ 201 -58 l 2
+ 205 -171 109 -211 19 -211 c 1
+ 13 -205 13 -193 19 -187 c 1
+ 57 -176 104 -158.9 99 -56 c 2xe8
+Validated: 8916513
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'case' Versalformen 1"
+Substitution2: "LinLibertine-'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "LinLibertine-'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: asciitilde
+Encoding: 126 126 91
+Width: 473
+Flags: W
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+Comment: "Geschwungen?"
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+Comment: "Ist das so richtig? In Times anders"
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+131 439 m 0
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+ 221 -71 247 -9 271 40 c 1
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+ 75 371 52 402 52 440 c 0
+ 52 478 76 511 115 511 c 0
+ 188 511 233.3 477.7 270 450 c 1
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+634 344 m 2
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+ 393 314 l 2x60
+ 400 314 410 312 410 307 c 2xa0
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+ 407 293 368 295 347 295 c 0
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+ 326 314 l 2
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+Comment: "Solte Semikolon sein?"
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+ 0 253 l 1x30
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+ 540 97 542 96 543 96 c 0
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+ 563.8 117.4 571.2 123.2 583.5 123.2 c 0
+ 610.9 123.2 629.2 119.5 638.5 112.8 c 0
+ 653 102.4 652 89 655 89 c 0
+393 504 m 1
+ 391 508 389 513 389 518 c 0
+ 389 541 400 552 413 552 c 0
+ 429 552 439 532 439 519 c 0
+ 439 505 431 496 420 493 c 1
+ 428 489 427 491 441 485 c 1
+ 446 501 448 515 448 527 c 0
+ 448 562 429 576 411 576 c 0
+ 389 576 376 561 376 543 c 0
+ 376 535 378 519 384 508 c 0
+ 385 508 392 505 393 504 c 1
+427 459 m 1
+ 396 437 368 420 339 420 c 0
+ 313 420 295 433 282 445 c 1
+ 290.6 423.4 323 396 348 396 c 0
+ 362 396 385 402 418 426 c 2
+ 443 445 l 2
+ 451 450 455 458 455 465 c 0
+ 455 467 455 469 454 471 c 0
+ 447 478 374 510 351 510 c 0
+ 336 510 279 485 279 460 c 0
+ 279 456 281 454 285 450 c 0
+ 300 435 316 427 337 427 c 0
+ 354 427 379 434 423 466 c 1
+ 425 465 425 461 427 459 c 1
+493 -118 m 1
+ 503 -135 520 -150 547 -150 c 0
+ 575 -150 598.5 -128.1 617 -112.5 c 0
+ 634.6 -97.7 656 -79.2 675.5 -68.2 c 0
+ 712.3 -47.4 737 -47.2 737 -24 c 0
+ 737 -3 709.9 -0.8 693.1 12 c 0
+ 682.3 20.2 675.6 35.4 671.5 58.5 c 0
+ 669.7 68.5 668.7 84 662 84 c 0
+ 646 84 627 38 591 38 c 0
+ 578 38 559 42 551 57 c 1
+ 545 65 542 76 540 88 c 1
+ 533 94 529 96 525 96 c 0
+ 507 96 503 75 503 51 c 0
+ 503 48 503 44 503 42 c 2
+ 503 8 l 1
+ 504 0 505 -9 505 -17 c 0
+ 505 -25.1 499.5 -82.2 493 -118 c 1
+79 -103 m 0
+ 112 -107.4 150.3 -119.1 165.8 -125.4 c 0
+ 184.6 -133 218.7 -146 234 -146 c 0
+ 257 -146 274 -133 284 -121 c 1
+ 286 -115 287 -109 287 -101 c 0
+ 287 -87.4 282.8 -69.2 269.3 -44.8 c 0
+ 260.4 -28.8 242.2 -4.8 228.3 14.2 c 0
+ 209.5 39.9 195.5 75.5 173.8 95.5 c 0
+ 166.1 102.6 156.9 108.1 145 111 c 1
+ 104 103 121 78 108 69 c 1
+ 100.8 65.4 89.6 64 79 64 c 0
+ 67 64 55.3 66.2 48 60 c 0
+ 40 53.2 37 42 37 32 c 0
+ 37 18 44 1 44 -16 c 0
+ 44 -49 23.5 -54.2 23.5 -76.2 c 0
+ 23.5 -86.4 47.2 -98.8 79 -103 c 0
+174 157 m 0
+ 174 200 203 260 220 280 c 1
+ 213 284 l 1
+ 201 270 165 200 165 160 c 0
+ 165 145.5 165.9 134.9 181.3 118.2 c 0
+ 190.9 107.9 216.3 87.8 234.8 75.5 c 0
+ 253.1 63.3 274.6 44.4 285 32.5 c 0
+ 294.3 21.9 299 13.3 299 7 c 0
+ 299 -4 280 -21 267 -21 c 0
+ 266 -21 266 -22 266 -23 c 0
+ 266 -25 268 -27 275 -41 c 1
+ 291 -61 324 -65 348 -65 c 0
+ 375 -65 445 -61 495 12 c 1
+ 495 50 494 35 494 50 c 0
+ 494 89 506 105 521 105 c 0
+ 526 105 532 103 538 99 c 1
+ 541 118 542 137 542 157 c 0
+ 542 222.8 529.6 254.6 516.2 277 c 0
+ 501.1 302.2 483 315.5 483 352 c 1
+ 462 394 461 401 444 435 c 1
+ 418 416 l 2
+ 387 393 362 386 348 386 c 0
+ 318.9 386 304.5 400.5 290 415 c 1
+ 289.1 408.5 289 404.7 287.4 400.2 c 0
+ 283.9 390.2 276.8 377.7 271.9 367.8 c 0
+ 241.2 306.5 258.9 318.9 230.8 265.2 c 0
+ 205.2 216.3 191 164.5 191 140 c 0
+ 191 134 192 127 193 120 c 1
+ 182 128 174 138 174 157 c 0
+379 -113 m 0
+ 351 -113 316 -116 292 -127 c 1
+ 278 -147 256 -154 236 -154 c 0
+ 210.2 -154 173.5 -138 158.5 -131.9 c 0
+ 141.6 -125 120.7 -119.8 95 -114 c 0
+ 75 -109 14 -104 14 -80 c 0
+ 14 -55.4 35 -42.7 35 -22 c 0
+ 35 -14 28 21 28 32 c 0
+ 28 50.5 35.3 62 43.2 68 c 0
+ 47.7 71.4 55.2 73 70 73 c 0
+ 87.7 73 92.8 73.5 101.8 78 c 1
+ 110.8 99 107 98 115 108 c 1
+ 112.5 113.2 112 119 112 127 c 0
+ 112 140.5 123.4 165.1 132.5 180 c 0
+ 139.9 192.1 149.2 210 153.5 218.5 c 0
+ 160.1 231.7 164.5 244.3 172 280 c 0
+ 180.2 314.2 200.7 333 215.8 350.2 c 0
+ 245.1 383.5 265 416.9 265 445 c 0
+ 265 472 256 508 256 580 c 0
+ 256 647 281 705 379 705 c 0
+ 413 705 500 690 513 580 c 1
+ 528 469 511 445 591 348 c 1
+ 630 299 669 242 669 150 c 0
+ 669 130 667 111 661 93 c 1
+ 674.4 93 677.7 78.5 682.7 52 c 0
+ 686.9 30 692.9 23 711.7 12.8 c 0
+ 728.2 3.8 746 -4 746 -21 c 0
+ 746 -51.9 723.4 -50 682.8 -73.7 c 0
+ 666.6 -83.1 643.1 -102 626 -116.7 c 0
+ 603 -136.4 579.6 -159 549 -159 c 0
+ 517.5 -159 494.6 -146.6 485 -122 c 1
+ 464 -119 421 -113 379 -113 c 0
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+VStem: 136 76<177.99 596.824> 389.3 77<387.399 584.323 673.382 738.592> 410 70<-130.886 135> 426 54<190.37 275> 531.2 74.1<393.075 580.284 592.2 734.161> 684.3 77<-98.6008 98.3227 187.382 252.592> 698.8 79.8<433.191 572.493> 784.1 76.9<430.707 504 526.8 559.91> 856.9 74.1<-97.3812 79.8252> 942.5 72.4<517.6 592.45> 1026.7 74.1001<-96.8872 88.8141> 1065.9 74.1<388.619 565.665 566.4 582.349> 1109.1 76.9<-55.2932 18 40.8 73.9104> 1267.5 72.4<31.6 106.45>
+LayerCount: 2
+480 135 m 1x90cc4a8440
+ 480 -47 l 2
+ 480 -105 487 -133 512 -133 c 0
+ 537 -133 556 -126 580 -107 c 1
+ 597 -124 l 1
+ 561 -165 522 -187 479 -187 c 0
+ 435 -187 410 -160 410 -92 c 2
+ 410 135 l 1
+ 248 135 l 1x90cc4a8440
+ 174 136 l 2
+ 162 136 53 134 53 134 c 1
+ 51 136 l 1
+ 51 154 l 2
+ 51 159 54 162 58 162 c 2
+ 86 162 l 2x914c0a8440
+ 127 162 136 170 136 203 c 2
+ 136 560 l 2
+ 136 589 122 602 84 602 c 2
+ 59 602 l 2
+ 55 602 51 604 51 609 c 2
+ 51 627 l 1
+ 53 629 l 1
+ 53 629 135 627 172 627 c 0
+ 206 627 295 629 295 629 c 1
+ 297 627 l 1
+ 297 609 l 2
+ 297 604 294 602 289 602 c 2
+ 264 602 l 2
+ 225 602 212 586 212 560 c 2
+ 212 220 l 2
+ 212 190 229 172 257 172 c 2
+ 345 172 l 2
+ 399 172 426 196 426 257 c 2
+ 426 275 l 1
+ 480 294 l 1
+ 480 172 l 1x90cc498440
+ 585 172 l 2
+ 590 172 593 170 593 167 c 2
+ 593 147 l 2
+ 593 139 580 135 570 135 c 2
+ 480 135 l 1x90cc4a8440
+1188.9 40.8 m 1
+ 1266.4 40.8 l 1
+ 1267.5 41.9 1267.5 49.3 1267.5 52.7 c 0
+ 1267.5 98.3 1246.5 113.1 1231.1 113.1 c 0x924c088440
+ 1224.6 113.1 1209.4 107.4 1200.3 93.8 c 0
+ 1192.5 82.2 1189.5 60.8 1188.9 40.8 c 1
+1333.7 -42.5 m 1
+ 1339.4 -42.5 1342.2 -52.7 1342.2 -60.1 c 1
+ 1313.7 -101.7 1274.9 -121.7 1235.6 -121.7 c 0
+ 1195.1 -121.7 1167 -112.6 1145.6 -93.2 c 0
+ 1121.2 -71.1 1109.1 -36.5 1109.1 -3.1 c 0
+ 1109.1 84.1 1177.5 137 1237.3 137 c 0
+ 1321.1 137 1339.9 84.1 1339.9 35.6 c 0
+ 1339.9 27.6 1337.1 18 1323.4 18 c 2
+ 1186.6 18 l 1
+ 1186.6 15.1 1186 12.8 1186 8.8 c 0
+ 1186 -47.1 1213.4 -72.7 1257.9 -72.7 c 0xd24c0884c0
+ 1279.6 -72.7 1310.3 -66.4 1333.7 -42.5 c 1
+931 -48.5 m 2xb84c088e40
+ 931 -95.8 936.7 -97.4 960.6 -99.7 c 1
+ 964 -103.1 964 -115.7 960.6 -119.1 c 1
+ 936.1 -118.5 919.9 -118 893.9 -118 c 0
+ 863.4 -118 839.7 -118.5 815.8 -119.1 c 1
+ 812.4 -115.7 812.4 -103.1 815.8 -99.7 c 1
+ 850.6 -96.9 856.9 -95.8 856.9 -48.5 c 2
+ 856.9 58.1 l 2
+ 856.9 90.6 850.9 95.1 819.8 98 c 1
+ 818.7 101.4 817.6 112.8 818.7 116.2 c 1xb44c088e40
+ 858 121.3 892.2 129.4 913.3 135.1 c 1
+ 921.3 135.1 925.9 132.3 926.4 125.4 c 2
+ 926.4 125.4 928.8 108.5 930.1 88.4 c 1
+ 961.5 109.9 1002 135.1 1025 135.1 c 0
+ 1074 135.1 1100.8 106.6 1100.8 43.9 c 2
+ 1100.8 -45 l 2
+ 1100.8 -92.9 1109.9 -98 1144.7 -99.7 c 1
+ 1148.1 -103.1 1148.1 -115.7 1144.7 -119.1 c 1
+ 1120.2 -118.5 1095.4 -118 1063.8 -118 c 0
+ 1036.7 -118 1018.1 -118.5 994.2 -119.1 c 1
+ 990.8 -115.7 990.8 -103.1 994.2 -99.7 c 1
+ 1017.6 -98 1026.7 -92.9 1026.7 -45 c 2
+ 1026.7 50.2 l 2
+ 1026.7 82.7 1009.6 92.9 986.8 92.9 c 0
+ 976.8 92.9 953.6 81.7 931 66.2 c 1
+ 931 65.2 l 1
+ 931 -48.5 l 2xb84c088e40
+761.3 -49.5 m 2x904c08c440
+ 761.3 -96.8 767.5 -98.4 802.3 -100.7 c 1
+ 805.7 -104.1 805.7 -116.7 802.3 -120.1 c 1
+ 777.8 -119.5 754.7 -119 724.2 -119 c 0
+ 693.7 -119 670 -119.5 646.1 -120.1 c 1
+ 642.7 -116.7 642.7 -104.1 646.1 -100.7 c 1
+ 680.9 -97.9 687.1 -96.8 687.1 -49.5 c 2
+ 687.1 60 l 2
+ 687.1 92.5 681.2 97 650.1 99.9 c 1
+ 649 103.3 647.9 114.7 649 118.1 c 1
+ 688.3 123.2 734.2 127.8 750.4 134.1 c 1
+ 758.4 134.1 763.5 130.7 763.5 124.4 c 2
+ 763.5 124.4 761.3 92.5 761.3 64.2 c 2
+ 761.3 -49.5 l 2x904c08c440
+684.3 220.7 m 0
+ 684.3 237.8 697.4 256.1 724.2 256.1 c 0
+ 748.1 256.1 761.3 235.5 761.3 218.4 c 0
+ 761.3 203.6 746.5 183.1 720.8 183.1 c 0
+ 698 183.1 684.3 201.9 684.3 220.7 c 0
+1140 521 m 2x904e088540
+ 1140 437.5 l 2
+ 1140 390.2 1146.2 388.6 1181 386.3 c 1
+ 1184.4 382.9 1184.4 370.3 1181 366.9 c 1
+ 1156.5 367.5 1133.4 368 1102.9 368 c 0
+ 1072.4 368 1048.7 367.5 1024.8 366.9 c 1
+ 1021.4 370.3 1021.4 382.9 1024.8 386.3 c 1
+ 1059.6 389.1 1065.9 390.2 1065.9 437.5 c 2
+ 1065.9 544.1 l 2
+ 1065.9 576.6 1059.9 581.7 1028.8 584.6 c 1
+ 1027.7 588 1026.6 598.9 1027.7 602.3 c 1x904c888540
+ 1065.3 606 1095.2 614.3 1122.3 621.1 c 1
+ 1130.3 621.1 1135 616.4 1135.4 611.4 c 2
+ 1135.4 611.4 1138.3 583.5 1139.4 566.4 c 1
+ 1141.7 566.4 l 1
+ 1167.9 604 1189.5 621.1 1209.5 621.1 c 0
+ 1230 621.1 1247.1 604 1247.1 589.2 c 0
+ 1247.1 565.3 1230.8 547.8 1214.3 547.8 c 0
+ 1201.5 547.8 1191.8 552.4 1187.8 557.2 c 0
+ 1182.9 563.1 1177.1 568.1 1171.7 568.1 c 0
+ 1163.3 568.1 1158.3 564 1153.6 558.4 c 0
+ 1146.2 549.6 1140 541.3 1140 521 c 2x904e088540
+863.9 526.8 m 1
+ 941.4 526.8 l 1
+ 942.5 527.9 942.5 535.3 942.5 538.7 c 0
+ 942.5 584.3 921.5 599.1 906.1 599.1 c 0
+ 899.6 599.1 884.4 593.4 875.3 579.8 c 0
+ 867.5 568.2 864.5 546.8 863.9 526.8 c 1
+1008.7 443.5 m 1
+ 1014.4 443.5 1017.2 433.3 1017.2 425.9 c 1
+ 988.7 384.3 949.9 364.3 910.6 364.3 c 0
+ 870.1 364.3 842 373.4 820.6 392.8 c 0
+ 796.2 414.9 784.1 449.5 784.1 482.9 c 0
+ 784.1 570.1 852.5 623 912.3 623 c 0
+ 996.1 623 1014.9 570.1 1014.9 521.6 c 0
+ 1014.9 513.6 1012.1 504 998.4 504 c 2
+ 861.6 504 l 1
+ 861.6 501.1 861 498.8 861 494.8 c 0
+ 861 438.9 888.4 413.3 932.9 413.3 c 0x906c089440
+ 954.6 413.3 985.3 419.6 1008.7 443.5 c 1
+531.2 443.4 m 2
+ 531.2 693 l 2
+ 531.2 732.1 528.3 733 492.4 735.8 c 1
+ 489.6 740.9 489 747.2 490.7 754 c 1
+ 531.2 755.7 576.8 762.1 597.9 768.9 c 1
+ 603 768.9 607 766.6 607 761.5 c 2
+ 607 761.5 605.3 740.4 605.3 703.3 c 2
+ 605.3 592.2 l 1
+ 621.8 604.2 652 624.1 669.7 624.1 c 0
+ 699.7 624.1 727.3 618.4 747.8 595 c 0
+ 766.2 574.1 778.6 541.9 778.6 509.5 c 0
+ 778.6 428 711.9 365.3 648.6 365.3 c 0x905d18a440
+ 622.6 365.3 587.6 371 565.4 388.1 c 1
+ 560.3 377.7 554.5 369.9 547.1 363.6 c 1
+ 540.8 363.6 534.6 365.3 527.8 367.6 c 1
+ 530.1 389.3 531.2 396.1 531.2 443.4 c 2
+466.3 436.5 m 2x904c0c8440
+ 466.3 389.2 472.5 387.6 507.3 385.3 c 1
+ 510.7 381.9 510.7 369.3 507.3 365.9 c 1
+ 482.8 366.5 459.7 367 429.2 367 c 0
+ 398.7 367 375 366.5 351.1 365.9 c 1
+ 347.7 369.3 347.7 381.9 351.1 385.3 c 1
+ 385.9 388.1 392.1 389.2 392.1 436.5 c 2
+ 392.1 546 l 2
+ 392.1 578.5 386.2 583 355.1 585.9 c 1
+ 354 589.3 352.9 600.7 354 604.1 c 1
+ 393.3 609.2 439.2 613.8 455.4 620.1 c 1
+ 463.4 620.1 468.5 616.7 468.5 610.4 c 2
+ 468.5 610.4 466.3 578.5 466.3 550.2 c 2
+ 466.3 436.5 l 2x904c0c8440
+389.3 706.7 m 0
+ 389.3 723.8 402.4 742.1 429.2 742.1 c 0
+ 453.1 742.1 466.3 721.5 466.3 704.4 c 0
+ 466.3 689.6 451.5 669.1 425.8 669.1 c 0x904c2c8440
+ 403 669.1 389.3 687.9 389.3 706.7 c 0
+605.3 569.4 m 1
+ 605.3 409.2 l 1
+ 616.1 396.1 629.1 389.2 645.8 389.2 c 0
+ 690.8 389.2 698.8 455.6 698.8 502.1 c 0
+ 698.8 558 677.6 583.6 649.7 583.6 c 0x905d08a440
+ 636.3 583.6 624.1 581.7 605.3 569.4 c 1
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+ 218 404 220 404 196 404 c 0x3a10
+67 380 m 0x3c40
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+ 77 362 67 368 67 380 c 0x3c40
+305 370 m 0
+ 301 374 292 380 283 386 c 0
+ 279 389 276 395 276 400 c 0
+ 276 411 285 418 294 418 c 0
+ 297 418 300 417 303 416 c 0
+ 313 411 327 400 334 393 c 0
+ 339 388 341 385 341 379 c 0x3804
+ 341 364 329 361 323 361 c 0
+ 318 361 314 363 305 370 c 0
+31 284 m 0
+ 31 302 31 313 32 319 c 0
+ 34 335 46 336 53 336 c 0
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+ 68 318 67 310 67 295 c 0x3840
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+ 62 268 55 264 48 264 c 0
+ 32 264 31 277 31 284 c 0
+341 294 m 0x380080
+ 341 298 340 314 340 317 c 0
+ 340 327 348 334 357 334 c 0
+ 374 334 377 321 377 296 c 0
+ 377 278 376 262 360 262 c 0
+ 342 262 341 279 341 294 c 0x380080
+27 168 m 2x39
+ 27 209 l 2
+ 27 217 36 227 47 227 c 0
+ 63 227 66 212 66 207 c 2
+ 66 169 l 2
+ 66 164 59 155 48 155 c 0
+ 39 155 27 162 27 168 c 2x39
+342 165 m 0
+ 341 169 341 188 341 210 c 0
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+ 376 226 377 209 377 205 c 2
+ 377 168 l 2x380080
+ 377 159 370 154 358 154 c 0
+ 346 154 343 164 342 165 c 0
+51 71 m 0
+ 44 82 37 95 37 101 c 0
+ 37 106 41 119 55 119 c 0
+ 66 119 70 112 73 105 c 0
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+ 90 78 91 76 91 70 c 0x3880
+ 91 56 82 53 72 53 c 0
+ 66 53 63 53 51 71 c 0
+315 71 m 0x3802
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+ 366 118 369 106 369 100 c 0x3802
+ 369 86 350 61 348 59 c 0
+ 343 54 339 51 333 51 c 0x3801
+ 321 51 315 61 315 71 c 0x3802
+221 19 m 0xb808
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+ 248 39 254 41 263 43 c 0
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+ 292 21 291 15 273 8 c 0
+ 258 3 246 0 238 0 c 0
+ 230 0 221 8 221 19 c 0xb808
+125 12 m 0
+ 121 14 114 19 114 29 c 0
+ 114 36 118 46 134 46 c 0xb820
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+ 185 10 179 0 168 0 c 0xb820
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+ -132 607 -141 614 -142 623 c 0
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+ -180 645 -199 624 -199 584 c 0
+ -199 536 -171 531 -160 531 c 0
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+ 217 400 214 382 213 360 c 1
+ 217 357 224 357 231 357 c 1
+ 254 402 266 417 309 417 c 0
+ 339 417 373 392 373 305 c 0
+ 373 235 351 198 300 198 c 0
+ 254 198 235 218 225 233 c 1
+ 216 230 212 224 208 218 c 1
+321 17 m 0
+ 161 17 32 148 32 306 c 0
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+Lookup: 3 0 0 "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen" {"'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" } ['aalt' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
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+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen i >" {"'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen i > 1" } ['smcp' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen" {"'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1" } ['smcp' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen i >" {"'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen i >" } ['smcp' ('latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'TRK ' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'fina' Wortendeformen" {"'fina' Wortendeformen 1" } ['fina' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 6 0 0 "'frac' Contextual Chaining Substitution" {"'frac' Contextual Chaining Substitution-1" "'frac' Contextual Chaining Substitution-2" } ['frac' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'hebr' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'frac' Brueche" {"'frac' Brueche 1" } ['frac' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'sups' Hochgestellte" {"'sups' Hochgestellte 1" ("superior" ) } ['sups' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'sinf' Tiefgestellte" {"'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" ("inferior" ) } ['sinf' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen" {"'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1" ("sc" ) } ['c2sc' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 1 "'liga' Standardligaturen ohne TRK CRT AZE" {"'liga' Standardligaturen ohne TRK CRT AZE 1" } ['liga' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 1 "'liga' Standardligaturen" {"'liga' Standardligaturen 1" } ['liga' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'hlig' Historische Ligaturen" {"'hlig' Historische Ligaturen 1" } ['hlig' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'dlig' optionale Ligaturen" {"'dlig' optionale Ligaturen 1" } ['dlig' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
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+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'lnum' Versalziffern" {"'lnum' Versalziffern 1" } ['lnum' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'hebr' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'pnum' Proportionalziffern" {"'pnum' Proportionalziffern 1" } ['pnum' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'tnum' Tabellenziffern" {"'tnum' Tabellenziffern 1" } ['tnum' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'zero' gestrichene Null" {"'zero' gestrichene Null 1" } ['zero' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'salt' Stilistische Alternativformen" {"'salt' Stilistische Alternativformen 1" } ['salt' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 6 0 0 "'ccmp' Contextual Chaining Substitution" {"'ccmp' Contextual Chaining Substitution 1" } ['ccmp' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'hebr' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'ss01' Stilgruppe 1" {"'ss01' Stilgruppe 1 1" } ['ss01' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'ss02' Stilgruppe 2" {"'ss02' Stilgruppe 2 1" } ['ss02' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'ss03' Stilgruppe 3" {"'ss03' Stilgruppe 3 1" } ['ss03' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'ss04' Stilgruppe 4" {"'ss04' Stilgruppe 4 1" } ['ss04' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'hebr' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'ss05' Stilgruppe 5" {"'ss05' Stilgruppe 5" } ['ss05' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'hebr' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'ss06' Stilgruppe 6" {"'ss06' Stilgruppe 6-1" } ['ss06' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'hebr' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'case' Versalformen" {"'case' Versalformen 1" ("cap" ) } ['case' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'nalt' Alternate Annotation Forms lookup 0" {"'nalt' Alternate Annotation Forms 1" } ['nalt' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'hebr' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "Substitution dotless forms" {"Substitution dotless forms 1" } []
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "Substitution cap-Accents" {"Substitution cap-Accents 1" } []
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "Substitution f short" {"Substitution f short 1" } []
+Lookup: 257 0 0 "'opbd' Optical Bounds lookup 6" {"'opbd' Optical Bounds lookup 6-1" } ['opbd' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'hebr' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > 'math' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 257 0 0 "'cpsp' Versalabstaende" {"'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" } ['cpsp' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 260 0 0 "'mark' Markenpositionierung" {"'mark' Top rechts" "'mark' Komb OR" "'mark' Top Akzent" "'mark' Mittelpunkt" "'mark' Ogonek" "'mark' Unten Anhang" "'mark' Unten Punkt" "'mark' Top Punkt2" } ['mark' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'hebr' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 262 0 0 "'mkmk' Mark to Mark" {"'mkmk' Mark to Mark-1" } ['mkmk' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'hebr' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 258 0 0 "'kern' Kerning" {"'kern' Latin kerning" [150,0,4] "'kern' Cyrillic Kerning" [150,0,6] "'kern' Greek Kerning" [150,0,6] "'kern' Small Caps" [150,15,4] } ['kern' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 257 0 0 "'rtbd' Rechte R+AOQA-nder lookup 4" {"'rtbd' Rechte R+AOQA-nder lookup 4-1" } ['rtbd' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'hebr' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > 'math' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 257 0 0 "'lfbd' Left Bounds lookup 5" {"'lfbd' Left Bounds lookup 5-1" } ['lfbd' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'hebr' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CRT ' 'DEU ' 'MOL ' 'ROM ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > 'math' <'dflt' > ) ]
+MarkAttachClasses: 2
+"dotted" 3 i j
+DEI: 91125
+KernClass2: 14 8 "'kern' Small Caps"
+ 92
+ 90
+ 9
+ 42
+ 82
+ 4
+ 57 A Agrave Aacute Acircumflex Atilde Adieresis Aring Abreve
+ 15 V W Y Ydieresis
+ 1 P
+ 3 K X
+ 4
+ 79
+ 30 T Tcaron Tcedilla Tcommaaccent
+ 49
+ 92
+ 78
+ 42
+ 4
+ 31
+ 79
+ 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} -50 {} 0 {} -15 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} -35 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -35 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -25 {} -25 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} 0 {} -10 {} -25 {} 0 {} 20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -25 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -35 {} -60 {} 0 {} -22 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -120 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} -90 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -25 {} -20 {} 0 {} -40 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} -25 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 20 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} -20 {} -40 {} 20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -80 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} -100 {}
+KernClass2: 9 10 "'kern' Greek Kerning"
+ 9 Gamma Tau
+ 125 Upsilontonos Upsilon Upsilondieresis Upsilon1 uni03D3 uni03D4 uni1F59 uni1F5B uni1F5D uni1F5F uni1FE8 uni1FE9 uni1FEA uni1FEB
+ 9 Kappa Chi
+ 110 Omicrontonos Theta Omicron Phi uni03F4 uni1E0A uni1E0C uni1E0E uni1E10 uni1E12 uni1E4C uni1E4E uni1E50 uni1E52
+ 24 gamma kappa uni03DB zeta
+ 33 omicron rho phi omicrontonos phi1
+ 151 Alphatonos Alpha Delta Lambda afii10017 uni04D2 uni1E00 uni1F0A uni1F0B uni1F0C uni1F0D uni1F0E uni1F0F uni1FB8 uni1FB9 uni1FBA uni1FBB uni1F08 uni1F09
+ 3 Rho
+ 3 Tau
+ 23 Upsilon Upsilondieresis
+ 8 gamma nu
+ 3 chi
+ 50 Alpha Delta Lambda uni04D2 uni1FB8 uni1FB9 uni1FBC
+ 63 alpha omicron sigma phi uni03F2 uni03F5 omega sigma1 omegatonos
+ 64 alphatonos rho omicrontonos phi1 uni03F1 uni1F71 uni1F73 uni1F79
+ 10 mu uni03F0
+ 30 eta iota kappa uniF6BE upsilon
+ 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 30 {} 30 {} -24 {} -23 {} -35 {} -40 {} -20 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 20 {} 0 {} -17 {} -16 {} -60 {} -50 {} -30 {} -20 {} -30 {} 0 {} 20 {} 20 {} -16 {} -14 {} 0 {} -51 {} -31 {} 0 {} -60 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -8 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -49 {} -40 {} -20 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -5 {} 0 {} -60 {} -60 {} -60 {} -40 {} 20 {} -27 {} -16 {} 0 {} -44 {} 0 {} 20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} -30 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {}
+KernClass2: 9 7 "'kern' Cyrillic Kerning"
+ 63 afii10052 afii10020 afii10036 afii10050 uni0492 uni04AC uni04F6
+ 61 afii10062 afii10037 uni04EE uni04F0 uni04F2 afii10148 uni0476
+ 103 afii10061 afii10024 afii10028 afii10039 uni0496 uni049A uni049C uni049E uni04A0 uni04B2 uni04C1 uni04DC
+ 29 afii10032 afii10048 afii10147
+ 19 afii10085 afii10110
+ 61 afii10072 afii10076 afii10109 uni049F uni04A1 uni04B3 uni04DD
+ 55 afii10070 afii10080 afii10082 afii10071 uni04E7 uni04E9
+ 19 afii10044 afii10046
+ 35 afii10041 afii10148 uni0476 uni04B6
+ 47 afii10072 afii10085 x afii10110 uni04B3 uni04DD
+ 9 afii10017
+ 57 afii10070 afii10080 afii10083 afii10101 afii10846 uni04E9
+ 57 afii10065 afii10073 afii10086 afii10095 afii10097 uni04D5
+ 139 afii10067 afii10068 afii10074 afii10076 afii10078 afii10079 afii10081 afii10082 afii10087 afii10088 afii10090 afii10091 afii10107 afii10193
+ 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 30 {} 0 {} -50 {} -35 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} -100 {} -60 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -35 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -23 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {}
+KernClass2: 21 21 "'kern' Latin kerning"
+ 11 f longs f_f
+ 30 T Tcedilla Tcaron Tcommaaccent
+ 59 Y Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis Ygrave seven.fitted question
+ 47 V W Wcircumflex Wgrave Wacute Wdieresis uniE0E9
+ 22 K X Kcommaaccent K.alt
+ 211 at D O Q Ograve Oacute Ocircumflex Otilde Odieresis Oslash Dcaron Dcroat Omacron Obreve Ohungarumlaut uni0186 uni0189 uni018A uni018F uni01EA uni01EC uni020C uni020E uni022A uni022C uni022E uni0230 Odieresis.alt
+ 105 r v w y Thorn yacute ydieresis racute rcommaaccent rcaron wcircumflex ycircumflex wgrave wacute wdieresis
+ 89 g k x gcircumflex gbreve gdotaccent gcommaaccent kcommaaccent kgreenlandic gcaron f_k c_k
+ 21 b agrave egrave thorn
+ 77 e o p eacute ecircumflex edieresis ograve oacute ocircumflex otilde odieresis
+ 21 L Lacute Lcommaaccent
+ 114 A Agrave Aacute Acircumflex Atilde Adieresis Aring Amacron Abreve Aogonek Aringacute uni0200 uni0202 Adieresis.alt
+ 164 comma period underscore enquad emquad enspace emspace threeperemspace fourperemspace sixperemspace figurespace punctuationspace quotesinglbase quotedblbase ellipsis
+ 235 zero.inferior one.inferior two.inferior three.inferior four.inferior five.inferior six.inferior seven.inferior eight.inferior nine.inferior plus.inferior minus.inferior equal.inferior a.inferior e.inferior o.inferior x.inferior uni2094
+ 149 hyphen asciitilde guillemotleft guillemotright hyphentwo hyphennobreak figuredash endash emdash horizontalbar guilsinglleft guilsinglright hyphen.cap
+ 31 parenleft bracketleft braceleft
+ 87 U Ugrave Uacute Ucircumflex Udieresis Utilde Umacron Ubreve Uring Uhungarumlaut Uogonek
+ 145 H I N Igrave Iacute Icircumflex Idieresis Ntilde Hcircumflex Hbar Imacron Ibreve Iogonek Idotaccent IJ Jcircumflex Nacute Ncommaaccent Ncaron Eng
+ 11 F P uni01A4
+ 103 quotedbl quotesingle asterisk quoteleft quoteright quotereversed quotedblleft quotedblright quotedblrev
+ 30 T Tcedilla Tcaron Tcommaaccent
+ 18 Y Yacute Ydieresis
+ 55 V W Wcircumflex Wgrave Wacute Wdieresis uniE0E9 uniE0EA
+ 339 C G O Q Ccedilla Ograve Oacute Ocircumflex Otilde Odieresis Oslash Cacute Ccircumflex Cdotaccent Ccaron Gcircumflex Gbreve Gdotaccent Gcommaaccent Omacron Obreve Ohungarumlaut OE uni0187 uni0193 uni019F Ohorn Gcaron uni01EA uni01EC uni01F4 Oslashacute uni020C uni020E uni022A uni022C uni022E uni0230 zero.fitted zero.slashfitted six.fitted
+ 58 v w wcircumflex wgrave wacute wdieresis y yacute ydieresis
+ 1 x
+ 103 quotedbl quotesingle asterisk quoteleft quoteright quotereversed quotedblleft quotedblright quotedblrev
+ 165 A Agrave Aacute Acircumflex Atilde Adieresis Aring AE Amacron Abreve Aogonek uni01CD uni01DE uni01E0 uni01E2 Aringacute AEacute uni0200 uni0202 uni0226 Adieresis.alt
+ 66 comma period quotesinglbase onedotenleader twodotenleader ellipsis
+ 67 e c o d q ccedilla eogonek oe uni0188 uni018D ohorn eturned c_k c_h
+ 70 a g s aacute ae eacute oacute oslash aogonek cacute edotaccent uni022F
+ 18 m n p r z dotlessi
+ 34 parenright bracketright braceright
+ 27 J j Jcircumflex jcircumflex
+ 192 plus hyphen less equal greater asciitilde guillemotleft uni00AD periodcentered guillemotright divide hyphentwo hyphennobreak figuredash endash emdash horizontalbar guilsinglleft guilsinglright
+ 87 exclam question exclamdbl interrobang question_question question_exclam exclam_question
+ 90 b h k l thorn hcircumflex hbar kcommaaccent lacute lcommaaccent lcaron ldot lslash uni0180
+ 143 U Ugrave Uacute Ucircumflex Udieresis Utilde Umacron Ubreve Uring Uhungarumlaut Uogonek uni01D3 uni01D5 uni01D7 uni01D9 uni01DB uni0214 uni0216
+ 398 two.superior three.superior one.superior zero.superior i.superior four.superior five.superior six.superior seven.superior eight.superior nine.superior plus.superior minus.superior equal.superior parenleft.superior parenright.superior n.superior uni2098 uni2099 uniE0C0 uniE0C1 uniE0C2 uniE0C3 uniE0C4 uniE0C5 uniE0C6 uniE0CA uniE0CC uniE0CE uniE0CF q.superior uniE0D3 uniE0D4 uniE0D5 uniE0D9 degree
+ 1 u
+ 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 98 {} 98 {} 98 {} 24 {} 0 {} 0 {} 73 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 76 {} 80 {} 0 {} 80 {} 40 {} 0 {} 88 {} 0 {} 0 {} 55 {} 24 {} 24 {} -5 {} -49 {} -34 {} 0 {} -49 {} -63 {} -63 {} -49 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} -59 {} 10 {} 0 {} 37 {} 0 {} -39 {} 0 {} 24 {} 24 {} 24 {} -37 {} -44 {} -24 {} 0 {} -61 {} -44 {} -71 {} -60 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} -49 {} 0 {} 0 {} 24 {} 0 {} -39 {} 0 {} 24 {} 24 {} 24 {} -34 {} -49 {} -24 {} 0 {} -112 {} -88 {} -80 {} -60 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} -49 {} 0 {} 0 {} 24 {} 0 {} -24 {} 0 {} 0 {} 24 {} 24 {} -24 {} -54 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -15 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -24 {} 0 {} 0 {} 24 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -5 {} -34 {} 37 {} 0 {} 10 {} 10 {} 0 {} -29 {} -29 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -39 {} -12 {} -24 {} 10 {} 15 {} 10 {} 0 {} -49 {} -59 {} -8 {} 0 {} 0 {} -17 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -12 {} -24 {} 0 {} 0 {} 10 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -29 {} -37 {} -44 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -20 {} -20 {} 10 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -49 {} -54 {} -54 {} 0 {} -7 {} -7 {} -24 {} -40 {} -10 {} 7 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -49 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -63 {} -73 {} -112 {} -34 {} -65 {} 0 {} -73 {} 0 {} 0 {} -12 {} -12 {} 0 {} -12 {} 0 {} -37 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -34 {} 0 {} -61 {} -73 {} -73 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} -122 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -73 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -308 {} 0 {} 0 {} -49 {} -49 {} -49 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -37 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} -17 {} 0 {} 0 {} -24 {} 0 {} -17 {} -12 {} 0 {} 0 {} 73 {} -37 {} 0 {} 12 {} 12 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 37 {} 24 {} 24 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -59 {} -24 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 24 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 37 {} 24 {} 24 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 24 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 24 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 24 {} -59 {} -24 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 10 {} 12 {} 49 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -49 {} -49 {} -24 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {}
+ChainSub2: coverage "'frac' Contextual Chaining Substitution-2" 0 0 0 1
+ 1 0 1
+ Coverage: 55 one two three four five six seven eight nine zero slash
+ FCoverage: 379 slash zero one two three four five six seven eight nine onequarter onehalf threequarters fraction zero.superior one.superior two.superior three.superior four.superior five.superior six.superior seven.superior eight.superior nine.superior onethird twothirds onefifth twofifths threefifths fourfifths onesixth fivesixths oneeighth threeeighths fiveeighths seveneighths onenumerator
+ 1
+ SeqLookup: 0 "'sups' Hochgestellte"
+ChainSub2: coverage "'frac' Contextual Chaining Substitution-1" 0 0 0 1
+ 1 1 0
+ Coverage: 49 one two three four five six seven eight nine zero
+ BCoverage: 379 slash zero one two three four five six seven eight nine onequarter onehalf threequarters fraction zero.inferior one.inferior two.inferior three.inferior four.inferior five.inferior six.inferior seven.inferior eight.inferior nine.inferior onethird twothirds onefifth twofifths threefifths fourfifths onesixth fivesixths oneeighth threeeighths fiveeighths seveneighths onenumerator
+ 1
+ SeqLookup: 0 "'sinf' Tiefgestellte"
+ChainSub2: class "'ccmp' Contextual Chaining Substitution 1" 6 6 6 3
+ Class: 11 i j uni0268
+ Class: 410 gravecomb acutecomb circumflexcomb tildecomb macroncomb uni0305 brevecomb uni0307 uni0308 hookabovecomb uni030A uni030B uni030C uni030D uni030E uni030F uni0310 uni0311 uni0312 uni0313 uni0314 uni0315 uni031A uni0351 uni0357 uni0358 grave.cap acute.cap circumflex.cap caron.cap breve.cap hungarumlaut.cap space_uni030F.cap breveinvertedcmb.cap breve.cyrcap breve.cyr dieresis.cap hookabovecomb.cap dotaccent.cap
+ Class: 5 f f_f
+ Class: 409 parenright question T V W Y bracketright bar braceright brokenbar ordfeminine two.superior three.superior pilcrow one.superior Yacute agrave atilde adieresis egrave edieresis igrave idieresis ograve otilde odieresis ugrave udieresis ydieresis amacron abreve emacron ebreve ecaron itilde imacron ibreve omacron umacron ubreve quoteleft quoteright quotedblleft quotedblright question_question question_exclam ij
+ Class: 610 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S U X Z Acircumflex AE Ccedilla Ocircumflex Thorn Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta Eta Theta Iota Kappa Lambda Mu Nu Xi Omicron Pi Rho NameMe.930 Sigma Tau Upsilon Phi Chi Psi Omega afii10053 afii10054 afii10055 afii10057 afii10058 afii10059 afii10060 afii10145 afii10017 afii10018 afii10019 afii10020 afii10021 afii10022 afii10024 afii10025 afii10026 afii10028 afii10029 afii10030 afii10031 afii10032 afii10033 afii10034 afii10035 afii10036 afii10037 afii10038 afii10039 afii10040 afii10041 afii10042 afii10043 afii10044 afii10045 afii10046 afii10047 afii10048 afii10049
+ BClass: 11 i j uni0268
+ BClass: 410 gravecomb acutecomb circumflexcomb tildecomb macroncomb uni0305 brevecomb uni0307 uni0308 hookabovecomb uni030A uni030B uni030C uni030D uni030E uni030F uni0310 uni0311 uni0312 uni0313 uni0314 uni0315 uni031A uni0351 uni0357 uni0358 grave.cap acute.cap circumflex.cap caron.cap breve.cap hungarumlaut.cap space_uni030F.cap breveinvertedcmb.cap breve.cyrcap breve.cyr dieresis.cap hookabovecomb.cap dotaccent.cap
+ BClass: 5 f f_f
+ BClass: 409 parenright question T V W Y bracketright bar braceright brokenbar ordfeminine two.superior three.superior pilcrow one.superior Yacute agrave atilde adieresis egrave edieresis igrave idieresis ograve otilde odieresis ugrave udieresis ydieresis amacron abreve emacron ebreve ecaron itilde imacron ibreve omacron umacron ubreve quoteleft quoteright quotedblleft quotedblright question_question question_exclam ij
+ BClass: 610 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S U X Z Acircumflex AE Ccedilla Ocircumflex Thorn Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta Eta Theta Iota Kappa Lambda Mu Nu Xi Omicron Pi Rho NameMe.930 Sigma Tau Upsilon Phi Chi Psi Omega afii10053 afii10054 afii10055 afii10057 afii10058 afii10059 afii10060 afii10145 afii10017 afii10018 afii10019 afii10020 afii10021 afii10022 afii10024 afii10025 afii10026 afii10028 afii10029 afii10030 afii10031 afii10032 afii10033 afii10034 afii10035 afii10036 afii10037 afii10038 afii10039 afii10040 afii10041 afii10042 afii10043 afii10044 afii10045 afii10046 afii10047 afii10048 afii10049
+ FClass: 11 i j uni0268
+ FClass: 410 gravecomb acutecomb circumflexcomb tildecomb macroncomb uni0305 brevecomb uni0307 uni0308 hookabovecomb uni030A uni030B uni030C uni030D uni030E uni030F uni0310 uni0311 uni0312 uni0313 uni0314 uni0315 uni031A uni0351 uni0357 uni0358 grave.cap acute.cap circumflex.cap caron.cap breve.cap hungarumlaut.cap space_uni030F.cap breveinvertedcmb.cap breve.cyrcap breve.cyr dieresis.cap hookabovecomb.cap dotaccent.cap
+ FClass: 5 f f_f
+ FClass: 409 parenright question T V W Y bracketright bar braceright brokenbar ordfeminine two.superior three.superior pilcrow one.superior Yacute agrave atilde adieresis egrave edieresis igrave idieresis ograve otilde odieresis ugrave udieresis ydieresis amacron abreve emacron ebreve ecaron itilde imacron ibreve omacron umacron ubreve quoteleft quoteright quotedblleft quotedblright question_question question_exclam ij
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+ 1 0 1
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+Encoding: 37 37 4
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+HStem: -12 31<446.255 513.747> 225 31<488.273 551.957> 303 31<124.294 192.057> 484 37<279.857 459.046> 540 31<166.55 231.846>
+VStem: 57 54<341.762 480.451> 244 33<402.471 504.773> 378 55<26.327 164.525> 565 33<87.2343 214.183>
+LayerCount: 2
+433 83 m 0
+ 433 31 458 19 477 19 c 0
+ 532 19 565 108 565 164 c 0
+ 565 216 537 225 523 225 c 0
+ 474 225 433 141 433 83 c 0
+378 98 m 0
+ 378 180 438 256 512 256 c 0
+ 552 256 598 238 598 165 c 0
+ 598 98 554 -12 471 -12 c 0
+ 410 -12 378 45 378 98 c 0
+364 521 m 0
+ 406 521 483 533 514 575 c 1
+ 546 559 l 1
+ 136 -12 l 1
+ 102 3 l 1
+ 461 503 l 1
+ 423 488 384 484 354 484 c 0
+ 331 484 293 494 274 505 c 1
+ 276 498 277 489 277 480 c 0
+ 277 416 233 303 149 303 c 0
+ 87 303 57 361 57 412 c 0
+ 57 500.1 118 571 190 571 c 0
+ 218 571 247 558 257 546 c 1
+ 311 521 346 521 364 521 c 0
+111 398 m 0
+ 111 346 137 334 155 334 c 0
+ 210 334 244 421 244 479 c 0
+ 244 529 219 540 201 540 c 0
+ 152 540 111 456 111 398 c 0
+Validated: 527361
+StartChar: parenleft
+Encoding: 40 40 5
+Width: 298
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+Flags: W
+GlyphCompositionVertical: 3 uni239D%0,0,136,894 uni239C%1,893,893,894 uni239B%0,136,0,894
+VStem: 44 83<97.6984 405.148>
+LayerCount: 2
+44 252 m 0
+ 44 438 137 605 256 707 c 1
+ 267.4 706.2 273.6 699.3 277 689 c 1
+ 245 653 127 515 127 252 c 0
+ 127 -11 244 -149 277 -187 c 1
+ 274 -195 266 -202 256 -204 c 1
+ 48 -24 44 207 44 252 c 0
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" parenleft.inferior
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" parenleft.superior
+Substitution2: "'case' Versalformen 1"
+StartChar: parenright
+Encoding: 41 41 6
+Width: 298
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+VStem: 171 83<98.8522 406.302>
+LayerCount: 2
+254 252 m 0
+ 254 66 161 -101 42 -203 c 1
+ 30.6 -202.2 24.4 -195.3 21 -185 c 1
+ 53 -149 171 -11 171 252 c 0
+ 171 515 54 653 21 691 c 1
+ 24 699 32 706 42 708 c 1
+ 250 528 254 297 254 252 c 0
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" parenright.inferior
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" parenright.superior
+Substitution2: "'case' Versalformen 1"
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: asterisk
+Encoding: 42 42 7
+Width: 369
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+168 547 m 1
+ 155 550 141 551 126 551 c 0
+ 77 551 45 558 45 588 c 0
+ 45 602 54 618 78 618 c 0
+ 112 618 130 585 174 567 c 1
+ 170 606 151 633 151 659 c 0
+ 151 680 163 698 181 698 c 0
+ 199 698 214 687 214 663 c 0
+ 214 636 197 596 195 566 c 1
+ 241 586 257 618 290 618 c 0
+ 317 618 324 598 324 588 c 0
+ 324 558 289 551 255 551 c 0
+ 236 551 218 550 200 547 c 1
+ 234 510 283 500 283 460 c 0
+ 283 442 268 431 254 431 c 0
+ 215 431 208 496 183 535 c 1
+ 158 490 151 431 113 431 c 0
+ 96 431 84 444 84 459 c 0
+ 84 502 135 510 168 547 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: plus
+Encoding: 43 43 8
+Width: 550
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: 226 50<62.4893 250 300 486.691> 442 20G<278 287>
+VStem: 250 50<43.4893 226 276 458.691>
+LayerCount: 2
+250 435 m 2
+ 250 448 273 462 283 462 c 0
+ 291 462 300 458 300 448 c 2
+ 300 276 l 1
+ 476 276 l 2
+ 486 276 490 267 490 259 c 0
+ 490 249 476 226 463 226 c 2
+ 300 226 l 1
+ 300 66 l 2
+ 300 54 281 41 266 41 c 0
+ 258 41 250 47 250 56 c 2
+ 250 226 l 1
+ 75 226 l 2
+ 66 226 60 234 60 242 c 0
+ 60 257 73 276 85 276 c 2
+ 250 276 l 1
+ 250 435 l 2
+Validated: 3585
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" plus.superior plus.inferior uni2098
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" plus.inferior
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" plus.superior
+StartChar: slash
+Encoding: 47 47 9
+Width: 323
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: 626 20G<245.277 293>
+VStem: 15 278
+LayerCount: 2
+293 646 m 1
+ 56 -59 l 1
+ 15 -59 l 1
+ 252 646 l 1
+ 293 646 l 1
+Validated: 3585
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" fraction
+Ligature2: "'frac' Brueche 1" uni2215
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" uni2215
+StartChar: one
+Encoding: 49 49 10
+Width: 465
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 33<110.625 188.75 305.25 378.375> 588 20G<257.35 286.75>
+VStem: 211 77<47.6546 505.982>
+LayerCount: 2
+288 122 m 2
+ 288 39 305 34 375 31 c 1
+ 381 25 381 4 375 -2 c 1
+ 325 -1 300.6 0 253 0 c 0
+ 198.8 0 163 -1 114 -2 c 1
+ 108 4 108 25 114 31 c 1
+ 184 34 211 39 211 122 c 2
+ 211 448 l 2
+ 211 482 207.5 506 191 506 c 0
+ 172 506 149.5 500 104 481 c 1
+ 95 487.1 90.6 496.6 89 508 c 1
+ 177 549 229.7 573.7 285 608 c 1
+ 288.5 608 291 607.8 291 603 c 0
+ 289.3 590 288 529 288 469 c 2
+ 288 122 l 2
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "'case' Versalformen 1" one.cap
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" one.oldstyle one.superior one.fitted
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" one.superior
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" one.inferior
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportionalziffern 1" one.fitted
+Substitution2: "'onum' Minuskelziffern 1" one.taboldstyle
+StartChar: two
+Encoding: 50 50 11
+Width: 465
+VWidth: 487
+Flags: W
+HStem: 0 65<135 355.125> 429 21G<90.5 109.5> 575 35<165.232 283.26>
+VStem: 61 75<450.908 530.348> 322 88<375.443 538.36> 383 29<114.301 159.634>
+LayerCount: 2
+61 468 m 0xf8
+ 61 528 130 610 241 610 c 0
+ 322 610 410 566 410 458 c 0xf8
+ 410 382 367 338 310 283 c 2
+ 209 186 l 2
+ 204 181 135 113 135 65 c 1
+ 313 65 l 2
+ 349 65 366 90 383 161 c 1
+ 393 163 406 161 412 156 c 1xf4
+ 411 126 401 51 388 -2 c 1
+ 388 -2 342 0 310 0 c 2
+ 135 0 l 2
+ 103 0 52 -2 52 -2 c 1
+ 52 57 68 105 166 205 c 1
+ 240 278 l 1
+ 299 338 322 390 322 454 c 0
+ 322 550 271 575 235 575 c 0
+ 162 575 136 539 136 514 c 0
+ 136 506 142 497 144 490 c 0
+ 146 483 148 477 148 469 c 0
+ 148 446.9 118 429 101 429 c 0
+ 80 429 61 447 61 468 c 0xf8
+Validated: 8916481
+Substitution2: "'case' Versalformen 1" two.cap
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" two.oldstyle two.superior two.fitted
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" two.superior
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" two.inferior
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportionalziffern 1" two.fitted
+Substitution2: "'onum' Minuskelziffern 1" two.taboldstyle
+StartChar: three
+Encoding: 51 51 12
+Width: 465
+VWidth: 487
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 35<146.553 258.169> 312 32<144.906 193.387> 575 35<153.013 268.078>
+VStem: 47 73<450.746 535.946> 298.1 78.2<424.404 549.902> 325 88<104.879 268.015>
+LayerCount: 2
+215 575 m 0xf8
+ 189 575 120 563 120 499 c 0
+ 120 480 116 447 81 447 c 0
+ 57 447 47 467 47 481 c 0
+ 47 514 89 610 236 610 c 0
+ 288.3 610 323.2 593.1 345 571 c 0
+ 369.3 546.4 376.3 521.9 376.3 491.9 c 0xf8
+ 376.3 439.2 353.3 397.6 271 359 c 1
+ 272 357 l 1
+ 331 347 413 308 413 199 c 0
+ 413 67 307 -10 188 -10 c 0
+ 128 -10 44 17 44 57 c 0
+ 44 73 65 92 86 92 c 0
+ 106 92 119 80 129 66 c 0
+ 141 48 150 25 201 25 c 0
+ 236 25 325 52 325 185 c 0xf4
+ 325 298 251 314 194 314 c 0
+ 181 314 163 314 146 312 c 1
+ 141 344 l 1
+ 240.1 358.1 298.1 434.5 298.1 484.7 c 0
+ 298.1 549 258.2 575 215 575 c 0xf8
+Validated: 8916481
+Substitution2: "'case' Versalformen 1" three.cap
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" three.oldstyle three.superior three.fitted
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" three.superior
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" three.inferior
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportionalziffern 1" three.fitted
+Substitution2: "'onum' Minuskelziffern 1" three.taboldstyle
+StartChar: four
+Encoding: 52 52 13
+Width: 465
+VWidth: 487
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 33<186.625 258.87 354.729 420.375> 172 47<80 271 347 442.734> 590 20G<311.5 349>
+VStem: 271 76<40.5879 172 219 507>
+LayerCount: 2
+271 507 m 1
+ 202 412.8 131.3 301.2 80 219 c 1
+ 271 219 l 1
+ 271 507 l 1
+430 219 m 2
+ 441 219 445 213 445 203 c 0
+ 445 191 430 172 416 172 c 2
+ 347 172 l 1
+ 347 80 l 2
+ 347 33 368 35 417 31 c 1
+ 423 25 423 4 417 -2 c 1
+ 385 -1 347.4 0 308 0 c 0
+ 262 0 222 -1 190 -2 c 1
+ 184 4 184 25 190 31 c 1
+ 233 34 271 34 271 80 c 2
+ 271 172 l 1
+ 67 172 l 2
+ 37 172 31 199 28 214 c 1
+ 119.5 357 236 521.5 299 599 c 0
+ 302.7 603.5 308 610 315 610 c 2
+ 347 610 l 1
+ 349 608 l 1
+ 347.3 600.2 347 561 347 511 c 2
+ 347 219 l 1
+ 430 219 l 2
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "'case' Versalformen 1" four.cap
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" four.oldstyle four.superior four.fitted
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" four.superior
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" four.inferior
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportionalziffern 1" four.fitted
+Substitution2: "'onum' Minuskelziffern 1" four.taboldstyle
+StartChar: five
+Encoding: 53 53 14
+Width: 465
+VWidth: 487
+Flags: W
+HStem: -11 35<165.129 257.615> 341 50<131.938 269.703> 533 67<150.426 373.874> 539 72<150.512 216.266 220.485 265.762 269.409 373>
+VStem: 319 89<105.219 288.312>
+LayerCount: 2
+319 189 m 0xe8
+ 319 298 268 341 203 341 c 0
+ 167 341 129 337 76 317 c 1
+ 110 605 l 1
+ 145 602 181 600 218 600 c 0xe8
+ 271 600 325 605 382 611 c 1
+ 389 607 l 1
+ 373 539 l 1xd8
+ 332 535 298 533 268 533 c 0
+ 220 533 188 538 151 542 c 1
+ 131 375 l 1
+ 149 382 186 391 229 391 c 0
+ 341 391 408 304 408 207 c 0
+ 408 81 320 -11 196 -11 c 0
+ 139 -11 54 23 54 64 c 0
+ 54 84 73 101 92 101 c 0
+ 113 101 130 86 143 69 c 0
+ 158 49 171 24 209 24 c 0
+ 269 24 319 94 319 189 c 0xe8
+Validated: 3585
+Substitution2: "'case' Versalformen 1" five.cap
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" five.oldstyle five.superior five.fitted
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" five.superior
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" five.inferior
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportionalziffern 1" five.fitted
+Substitution2: "'onum' Minuskelziffern 1" five.taboldstyle
+StartChar: six
+Encoding: 54 54 15
+Width: 465
+VWidth: 487
+Flags: W
+HStem: -11 35<185.943 291.796> 330 35<154.706 279.273> 585 26<338.083 363.075>
+VStem: 44 83<101.858 309.099> 338 83<101.414 271.905>
+LayerCount: 2
+135.2 307 m 1
+ 129.3 278.2 127 251.5 127 229 c 0
+ 127 58 184 24 247 24 c 0
+ 296 24 338 74 338 184 c 0
+ 338 234 316 330 218 330 c 0
+ 200.6 330 168 328.6 135.2 307 c 1
+144.3 343.3 m 1
+ 174.1 357 213 365 239 365 c 0
+ 375 365 421 288 421 202 c 0
+ 421 116 367 -11 236 -11 c 0
+ 159 -11 44 29 44 232 c 0
+ 44 311 75 402 137 474 c 0
+ 193 539 255 581 356 611 c 1
+ 364 606 368 597 368 585 c 1
+ 235 535.2 171.4 434.2 144.3 343.3 c 1
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "'case' Versalformen 1" six.cap
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" six.oldstyle six.superior six.fitted
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" six.superior
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" six.inferior
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportionalziffern 1" six.fitted
+Substitution2: "'onum' Minuskelziffern 1" six.taboldstyle
+StartChar: seven
+Encoding: 55 55 16
+Width: 465
+VWidth: 487
+Flags: W
+HStem: -13 21G<124 200> 535 65<114.454 347.683> 591 20G<399.5 424>
+VStem: 51 32<449.351 488.623>
+LayerCount: 2
+170 535 m 2xd0
+ 138 535 105 528 83 448 c 1
+ 72 446.7 61.9 447.9 51 451 c 1
+ 59 503 70 563 71 611 c 0xb0
+ 71 614 72 614 75 614 c 0
+ 93 610 91 600 125 600 c 2
+ 331 600 l 2xd0
+ 369 600 391 606 408 611 c 1xb0
+ 424 599 l 1
+ 312 326 257 160 200 -10 c 1
+ 132 -13 l 1
+ 124 -6 l 1
+ 192 146 271 341 349 535 c 1
+ 170 535 l 2xd0
+Validated: 8916481
+Substitution2: "'case' Versalformen 1" seven.cap
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" seven.oldstyle seven.superior seven.fitted
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" seven.superior
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" seven.inferior
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportionalziffern 1" seven.fitted
+Substitution2: "'onum' Minuskelziffern 1" seven.taboldstyle
+StartChar: nine
+Encoding: 57 57 17
+Width: 465
+VWidth: 487
+Flags: W
+HStem: -12 26<107.925 132.917> 234 35<191.727 316.294> 575 35<179.204 285.057>
+VStem: 50 83<327.095 497.586> 344 83<289.901 497.142>
+LayerCount: 2
+335.8 292 m 1
+ 341.7 320.8 344 347.5 344 370 c 0
+ 344 541 287 575 224 575 c 0
+ 175 575 133 525 133 415 c 0
+ 133 365 155 269 253 269 c 0
+ 270.4 269 303 270.4 335.8 292 c 1
+326.7 255.7 m 1
+ 296.9 242 258 234 232 234 c 0
+ 96 234 50 311 50 397 c 0
+ 50 483 104 610 235 610 c 0
+ 312 610 427 570 427 367 c 0
+ 427 288 396 197 334 125 c 0
+ 278 60 216 18 115 -12 c 1
+ 107 -7 103 2 103 14 c 1
+ 236 63.8 299.6 164.8 326.7 255.7 c 1
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "'case' Versalformen 1" nine.cap
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" nine.oldstyle nine.superior nine.fitted
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" nine.superior
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" nine.inferior
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportionalziffern 1" nine.fitted
+Substitution2: "'onum' Minuskelziffern 1" nine.taboldstyle
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: colon
+Encoding: 58 58 18
+Width: 236
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: 19 106<80.6089 165.391> 302 106<80.6089 165.391>
+VStem: 70 106<29.6089 114.391 312.609 397.391>
+LayerCount: 2
+70 355 m 0
+ 70 384 94 408 123 408 c 0
+ 152 408 176 384 176 355 c 0
+ 176 326 152 302 123 302 c 0
+ 94 302 70 326 70 355 c 0
+70 72 m 0
+ 70 101 94 125 123 125 c 0
+ 152 125 176 101 176 72 c 0
+ 176 43 152 19 123 19 c 0
+ 94 19 70 43 70 72 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: less
+Encoding: 60 60 19
+Width: 550
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: 73 331
+LayerCount: 2
+138 239 m 1
+ 455 123 l 1
+ 468 109 469 79 455 73 c 1
+ 65 215 l 1
+ 55.7 229.7 55.7 245.7 65 263 c 1
+ 455 404 l 1
+ 469 398 468 368 455 354 c 1
+ 138 239 l 1
+Validated: 527361
+StartChar: equal
+Encoding: 61 61 20
+Width: 550
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: 143 50<62.4893 487.691> 309 50<62.4893 487.691>
+LayerCount: 2
+464 309 m 2
+ 75 309 l 2
+ 66 309 60 317 60 325 c 0
+ 60 340 73 359 85 359 c 2
+ 477 359 l 2
+ 487 359 491 350 491 342 c 0
+ 491 332 477 309 464 309 c 2
+464 143 m 2
+ 75 143 l 2
+ 66 143 60 151 60 159 c 0
+ 60 174 73 193 85 193 c 2
+ 477 193 l 2
+ 487 193 491 184 491 176 c 0
+ 491 166 477 143 464 143 c 2
+Validated: 3585
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" equal.superior
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" equal.inferior
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" equal.superior
+StartChar: greater
+Encoding: 62 62 21
+Width: 550
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: 71 331
+LayerCount: 2
+412 236 m 1
+ 95 352 l 1
+ 82 366 81 396 95 402 c 1
+ 485 260 l 1
+ 494.3 245.3 494.3 229.3 485 212 c 1
+ 95 71 l 1
+ 81 77 82 107 95 121 c 1
+ 412 236 l 1
+Validated: 527361
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: question
+Encoding: 63 63 22
+Width: 435
+VWidth: 487
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 106<154.609 239.391> 626 33<140.81 257.898>
+VStem: 46 68<506.793 590.817> 144 106<0.608917 85.3911> 181 33<174.009 299.829> 306 83<434.552 583.109>
+LayerCount: 2
+114 572 m 0xec
+ 114 557 116 551 120 546 c 0
+ 124 541 126 535 126 522 c 0
+ 126 499 106 487 87 487 c 0
+ 71 487 46 495 46 530 c 0
+ 46 568 67 596 97 620 c 1
+ 126 645 168 659 221 659 c 0
+ 323 659 389 599 389 508 c 0
+ 389 429 327 385 280 351 c 0
+ 257 334 237 318 228 301 c 0
+ 215 276 214 252 214 228 c 2
+ 214 184 l 2
+ 214 177 205 174 197 174 c 0
+ 189 174 181 177 181 184 c 2
+ 181 230 l 2
+ 181 273 186 332 251 391 c 0
+ 291 428 306 457 306 504 c 0
+ 306 569 268 626 211 626 c 0
+ 154 626 114 602 114 572 c 0xec
+144 43 m 0xf4
+ 144 72 168 96 197 96 c 0
+ 226 96 250 72 250 43 c 0
+ 250 14 226 -10 197 -10 c 0
+ 168 -10 144 14 144 43 c 0xf4
+Validated: 8391681
+Colour: ff9ccc
+StartChar: at
+Encoding: 64 64 23
+Width: 895
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: HMW
+HStem: -158 33<366.698 569.227> 27 43<368.151 451.044> 379 31<449.098 547.769> 580 31<358.072 546.24>
+VStem: 59 80<106.897 345.025> 273 73<90.7683 252.641> 515 68<62.2365 153.555> 759 80<177.345 388.462>
+LayerCount: 2
+569 316 m 0
+ 569 354 540 379 504 379 c 0
+ 487 379 444 370 414 339 c 0
+ 363 288 346 224 346 162 c 0
+ 346 114 361 70 424 70 c 0
+ 459 70 508 127 539 200 c 0
+ 552 231 569 282 569 316 c 0
+583 74 m 0
+ 583 64 592 62 594 62 c 0
+ 696 62 759 109 759 275 c 0
+ 759 481 584 580 459 580 c 0
+ 307 580 139 478 139 241 c 0
+ 139 91 215 -125 473 -125 c 0
+ 558 -125 620 -102 674 -59 c 1
+ 687 -77 l 1
+ 627 -123 567 -158 454 -158 c 0
+ 215 -158 59 10 59 223 c 0
+ 59 438 244 611 469 611 c 0
+ 684 611 839 469 839 282 c 0
+ 839 168 769 27 551 27 c 0
+ 522 27 515 52 515 68 c 0
+ 515 83 522 106 530 131 c 1
+ 528 132 l 1
+ 484 58 430 29 395 29 c 0
+ 295 29 273 113 273 153 c 0
+ 273 296 400 410 506 410 c 0
+ 539 410 573 393 583 367 c 1
+ 588 391 l 1
+ 641 404 l 1
+ 656 399 l 1
+ 596 141 l 2
+ 590 114 583 80.5 583 74 c 0
+Validated: 527361
+StartChar: A
+Encoding: 65 65 24
+Width: 695
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 33<3.625 68.0936 159.094 227.375 436.625 510.9 622.218 688.375> 241 42<240.994 440> 638 20G<381.5 396.203>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 308 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 116 5 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 354 850 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+263 283 m 2
+ 440 283 l 1
+ 346 555 l 1
+ 340 555 l 1
+ 237.8 296.3 l 2
+ 234 286 241 283 263 283 c 2
+155 79 m 2
+ 139.4 37.9 186.4 33.6 224 31 c 1
+ 230 25 230 4 224 -2 c 1
+ 187 -1 137 0 96 0 c 0
+ 65.7 0 33 -1 7 -2 c 1
+ 1 4 1 25 7 31 c 1
+ 50.5 34 81 40 107 102 c 2
+ 334 638 l 1
+ 347 638 374 649 389 658 c 1
+ 595 86 l 2
+ 612.4 37.8 646.2 34.5 685 31 c 1
+ 691 25 691 4 685 -2 c 1
+ 650 -1 612 0 571 0 c 0
+ 532 0 477 -1 440 -2 c 1
+ 434 4 434 25 440 31 c 1
+ 487.6 34.4 525.8 37.5 514 72 c 2
+ 456 241 l 1
+ 245 241 l 2
+ 221 241 215 237 210 224 c 2
+ 155 79 l 2
+Validated: 527905
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: B
+Encoding: 66 66 25
+Width: 588
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 33<15.625 88.75 211.171 377.943> 332 34<191 351.927> 613 34<15.9238 91.0861 197.532 342.51>
+VStem: 106 85<45.5581 332 366 601.375> 407 81<427.385 560.634> 454 93<98.7984 251.316>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 306 175 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 509 732 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 268 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 250 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 267 850 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+191 550 m 2xf8
+ 191 366 l 1
+ 265 366 l 2
+ 348 366 407 396 407 481 c 0
+ 407 583 334 613 278 613 c 0
+ 191 613 191 603 191 550 c 2xf8
+191 332 m 1
+ 191 118 l 2
+ 191 57 204 31 274 31 c 0
+ 426 31 454 92 454 165 c 0xf4
+ 454 255 397 332 260 332 c 2
+ 191 332 l 1
+148 645 m 0
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+Position2: "'lfbd' Left Bounds lookup 5-1" dx=-43 dy=0 dh=-43 dv=0
+Position2: "'rtbd' Rechte R+AOQA-nder lookup 4-1" dx=0 dy=0 dh=0 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" minus.inferior
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" minus.superior
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Substitution2: "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Substitution2: "'case' Versalformen 1" hyphen.cap
+StartChar: period
+Encoding: 46 46 234
+Width: 220
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 106<67.6089 152.391>
+VStem: 57 106<0.608917 85.3911>
+LayerCount: 2
+57 43 m 0
+ 57 72 81 96 110 96 c 0
+ 139 96 163 72 163 43 c 0
+ 163 14 139 -10 110 -10 c 0
+ 81 -10 57 14 57 43 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: zero
+Encoding: 48 48 235
+Width: 465
+VWidth: 487
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 35<184.856 274.867> 575 35<190.242 276.888>
+VStem: 39 87<150.105 443.88> 335 87<148.096 451.846>
+LayerCount: 2
+232 575 m 0
+ 187 575 126 529 126 283 c 0
+ 126 196 136 25 229 25 c 0
+ 247 25 296 34 318 116 c 0
+ 332 167 335 230 335 322 c 0
+ 335 456 308 532 277 558 c 0
+ 265 569 249 575 232 575 c 0
+228 -10 m 0
+ 189.3 -10 155 3.6 126.6 32 c 0
+ 71.9 86.5 39 187.4 39 294 c 0
+ 39 492 133 610 232 610 c 0
+ 286 610 327.8 579.7 354 545 c 0
+ 398 487 422 402 422 303 c 0
+ 422 68 305 -10 228 -10 c 0
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "'case' Versalformen 1" zero.cap
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" zero.oldstyle zero.fitted zero.slash zero.slashfitted perthousandzero
+Substitution2: "'zero' gestrichene Null 1" zero.slash
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" zero.superior
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" zero.inferior
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportionalziffern 1" zero.fitted
+Substitution2: "'onum' Minuskelziffern 1" zero.taboldstyle
+StartChar: I
+Encoding: 73 73 236
+Width: 297
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 33<15.625 88.75 208.25 281.375> 614 33<15.625 88.75 208.25 281.375>
+VStem: 106 85<43.3808 601.619>
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 150 850 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+191 122 m 2
+ 191 39 208 34 278 31 c 1
+ 284 25 284 4 278 -2 c 1
+ 233 -1 184.6 0 149 0 c 0
+ 112.7 0 64 -1 19 -2 c 1
+ 13 4 13 25 19 31 c 1
+ 89 34 106 39 106 122 c 2
+ 106 523 l 2
+ 106 606 89 611 19 614 c 1
+ 13 620 13 641 19 647 c 1
+ 66 646 114.5 645 148 645 c 0
+ 186.5 645 234 646 278 647 c 1
+ 284 641 284 620 278 614 c 1
+ 208 611 191 606 191 523 c 2
+ 191 122 l 2
+Validated: 527873
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: J
+Encoding: 74 74 237
+Width: 322
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -172 45<-4 94.3163> 614 33<40.625 122.5 242 306.375>
+VStem: 141 85<-22.1101 600.635>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 186 315 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 182 850 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+226 523 m 2
+ 226 103 l 2
+ 226 -40 167.7 -91.7 124 -129 c 0
+ 83 -164 52 -172 7 -172 c 0
+ -15 -172 -68 -154 -68 -118 c 0
+ -68 -96 -38 -75 -24 -75 c 0
+ 0.9 -75 9.7 -87.8 15.7 -100.5 c 0
+ 22.7 -115.2 36.9 -127 56 -127 c 0
+ 89 -127 141 -99 141 81 c 2
+ 141 523 l 2
+ 141 606 124 611 44 614 c 1
+ 38 620 38 641 44 647 c 1
+ 94 646 146.7 645 183 645 c 0
+ 221.7 645 265 646 303 647 c 1
+ 309 641 309 620 303 614 c 1
+ 243 611 226 606 226 523 c 2
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "'ss02' Stilgruppe 2 1" J.alt
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: K
+Encoding: 75 75 238
+Width: 637
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 33<15.625 88.75 208.25 281.375 568.532 630.375> 308.9 38.4<191 247.119> 614 33<15.625 88.75 208.25 281.375 403.625 453.911 542.494 618.375>
+VStem: 106 85<43.3808 308.9 347.3 601.619>
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 649 732 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+191 122 m 2
+ 191 39 208 34 278 31 c 1
+ 284 25 284 4 278 -2 c 1
+ 233 -1 187 0 149 0 c 0
+ 110 0 64 -1 19 -2 c 1
+ 13 4 13 25 19 31 c 1
+ 89 34 106 39 106 122 c 2
+ 106 523 l 2
+ 106 606 89 611 19 614 c 1
+ 13 620 13 641 19 647 c 1
+ 64 646 109.5 645 148 645 c 0
+ 184.5 645 232 646 278 647 c 1
+ 284 641 284 620 278 614 c 1
+ 208 611 191 606 191 523 c 2
+ 191 347.3 l 1
+ 226.1 350.2 248.7 363.3 270 386 c 2
+ 435 562 l 2
+ 477.1 606.9 443.1 610.6 407 614 c 1
+ 401 620 401 641 407 647 c 1
+ 444 646 483 645 520 645 c 0
+ 552.2 645 584 646 615 647 c 1
+ 621 641 621 620 615 614 c 1
+ 575 611 535 607 489 558 c 1
+ 342 407 l 2
+ 308 372 307 365 307 358 c 0
+ 307 350 312.3 342.1 320 333 c 2
+ 539 73 l 2
+ 569.6 36.7 598.1 33.6 627 31 c 1
+ 633 25 633 4 627 -2 c 1
+ 594 -1 560 0 526 0 c 0
+ 504.9 0 492 -1 472 -2 c 0
+ 468 -2 467.4 1 467 4 c 0
+ 465 20 451.3 47.4 431 73 c 2
+ 274 271 l 2
+ 253.7 296.6 224.8 307.9 191 308.9 c 1
+ 191 122 l 2
+Validated: 527905
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" K.alt
+Substitution2: "'ss02' Stilgruppe 2 1" K.alt
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Colour: ff9ccc
+StartChar: L
+Encoding: 76 76 239
+Width: 528
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 33<15.625 88.75> 0 39<202.367 397.965> 614 33<15.625 88.75 208.25 281.375>
+VStem: 106 85<47.7012 601.619> 474 33<126.656 167.698>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 288 315 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 471 732 basechar 0
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+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 262 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 151 850 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+149 0 m 2x78
+ 115.3 0 58 -1 19 -2 c 1
+ 13 4 13 25 19 31 c 1xb8
+ 89 34 106 39 106 122 c 2
+ 106 523 l 2
+ 106 606 89 611 19 614 c 1
+ 13 620 13 641 19 647 c 1
+ 65 646 111.9 645 148 645 c 0
+ 186.1 645 233 646 278 647 c 1
+ 284 641 284 620 278 614 c 1
+ 208 611 191 606 191 523 c 2
+ 191 109 l 2
+ 191 58 209 39 248 39 c 2
+ 311 39 l 2x78
+ 417 39 454 98 474 170 c 1
+ 486.4 171.8 497.2 169.7 507 165 c 1
+ 501 113 491 48 481 -2 c 1xb8
+ 481 -2 389 0 361.7 0 c 2
+ 149 0 l 2x78
+Validated: 8916481
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: M
+Encoding: 77 77 240
+Width: 839
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 21G<393 399> -2 33<16.625 68.5161 148.689 203.375 595.625 658.579 752.31 818.375> 614 33<63.625 131.125 716.428 780.375>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 426 445 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 107 2 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 393 -110 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+662.7 116 m 2x60
+ 637 534 l 1
+ 635 534 l 1
+ 410 5 l 2
+ 406 -3 402 -10 396 -10 c 0xa0
+ 390 -10 383.8 -2.1 381 5 c 2
+ 174 524 l 1
+ 172 524 l 1
+ 134 123 l 2
+ 128.6 66.7 134 36 200 31 c 1
+ 206 25 206 4 200 -2 c 1
+ 170 -1 130 0 106 0 c 0
+ 82 0 50 -1 20 -2 c 1
+ 14 4 14 25 20 31 c 1
+ 77 36 89 61.1 94.9 121 c 2
+ 135 533 l 2
+ 142 608 136 610 67 614 c 1
+ 61 620 61 641 67 647 c 1
+ 212 645 l 1
+ 417 137 l 2
+ 420.1 129.4 423 124 425 124 c 0
+ 427 124 430 128 434 138 c 2
+ 646 645 l 1
+ 777 647 l 1
+ 783 641 783 620 777 614 c 1
+ 709 610 704 596 708.3 542 c 2
+ 738.1 121 l 2
+ 743.9 38.2 747 34 815 31 c 1
+ 821 25 821 4 815 -2 c 1
+ 781.8 -1 736 0 706 0 c 0
+ 676 0 636 -1 599 -2 c 1
+ 593 4 593 25 599 31 c 1
+ 664 34 667.7 35 662.7 116 c 2x60
+Validated: 8916513
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: N
+Encoding: 78 78 241
+Width: 699
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 21G<574 589> -2 33<11.625 79.4561 172.141 241.375> 614 33<19.625 66.784 465.625 534.859 627.544 695.375>
+VStem: 102 49<48.1359 487.989> 556 49<155.008 596.864>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 356 320 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 125 -4 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 348 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 346 850 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+556 512 m 2x78
+ 556 603 539 607 469 614 c 1
+ 463 620 463 641 469 647 c 1
+ 513 646 558.7 645 580 645 c 0
+ 603.7 645 651 646 692 647 c 1
+ 698 641 698 620 692 614 c 1
+ 622 607 605 601 605 512 c 2
+ 605 21 l 2
+ 605 2 596 -10 582 -10 c 0xb8
+ 566 -10 553 -1 542 14 c 2
+ 193 455 l 2
+ 176 477 165 488 159 488 c 0
+ 151 488 151 473 151 439 c 2
+ 151 133 l 2
+ 151 42 168 38 238 31 c 1
+ 244 25 244 4 238 -2 c 1
+ 196 -1 150.1 0 127 0 c 0
+ 103.4 0 58 -1 15 -2 c 1
+ 9 4 9 25 15 31 c 1
+ 85 38 102 44 102 133 c 2
+ 102 550 l 1
+ 96 576 66 611 23 614 c 1
+ 17 620 17 641 23 647 c 1
+ 158 645 l 1
+ 501 210 l 2
+ 530 173 545 155 549 155 c 0
+ 556 155 556 166 556 185 c 2
+ 556 512 l 2x78
+Validated: 8916481
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: O
+Encoding: 79 79 242
+Width: 702
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 36<287.252 445.896> 622 36<258.757 417.86>
+VStem: 37 96<199.246 446.732> 570 96<196.266 451.706>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 346 322 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "komb_OR" 620 606 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 350 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 350 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 335 850 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+331 622 m 0
+ 232 622 133 537 133 327 c 0
+ 133 135 248 26 370 26 c 0
+ 484 26 570 131 570 310 c 0
+ 570 512 463 622 331 622 c 0
+666 329 m 0
+ 666 245 644 172.7 604.2 116 c 0
+ 549.3 37.7 460.8 -10 350 -10 c 0
+ 180 -10 37 113 37 310 c 0
+ 37 503.9 150.3 658 344 658 c 0
+ 523 658 666 536 666 329 c 0
+Validated: 527873
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: P
+Encoding: 80 80 243
+Width: 541
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: HMW
+HStem: -2 33<13.625 86.75 210.75 294.375> 282 34<189.785 347.54> 618 34<15.7036 82.8593 179.305 354.075>
+VStem: 104 85<47.6546 292 318.199 600.635> 414 93<395.93 561.649>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 286 464 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 509 732 basechar 0
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+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 240 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 277 850 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+189 554 m 2
+ 189 321 l 1
+ 200 318 240 316 265 316 c 0
+ 362 316 414 360 414 468 c 0
+ 414 595 345 618 276 618 c 0
+ 204 618 189 583 189 554 c 2
+104 523 m 2
+ 104 606 87 611 17 614 c 1
+ 11 620 11 641 17 647 c 1
+ 57 646 109.3 645 146 645 c 0
+ 186 645 244.7 652 283 652 c 0
+ 468 652 507 545 507 486 c 0
+ 507 401 452 282 270 282 c 0
+ 235 282 211 285 189 292 c 1
+ 189 122 l 2
+ 189 39 213 35 291 31 c 1
+ 297 25 297 4 291 -2 c 1
+ 241 -1 182.4 0 147 0 c 0
+ 111.3 0 62 -1 17 -2 c 1
+ 11 4 11 25 17 31 c 1
+ 87 34 104 39 104 122 c 2
+ 104 523 l 2
+Validated: 527873
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: Q
+Encoding: 81 81 244
+Width: 702
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: HMW
+HStem: -209 57<491.283 620.202> -114 44<243.5 328.318> -10 34<293.846 441.261> 624 34<262.897 415.308>
+VStem: 37 96<199.09 439.608> 570 96<197.944 451.367>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 336 324 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 619 732 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "komb_OR" 620 606 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 348 850 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+331 622 m 0
+ 232 622 133 537 133 327 c 0
+ 133 135 248 26 370 26 c 0
+ 484 26 570 131 570 310 c 0
+ 570 512 463 622 331 622 c 0
+666 329 m 0
+ 666 245 644 172.7 604.2 116 c 0
+ 559.5 52.3 492.5 8.8 409.3 -5.2 c 1
+ 376.7 -14.4 327.7 -35.2 278.1 -71.5 c 1
+ 285.3 -70.5 292 -70 298 -70 c 0
+ 355.8 -70 405.9 -91.7 452.5 -114.1 c 0
+ 495 -134.5 535.2 -152 577 -152 c 0
+ 606 -152 642 -142 664 -115 c 1
+ 681 -127 l 1
+ 642 -183 600 -209 537 -209 c 0
+ 466.4 -209 415.6 -182 369 -155.4 c 0
+ 330.1 -133.2 293.5 -114 251 -114 c 0
+ 243.4 -114 229.8 -117.3 215.7 -126.7 c 1
+ 202.5 -140.8 189.8 -156.2 178 -173 c 1
+ 139 -153 l 1
+ 143.8 -144.7 149.8 -137 156.6 -129.9 c 0
+ 192.5 -86.8 248.2 -39.5 309.1 -7.6 c 1
+ 157.7 10.5 37 129 37 310 c 0
+ 37 503.9 150.3 658 344 658 c 0
+ 523 658 666 536 666 329 c 0
+Validated: 527873
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Colour: ff9ccc
+StartChar: R
+Encoding: 82 82 245
+Width: 587
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 31<539.651 586.526> -2 33<13.625 86.75 206.25 279.375> 291 34<189 284.483> 618 34<15.7036 82.8593 178.224 346.32>
+VStem: 104 85<43.3809 291 325 601.336> 405 92<398.367 563.649>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 278 468 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 519 732 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 148 -1 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 258 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 269 850 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+272 618 m 0x3c
+ 201 618 189 583 189 554 c 2
+ 189 325 l 1
+ 237 325 l 2
+ 334 325 405 353 405 478 c 0
+ 405 596 333 618 272 618 c 0x3c
+189 122 m 2
+ 189 39 206 34 276 31 c 1
+ 282 25 282 4 276 -2 c 1
+ 232 -1 184.6 0 147 0 c 0
+ 108.5 0 62 -1 17 -2 c 1
+ 11 4 11 25 17 31 c 1x7c
+ 87 34 104 39 104 122 c 2
+ 104 523 l 2
+ 104 606 87 611 17 614 c 1
+ 11 620 11 641 17 647 c 1
+ 64 646 111 645 146 645 c 0
+ 182 645 224 652 271 652 c 0
+ 334 652 396 649 444 604 c 0
+ 480 570 497 529 497 479 c 0
+ 497 374 407 322 364 308 c 1
+ 490 98 l 2
+ 516 54.6 541 21 586 21 c 1
+ 590 13 590.5 3.9 587 -3 c 1
+ 577 -8 560 -10 545 -10 c 0xbc
+ 485 -10 441.7 32.4 413 79 c 2
+ 306 253 l 2
+ 291.7 276.3 273 291 189 291 c 1
+ 189 122 l 2
+Validated: 8916481
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" R.alt
+Substitution2: "'ss02' Stilgruppe 2 1" R.alt
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: S
+Encoding: 83 83 246
+Width: 485
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: HMW
+HStem: -10 36<147.44 308.147> 624 34<173.334 305.688>
+VStem: 51 71.4<450.829 564.783> 360 84<101.804 225.334>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 236.1 345 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 480.8 732 basechar 0
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+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 234 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 231.9 850 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+394.6 631 m 1
+ 405 578 409 550 412.5 502 c 1
+ 403.5 495 390.5 494.2 380 496 c 1
+ 360 562 329 624 231.9 624 c 0
+ 173 624 122.4 568 122.4 512 c 0
+ 122.4 427.9 222.3 390.1 281.5 367.9 c 0
+ 363.9 337 444 290.4 444 184 c 0
+ 444 120.4 407.5 58.8 350 22.8 c 0
+ 315.2 1.1 272.1 -10 226.6 -10 c 0
+ 137.9 -10 110 13 47 13 c 1
+ 35 62 31 88 27 165 c 1
+ 36.6 170.1 47.2 172 59.5 168 c 1
+ 81.5 68.5 141.6 26 235 26 c 0
+ 314.8 26 360 68 360 149 c 0
+ 360 246.8 286.3 274.9 225.5 298 c 0
+ 137.5 331.5 51 379.6 51 485 c 0
+ 51 591 140 658 241.4 658 c 0
+ 339 658 336.8 639 394.6 631 c 1
+Validated: 527873
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: T
+Encoding: 84 84 247
+Width: 597
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: HMW
+HStem: -2 33<164.625 246.5 368.5 450.375> 606 39<98.3488 251.688 363.118 494.389>
+VStem: 3 34<502.785 541.578> 265 85<44.3649 597.249> 557 34<505.143 543.266>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 307 285 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 619 732 basechar 0
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+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 300 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 307 850 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+350 122 m 2
+ 350 39 367 34 447 31 c 1
+ 453 25 453 4 447 -2 c 1
+ 397 -1 346.4 0 308 0 c 0
+ 267.9 0 217 -1 168 -2 c 1
+ 162 4 162 25 168 31 c 1
+ 248 34 265 39 265 122 c 2
+ 265 507 l 2
+ 265 568 255 606 218 606 c 2
+ 169 606 l 2
+ 103 606 57 580 37 500 c 1
+ 25 500 13 501 3 505 c 1
+ 14 553 24 605 28 650 c 0
+ 28 651 30 653 32 653 c 0
+ 70 650 188 645 265 645 c 2
+ 351 645 l 2
+ 430 645 541 650 575 653 c 0
+ 576 653 578 651 578 650 c 0
+ 579 605 584 554 591 508 c 1
+ 582 504 568 503 557 503 c 1
+ 540 580 493 606 418 606 c 2
+ 396 606 l 2
+ 360 606 350 568 350 504 c 2
+ 350 122 l 2
+Validated: 527873
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: U
+Encoding: 85 85 248
+Width: 661
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 41<260.404 435.748> 614 33<6.625 71 189.125 267.375 430.625 505.459 593.292 655.375>
+VStem: 87 85<121.493 601.619> 526 49<135.217 599.083>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 336 321 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 328 4 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 328 -110 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+172 523 m 2
+ 172 266 l 2
+ 172 201 174 125 223 78 c 0
+ 253.1 49.1 294 31 342 31 c 0
+ 511 31 526 165 526 277 c 2
+ 526 523 l 2
+ 526 604 509 607 434 614 c 1
+ 428 620 428 641 434 647 c 1
+ 480 646 528.5 645 550 645 c 0
+ 573.2 645 614 646 652 647 c 1
+ 658 641 658 620 652 614 c 1
+ 592 607 575 603.3 575 523 c 2
+ 575 295 l 2
+ 575 117 526 -10 321 -10 c 0
+ 218.5 -10 87 29 87 233 c 2
+ 87 523 l 2
+ 87 606 70 611 10 614 c 1
+ 4 620 4 641 10 647 c 1
+ 49 646 90 645 129 645 c 0
+ 168.4 645 217 646 264 647 c 1
+ 270 641 270 620 264 614 c 1
+ 187 611 172 606 172 523 c 2
+Validated: 527873
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: V
+Encoding: 86 86 249
+Width: 652
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -12 21G<311 321.5> 614 33<2.46875 55.4016 173.686 233.375 444.625 504.115 596.367 648.375>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 334 474 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 679 732 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 318 3 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 318 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 336 850 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+448 614 m 1
+ 442 620 442 641 448 647 c 1
+ 489 646 534 645 557 645 c 0
+ 580 645 615 646 645 647 c 1
+ 651 641 651 620 645 614 c 1
+ 582 607 565.9 568.3 546.7 521 c 2
+ 340 11 l 2
+ 334.2 -3.3 327 -12 316 -12 c 0
+ 306 -12 299 -4.6 293 11 c 2
+ 95.5 523 l 2
+ 68.9 592 61 609 6 614 c 1
+ 0 620 -1 641 5 647 c 1
+ 38 646 72.7 645 109 645 c 0
+ 145 645 190 646 230 647 c 1
+ 236 641 236 620 230 614 c 1
+ 162 607 156.2 593.5 179.4 534 c 2
+ 338.5 127 l 1
+ 343.1 127 l 1
+ 501 528 l 2
+ 522.4 582.4 522 609 448 614 c 1
+Validated: 527905
+Position2: "'lfbd' Left Bounds lookup 5-1" dx=-27 dy=0 dh=-27 dv=0
+Position2: "'rtbd' Rechte R+AOQA-nder lookup 4-1" dx=0 dy=0 dh=-31 dv=0
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" uniE0EA
+StartChar: W
+Encoding: 87 87 250
+Width: 951
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+Flags: W
+HStem: -12 21G<281.25 293.5 625 636.5> 614 33<2.625 57.4214 164.867 218.375 336.625 391.878 514.259 568.375 740.625 807.501 886.014 944.375>
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 979 732 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+810 565 m 2
+ 825.3 607.6 785 611 744 614 c 1
+ 738 620 738 641 744 647 c 1
+ 784 646 828 645 854 645 c 0
+ 880 645 912 646 941 647 c 1
+ 947 641 947 620 941 614 c 1
+ 886 611 867.9 587.7 855 553 c 2
+ 654 14 l 2
+ 649 -1 642 -12 631 -12 c 0
+ 619 -12 613.9 -2 608 15 c 2
+ 493 347 l 2
+ 487.1 364.1 483 375 479 375 c 0
+ 474 375 470.9 370 462 350 c 2
+ 313 15 l 2
+ 305.6 -1.6 300 -12 287 -12 c 0
+ 275.5 -12 270.4 -0.9 265 15 c 2
+ 77 556 l 2
+ 58.4 609.5 51 611 6 614 c 1
+ 0 620 0 641 6 647 c 1
+ 35 646 64.3 645 99 645 c 0
+ 138 645 182 646 215 647 c 1
+ 221 641 221 620 215 614 c 1
+ 180 612 153.4 607.1 165 572 c 2
+ 311.2 129.7 l 1
+ 315.5 128.7 l 1
+ 445 422 l 2
+ 452.5 438.9 454 446.7 454 457 c 0
+ 454 466 450.9 476 447 488 c 2
+ 424 554 l 2
+ 415 579.7 393 611 340 614 c 1
+ 334 620 334 641 340 647 c 1
+ 372 646 407 645 440 645 c 0
+ 480 645 524 646 565 647 c 1
+ 571 641 571 620 565 614 c 1
+ 531 611 495.5 607.8 513 554 c 2
+ 650.5 132 l 1
+ 653.7 130.7 l 1
+ 810 565 l 2
+Validated: 527905
+Position2: "'lfbd' Left Bounds lookup 5-1" dx=-29 dy=0 dh=-29 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'ss05' Stilgruppe 5" W.alt
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" uniE0E9
+StartChar: X
+Encoding: 88 88 251
+Width: 660
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: HMW
+HStem: -2 33<3.625 68.0672 152.632 205.375 420.625 467.003 587.301 642.531> 614 33<14.4688 74.7667 190.034 236.375 428.625 481.04 567.776 630.375>
+DStem2: 118.004 93.0049 163.001 73.002 0.593256 0.805014<-18.5221 257.908 362.129 623.865> 209.5 559.75 119.665 547 0.578916 -0.815387<-45.791 213.322 292.919 570.513>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 326 325 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+538 102 m 2
+ 580.4 43.7 597 34 639 31 c 1
+ 645 25 646 4 640 -2 c 1
+ 610 -1 577 0 538 0 c 0
+ 498 0 461 -1 424 -2 c 1
+ 418 4 418 25 424 31 c 1
+ 480 34 475.8 44.9 447.5 85.2 c 2
+ 324 261 l 2
+ 318.4 269 314 272 310 272 c 0
+ 307 272 300.7 266 295 258 c 2
+ 163 73 l 2
+ 138.8 39 157.7 34 202 31 c 1
+ 208 25 208 4 202 -2 c 1
+ 162 -1 120 0 97 0 c 0
+ 74 0 37 -1 7 -2 c 1
+ 1 4 1 25 7 31 c 1
+ 51.7 35.3 83.7 47.1 118 93 c 2
+ 266 291 l 2
+ 271.9 298.9 276 308 276 314 c 0
+ 276 324 270.2 332.3 262 344 c 2
+ 119.7 547 l 2
+ 78.5 605.7 60 611 18 614 c 1
+ 12 620 11 641 17 647 c 1
+ 47 646 80 645 119 645 c 0
+ 159 645 196 646 233 647 c 1
+ 239 641 239 620 233 614 c 1
+ 177 611 181.3 599.8 209.5 559.8 c 1
+ 320 396 l 2
+ 324.8 389 329 385 332 385 c 0
+ 336 385 342 388.5 348 397 c 2
+ 471 572 l 2
+ 494.5 605.4 476.3 611 432 614 c 1
+ 426 620 426 641 432 647 c 1
+ 472 646 514 645 537 645 c 0
+ 560 645 597 646 627 647 c 1
+ 633 641 633 620 627 614 c 1
+ 582.3 609.7 550.7 596.9 516 552 c 2
+ 379 375 l 2
+ 369.9 363.2 369 354 369 345 c 0
+ 369 335 375.2 325.4 385 312 c 2
+ 538 102 l 2
+Validated: 527905
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: Y
+Encoding: 89 89 252
+Width: 575
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 33<151.625 233.5 355.5 437.375> 614 33<2.46875 59.5409 171.623 224.375 391.625 441.637 512.512 572.375>
+VStem: 252 85<44.3649 325.991>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 293 1 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+337 122 m 2
+ 337 39 354 34 434 31 c 1
+ 440 25 440 4 434 -2 c 1
+ 384 -1 333.7 0 295 0 c 0
+ 256.4 0 204 -1 155 -2 c 1
+ 149 4 149 25 155 31 c 1
+ 235 34 252 39 252 122 c 2
+ 252 249 l 2
+ 252 286 248.5 296.5 231 326 c 2
+ 99.7 547 l 2
+ 65.2 605.1 48 611 6 614 c 1
+ 0 620 -1 641 5 647 c 1
+ 35 646 68 645 107 645 c 0
+ 147 645 185 646 221 647 c 1
+ 227 641 227 620 221 614 c 1
+ 165 611 161 601.4 185.2 558.8 c 2
+ 301.2 354 l 2
+ 310.2 338.1 315 336.8 323 352 c 2
+ 433.8 561 l 2
+ 455.2 601.4 439.3 611 395 614 c 1
+ 389 620 389 641 395 647 c 1
+ 427 646 463 645 486 645 c 0
+ 509 645 541 646 569 647 c 1
+ 575 641 575 620 569 614 c 1
+ 524.3 609.7 502 600.7 474 550 c 2
+ 354.5 334 l 2
+ 338.1 304.4 337 287.5 337 257.7 c 2
+ 337 122 l 2
+Validated: 527905
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: Z
+Encoding: 90 90 253
+Width: 604
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: HMW
+HStem: 0 38<164.006 456.037> 602 43<147.269 445.997> 633 20G<81 101.5>
+VStem: 61 30<499.068 531.283> 547 31<138.699 166.836>
+DStem2: 49 38 172 72 0.583791 0.811904<78.6948 685.427>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 305 321 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+551 -2 m 1xd8
+ 551 -2 451.3 0 424.3 0 c 2
+ 60 0 l 2
+ 46 0 41 5 41 15 c 0
+ 41 22 43 30 49 38 c 0
+ 151 190 341 456 438 579 c 0
+ 443 586 446 592 446 597 c 0
+ 446 603 441.9 606.1 436 606 c 2
+ 225 602 l 2xd8
+ 150 600.6 112 565 91 496 c 1
+ 80 496 71 498 61 501 c 1
+ 69 542 79 599 83 653 c 1xb8
+ 120 650 217 645 264 645 c 2
+ 485 645 l 2
+ 515 645 546 647 558 647 c 0
+ 566 647 571 643 571 636 c 0
+ 571 625 568.1 618.2 547 591 c 0
+ 429 439 245 178 172 72 c 0
+ 167 63 164 57 164 52 c 0
+ 164 43 172 37.6 189 38 c 2
+ 382 42 l 2
+ 491 44 516 99 547 170 c 1
+ 560 170 571 167 578 165 c 1
+ 566 113 556 54 551 -2 c 1xd8
+Validated: 8916481
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: bracketleft
+Encoding: 91 91 254
+Width: 356
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -193 30<222.088 323.511> 673 30<219.533 323.511>
+VStem: 108 67<-135 645.875>
+LayerCount: 2
+108 -193 m 1
+ 108 703 l 1
+ 320 703 l 1
+ 326 697 326 679 320 673 c 1
+ 183 663 175 648 175 561 c 2
+ 175 -50 l 2
+ 175 -137 182 -152 320 -163 c 1
+ 326 -169 326 -187 320 -193 c 1
+ 108 -193 l 1
+Validated: 3585
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Substitution2: "'case' Versalformen 1"
+StartChar: backslash
+Encoding: 92 92 255
+Width: 287
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: HMW
+HStem: 688 10G<11 58>
+DStem2: 55 698 11 698 0.294569 -0.95563<0 767.788>
+LayerCount: 2
+55 698 m 1
+ 285 -48 l 1
+ 241 -48 l 1
+ 11 698 l 1
+ 55 698 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bracketright
+Encoding: 93 93 256
+Width: 356
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -192 30<32.4888 136.467> 674 30<32.4888 133.912>
+VStem: 181 67<-134.875 646>
+LayerCount: 2
+248 704 m 1
+ 248 -192 l 1
+ 36 -192 l 1
+ 30 -186 30 -168 36 -162 c 1
+ 173 -152 181 -137 181 -50 c 2
+ 181 561 l 2
+ 181 648 174 663 36 674 c 1
+ 30 680 30 698 36 704 c 1
+ 248 704 l 1
+Validated: 3585
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Substitution2: "'case' Versalformen 1"
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: uni02C4
+Encoding: 708 708 257
+Width: 1000
+VWidth: 999
+LayerCount: 2
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: underscore
+Encoding: 95 95 258
+Width: 486
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -154 44<6.34375 479.656>
+LayerCount: 2
+476 -110 m 1
+ 484 -118 484 -146 476 -154 c 1
+ 10 -154 l 1
+ 2 -146 2 -118 10 -110 c 1
+ 476 -110 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: a
+Encoding: 97 97 259
+Width: 457
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 48<334.8 435.366> -10 41<139.654 238.56> 406 33<145.767 258.364>
+VStem: 36 83<50.889 160.39> 55 77<295.902 378.63> 293 78<69.3242 233 264.049 372.119>
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 410 16 basechar 0
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+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 196 -110 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+293 233 m 1x74
+ 214 212 l 2
+ 140 193 119 147 119 102 c 0
+ 119 71 141 31 191 31 c 0
+ 219 31 253 54 279 75 c 0
+ 287 81 293 88 293 101 c 2
+ 293 233 l 1x74
+293 48 m 1
+ 291 48 l 1
+ 271 32 l 2
+ 227 -2 196.8 -10 162 -10 c 0
+ 92 -10 36 16 36 98 c 0x74
+ 36 166 105 219 201 243 c 2
+ 287 264 l 2
+ 290 265 293 269 293 276 c 0
+ 293 389 246 406 212 406 c 0
+ 174 406 132 395 132 364 c 0
+ 132 353 133 347 134 344 c 0
+ 136 340 137 333 137 326 c 0
+ 137 313 119 292 90 292 c 0
+ 67 292 55 304 55 328 c 0
+ 55 385 138 439 220 439 c 0
+ 293 439 371 412 371 270 c 2
+ 371 123 l 2
+ 371 77 372 38 401 38 c 0
+ 413.7 38 430.5 47.8 438 54 c 1
+ 449.3 47.7 453.3 39.3 455 27 c 1
+ 434.3 7 398.3 -10 360 -10 c 0xac
+ 309.6 -10 299 17 293 48 c 1
+Validated: 8916481
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" a.superior
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" a.inferior
+Substitution2: "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: b
+Encoding: 98 98 260
+Width: 493
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 34<185.995 292.19> 395 44<199.561 311.679> 641 30<10.0654 68.3801> 678 20G<135.5 152.5>
+VStem: 78 79<47.054 367.15 399 635.885> 370 86<133.468 324.177>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 236 215 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 420 580 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 234 -110 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+174 363 m 0
+ 161.1 351.6 157 342 157 321 c 2
+ 157 71 l 1
+ 177 46 198 24 229 24 c 0
+ 324 24 370 110 370 224 c 0
+ 370 321 320 395 259 395 c 0
+ 230 395 200 386 174 363 c 0
+167 394 m 0
+ 198 422 236.1 439 279 439 c 0
+ 366 439 456 364 456 242 c 0
+ 456 83 337 -10 235 -10 c 0
+ 199.7 -10 169.9 -4.5 147 14.8 c 0
+ 136 24 130 24 119.7 12 c 0
+ 112 3.1 102.1 -6.2 96 -12 c 1
+ 84 -12 79 -8 74 0 c 1
+ 77 14 78 32 78 71 c 2
+ 78 559 l 2
+ 78 643 66 638 14 641 c 1
+ 8 647 6 663 8 671 c 1
+ 48 674 123 688 148 698 c 1
+ 157 698 161 695 161 688 c 2
+ 161 688 157 648 157 583 c 2
+ 157 399 l 2
+ 157 390 160.7 388.3 167 394 c 0
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" b.inferior
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" b.superior
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Substitution2: "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: c
+Encoding: 99 99 261
+Width: 428
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 49<194.596 322.53> 406 33<186.285 287.961>
+VStem: 37 86<123.239 310.572> 308 87<307.358 390.405>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 236 215 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 361 42 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 242 -2 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 236 -110 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 242 645 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+398 91 m 1
+ 348 9 295 -10 235 -10 c 0
+ 109 -10 37 79 37 208 c 0
+ 37 350 143 439 242 439 c 0
+ 338 439 395 399 395 344 c 0
+ 395 313 367 300 346 300 c 0
+ 325 300 311 309 308 336 c 0
+ 304 371 296 406 237 406 c 0
+ 171 406 123 340 123 230 c 0
+ 123 113 184 39 257 39 c 0
+ 300 39 343 61 377 105 c 1
+ 386 104 394 100 398 91 c 1
+Validated: 3585
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" c.inferior
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" c.superior
+Substitution2: "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: d
+Encoding: 100 100 262
+Width: 506
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 47<182.748 279.877> 30 27<444.892 500.639> 404 35<187.076 307.036> 641 30<277.065 335.38> 678 20G<402.5 419.5>
+VStem: 39 86<108.084 310.695> 345 79<80.6055 373.206 422.001 635.885>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 236 215 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "komb_OR" 500 466 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 490 580 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 218 645 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 312 20 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 221 -110 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+345 124 m 2xbe
+ 345 314 l 2
+ 345 345 342 352 328 368 c 0
+ 308 391 283 404 247 404 c 0
+ 227 404 185 401 154 354 c 0
+ 139 333 125 293 125 221 c 0
+ 125 96 181 37 235 37 c 0
+ 260 37 292 53 329 85 c 0
+ 343.1 97.2 345 105 345 124 c 2xbe
+334 50.3 m 0
+ 285 10 248 -10 209 -10 c 0xbe
+ 101 -10 39 80 39 203 c 0
+ 39 277 65 336 108 379 c 1
+ 148 417 192 439 258 439 c 0
+ 291 439 332 422 336 422 c 0
+ 343 422 345 424 345 431 c 2
+ 345 559 l 2
+ 345 643 333 638 281 641 c 1
+ 275 647 273 663 275 671 c 1
+ 315 674 390 688 415 698 c 1
+ 424 698 428 695 428 688 c 2
+ 428 688 424 648 424 583 c 2
+ 424 130 l 2
+ 424 81 433 62 497 57 c 1
+ 503 51 503 36 497 30 c 1x7e
+ 436 23 401 8 379 -10 c 1
+ 373 -12.5 368 -13 360 -10 c 1
+ 360 -10 351.5 24.5 349 49 c 0
+ 348.3 56 338.8 54.2 334 50.3 c 0
+Validated: 8916481
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" d.inferior
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" d.superior
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Substitution2: "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: e
+Encoding: 101 101 263
+Width: 447
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 49<198.819 330.136> 248 34<124 319.997> 404 33<182.425 285.355>
+VStem: 37 84<130.927 248 282 306.625> 320 86<257.5 365.153>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 236 215 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "komb_OR" 420 396 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 241 -3 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 384.3 41 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 242.6 645 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 234.2 -110 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+124 282 m 1
+ 305 285 l 2
+ 316 285.2 320 290 320 299 c 0
+ 320 383 275 404 237 404 c 0
+ 213 404 143 395 124 282 c 1
+386 93 m 1
+ 398 92 404 87 407 77 c 1
+ 367 25 313 -10 237 -10 c 0
+ 165 -10 118 14 84 54 c 0
+ 51 92 37 146 37 202 c 0
+ 37 354 150 437 237 437 c 0
+ 376 437 406 347 406 263 c 0
+ 406 252 399 246 387 246 c 2
+ 121 248 l 1
+ 121 190 133 144 153 111 c 0
+ 184 60 226 39 262 39 c 0
+ 320 39 349 55 386 93 c 1
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" e.superior
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" e.inferior
+Substitution2: "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: f
+Encoding: 102 102 264
+Width: 310
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 33<22.625 81.25 187.75 262.375> 390 39<22.0149 96 175 291> 664 34<214.135 296.557>
+VStem: 96 79<41.1717 390 429 583.188> 314 81<592.115 651.434>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 136 215 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 410 750 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 132 -110 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+175 122 m 2
+ 175 39 181 35 259 31 c 1
+ 265 25 265 4 259 -2 c 1
+ 224 -1 176 0 136 0 c 0
+ 96 0 61 -1 26 -2 c 1
+ 20 4 20 25 26 31 c 1
+ 80 35 96 39 96 122 c 2
+ 96 390 l 1
+ 27 390 l 2
+ 23 390 22 391 22 396 c 2
+ 22 409 l 2
+ 22 417 27 429 45 429 c 2
+ 96 429 l 1
+ 96 469 l 2
+ 96 625 189 698 273 698 c 0
+ 311 698 337 695 363 677 c 1
+ 384 661 395 643 395 626 c 0
+ 395 606 371 585 354 585 c 0
+ 333 585 322 599 314 617 c 0
+ 300 652 284 664 254 664 c 0
+ 221 664 175 640 175 486 c 2
+ 175 429 l 1
+ 283 429 l 2
+ 288 429 291 427 291 423 c 2
+ 291 403 l 2
+ 291 394 277 390 268 390 c 2
+ 175 390 l 1
+ 175 122 l 2
+Validated: 3585
+Substitution2: "Substitution f short 1" f.short
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" f.inferior
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" f.superior
+Substitution2: "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: g
+Encoding: 103 103 265
+Width: 500
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: HMW
+HStem: -238 37<157.851 315.261> -12 61<179.344 373.711> 136 31<180.365 282.513> 408 31<173.451 274.597>
+VStem: 32 69<-156.932 -59.0721> 60 82<210.83 362.537> 68 53<54.5074 148.273> 319 80<209.75 366.205> 417 55<-131.4 -48.4907>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 227 285 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 492 580 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 229 -319 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 231 645 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+319 279 m 0xf580
+ 319 362 285 408 222 408 c 0
+ 167 408 142 372 142 302 c 0
+ 142 238 151 167 235 167 c 0
+ 272 167 319 186 319 279 c 0xf580
+132 -10 m 1
+ 103 -45 101 -70 101 -104 c 0xf980
+ 101 -172 185 -201 221 -201 c 0
+ 311 -201 417 -163 417 -91 c 0
+ 417 -65 405 -51 366 -29 c 0
+ 337 -13 295 -12 245 -12 c 0
+ 231 -12 203 -15 172 -15 c 0
+ 159 -15 143 -13 132 -10 c 1
+444 387 m 0
+ 433 387 420 397 416 405 c 1
+ 410 414 403 417 396 417 c 0
+ 383 417 363 403 356 393 c 1
+ 385 363 399 336 399 289 c 0
+ 399 191 318 136 230 136 c 0
+ 191 136 163 143 139 157 c 1
+ 127 140 121 119 121 99 c 0xf380
+ 121 56 156 42 185 42 c 0
+ 190 42 200 43 215 44 c 0
+ 239 47 264 49 282 49 c 0
+ 319 49 389 48 428 16 c 0
+ 457 -8 472 -33 472 -65 c 0
+ 472 -173 326 -238 191 -238 c 0
+ 114 -238 32 -211 32 -124 c 0xf980
+ 32 -81 60 -35 114 -3 c 1
+ 88 10 68 38 68 74 c 0xf380
+ 68 108 84 151 112 175 c 1
+ 84 202 60 233 60 287 c 0xf580
+ 60 379 142 439 231 439 c 0
+ 290 439 323 419 335 411 c 1
+ 361 445 409 462 435 462 c 0
+ 462 462 481 446 481 425 c 0
+ 481 405 463 387 444 387 c 0
+Validated: 8392193
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" g.inferior
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" g.superior
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Substitution2: "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: h
+Encoding: 104 104 266
+Width: 538
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 33<14.825 74.85 177.85 230.175 312.188 364.637 469.435 525.812> 387 52<251.775 355.579> 641 30<20.0654 78.3801> 678 20G<145.5 162.5>
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+167 285.9 m 2
+ 167 122 l 2
+ 167 39 176 35 226.8 31 c 1
+ 232.8 25 232.8 4 226.8 -2 c 1
+ 198.8 -1 166 0 128 0 c 0
+ 88 0 51.2 -1 18.2 -2 c 1
+ 12.2 4 12.2 25 18.2 31 c 1
+ 76.2 35 88 39 88 122 c 2
+ 88 559 l 2
+ 88 643 76 638 24 641 c 1
+ 18 647 16 663 18 671 c 1
+ 58 674 133 688 158 698 c 1
+ 167 698 171 695 171 688 c 2
+ 171 688 167 648 167 583 c 2
+ 166.2 358 l 2
+ 166.2 344 172.6 354.2 176 358 c 0
+ 237 426 296.9 439 346 439 c 0
+ 381 439 412.2 427 429 405 c 0
+ 452.3 374.5 456 326 456 271 c 2
+ 456 122 l 2
+ 456 40 467 36 523 31 c 1
+ 528 25 528 4 523 -2 c 1
+ 490 -1 457 0 417 0 c 0
+ 377 0 343 -1 315 -2 c 1
+ 310 4 310 25 315 31 c 1
+ 367 36 377 40 377 122 c 2
+ 377 274 l 2
+ 377 304 375 331.2 365 351 c 0
+ 353.4 373.9 332.4 387 312 387 c 0
+ 272.6 387 222 365.3 184 328 c 0
+ 176 319.3 167 307 167 285.9 c 2
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" h.inferior
+Substitution2: "'salt' Stilistische Alternativformen 1" h.alt
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" h.superior
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1" h.alt
+Substitution2: "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: i
+Encoding: 105 105 267
+Width: 271
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+Flags: W
+HStem: -2 33<26.625 88.875 194.125 256.375> 385 28<35.4015 89.0326> 422 20G<157.75 176> 547 100<101.012 179.198>
+VStem: 90 100<558.13 635.282> 102 79<40.8314 376.857>
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+90 599 m 0xf8
+ 90 623 118 647 142 647 c 0
+ 169 647 190 619 190 595 c 0
+ 190 573.9 166 547 138 547 c 0
+ 114 547 90 573 90 599 c 0xf8
+181 122 m 2xf4
+ 181 39 192 35 253 31 c 1
+ 259 25 259 4 253 -2 c 1
+ 220 -1 182 0 142 0 c 0
+ 102 0 63 -1 30 -2 c 1
+ 24 4 24 25 30 31 c 1
+ 91 36 102 39 102 122 c 2
+ 102 317 l 2
+ 102 374 91.5 379.9 37 385 c 1
+ 35 391 33 407 35 413 c 1
+ 104 422 143.5 431 172 442 c 1
+ 180 442 185 439 185 435 c 2
+ 185 435 181 371 181 321.3 c 2
+ 181 122 l 2xf4
+Validated: 8916481
+Substitution2: "Substitution dotless forms 1" dotlessi
+Substitution2: "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen i > 1"
+Substitution2: "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen i >"
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" i.inferior
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" i.superior
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: j
+Encoding: 106 106 268
+Width: 272
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -223 44<-2.5 87.8438> 385 28<46.4015 97.7151> 422 20G<169 187> 547 100<110.012 188.198>
+VStem: 99 100<558.13 635.282> 113 79<-100.418 376.901>
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 109 -319 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 154 215 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+99 599 m 0xf8
+ 99 623 127 647 151 647 c 0
+ 178 647 199 619 199 595 c 0
+ 199 573.9 175 547 147 547 c 0
+ 123 547 99 573 99 599 c 0xf8
+113 317 m 2xf4
+ 113 374 102 380 48 385 c 1
+ 46 391 44 407 46 413 c 1
+ 115 422 155 431 183 442 c 1
+ 191 442 196 439 196 435 c 2
+ 196 435 192 371 192 321 c 2
+ 192 110 l 2
+ 192 -79 164 -151 117 -189 c 0
+ 80 -220 28 -223 7 -223 c 0
+ -12 -223 -48 -209 -48 -180 c 0
+ -48 -162 -27 -142 -16 -142 c 0
+ 6 -142 18 -158 28 -168 c 0
+ 35 -175 48 -179 59 -179 c 0
+ 109 -179 113 -56 113 76 c 2
+ 113 317 l 2xf4
+Validated: 8916481
+Substitution2: "Substitution dotless forms 1" dotlessj
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" j.inferior
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" j.superior
+Substitution2: "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: k
+Encoding: 107 107 269
+Width: 512
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: HMW
+HStem: -2 33<15.625 73.5 175.625 220.375 445.728 506.375> 209 25<163 201.114> 398 33<286.625 324.739 407.445 478.375> 641 30<18.0654 76.3801> 678 20G<143.5 160.5>
+VStem: 86 79<39.666 209 234 635.885>
+DStem2: 417 73 240 171 0.622392 -0.782705<-227.215 22.5167>
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 535.6 696.4 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+86 122 m 2
+ 86 559 l 2
+ 86 643 74 638 22 641 c 1
+ 16 647 14 663 16 671 c 1
+ 56 674 131 688 156 698 c 1
+ 165 698 169 695 169 688 c 2
+ 169 688 165 648 165 583 c 2
+ 165 234.2 l 1
+ 183.9 236.8 210.8 248.6 233 265 c 0
+ 258.7 284 290 318 313 347 c 0
+ 322.3 358.7 346 394 290 398 c 1
+ 284 404 284 425 290 431 c 1
+ 313 430 350 429 388 429 c 0
+ 424 429 452 430 475 431 c 1
+ 481 425 481 404 475 398 c 1
+ 435 394 400 386 370 354 c 2
+ 282 263 l 2
+ 278 259 278 257 278 253 c 0
+ 278 248 281.4 243.5 285 239 c 2
+ 417 73 l 2
+ 443.7 39.4 469 35 503 31 c 1
+ 509 25 509 4 503 -2 c 1
+ 483 -1 452 0 421 0 c 0
+ 401 0 379 -1 359 -2 c 0
+ 356 -2 355.3 0 355 3 c 0
+ 353.7 14.7 342.4 33.5 313 73 c 2
+ 240 171 l 2
+ 228.1 187 219 196 208 203.5 c 1
+ 198.3 206.9 184.2 208.4 165 208.9 c 1
+ 165 122 l 2
+ 165 39 176 35 217 31 c 1
+ 223 25 223 4 217 -2 c 1
+ 194 -1 161 0 126 0 c 0
+ 86 0 52 -1 19 -2 c 1
+ 13 4 13 25 19 31 c 1
+ 75 35 86 39 86 122 c 2
+Validated: 527905
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" k.inferior
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" k.superior
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Substitution2: "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: l.superior
+Encoding: 737 737 270
+Width: 1000
+VWidth: 917
+LayerCount: 2
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: m
+Encoding: 109 109 271
+Width: 790
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: HMW
+HStem: -2 33<22.625 80.625 184.671 236.145 299.188 353.25 453.75 504.812 569.188 622.5 724.375 779.812> 387 52<255.398 346.132 516.369 618.617>
+VStem: 94 79<40.6752 331.576 360.417 377.119> 364 79<38.5665 343.017> 634 79<39.2274 372.56>
+CounterMasks: 1 38
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+LayerCount: 2
+170 358 m 0
+ 170.5 346 177.4 352.9 182 358 c 0
+ 223.7 404.6 276 439 334 439 c 0
+ 386 439 424.5 406.6 434 365.6 c 0
+ 436 357 442 362 445 365.2 c 0
+ 497.1 420.2 558.8 439 610 439 c 0
+ 698 439 713 369 713 280 c 2
+ 713 122 l 2
+ 713 40 722 35 777 31 c 1
+ 782 25 782 4 777 -2 c 1
+ 749 -1 714 0 674 0 c 0
+ 634 0 597 -1 572 -2 c 1
+ 567 4 567 25 572 31 c 1
+ 624 35 634 40 634 122 c 2
+ 634 298 l 2
+ 634 365 612 387 574 387 c 0
+ 535 387 490 374 442 321 c 1
+ 443 309 443 295 443 281 c 2
+ 443 122 l 2
+ 443 40 452 35 502 31 c 1
+ 507 25 507 4 502 -2 c 1
+ 477 -1 444 0 404 0 c 0
+ 364 0 327 -1 302 -2 c 1
+ 297 4 297 25 302 31 c 1
+ 356 35 364 40 364 122 c 2
+ 364 296 l 2
+ 364 363 336 387 298 387 c 0
+ 267.1 387 229.6 366.7 190 328 c 0
+ 182 319.3 173 307 173 286 c 2
+ 173 122 l 2
+ 173 40 184 36 234.8 31 c 1
+ 240.8 25 240.8 4 234.8 -2 c 1
+ 204.8 -1 174 0 134 0 c 0
+ 94 0 56 -1 26 -2 c 1
+ 20 4 20 25 26 31 c 1
+ 81 35 94 40 94 122 c 2
+ 94 317 l 2
+ 94 375 83 380 29 385 c 1
+ 27 391 25 407 27 413 c 1
+ 96 422 122 431 150 442 c 1
+ 158 442 159.9 438.6 162 434 c 0
+ 166.7 423.7 168.7 387.7 170 358 c 0
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" m.inferior
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" m.superior
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Substitution2: "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: n
+Encoding: 110 110 272
+Width: 542
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: HMW
+HStem: -2 33<22.625 82.5404 186.702 238.375 314.188 366.637 471.435 527.812> 387 52<256.725 356.667>
+VStem: 96 79<40.3691 331.425 370.116 376.975> 379 79<40.3691 350.057>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 264 215 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 136 9 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 265 -110 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+184 358 m 0
+ 243.3 426 299 439 348 439 c 0
+ 383 439 414 427 431 405 c 0
+ 454 374 458 326 458 271 c 2
+ 458 122 l 2
+ 458 40 469 36 525 31 c 1
+ 530 25 530 4 525 -2 c 1
+ 495 -1 459 0 419 0 c 0
+ 379 0 347 -1 317 -2 c 1
+ 312 4 312 25 317 31 c 1
+ 369 36 379 40 379 122 c 2
+ 379 274 l 2
+ 379 304 377 331 367 351 c 0
+ 355 374 334 387 314 387 c 0
+ 275 387 230 365 192 328 c 0
+ 184 319 175 307 175 286 c 2
+ 175 122 l 2
+ 175 40 185 36 236 31 c 1
+ 242 25 242 4 236 -2 c 1
+ 206 -1 176 0 136 0 c 0
+ 96 0 56 -1 26 -2 c 1
+ 20 4 20 25 26 31 c 1
+ 86 36 96 40 96 122 c 2
+ 96 317 l 2
+ 96 375 85 380 31 385 c 1
+ 29 391 27 407 29 413 c 1
+ 98 422 124 431 152 442 c 1
+ 160 442 161.9 438.6 164 434 c 0
+ 168.7 423.7 171 385 172 358 c 0
+ 172.3 348.6 177.9 351 184 358 c 0
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" n.inferior
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" n.superior
+Substitution2: "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: o
+Encoding: 111 111 273
+Width: 504
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 35<206.738 321.386> 404 35<180.756 299.49>
+VStem: 41 86<118.305 314.892> 377 86<109.158 316.257>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 236 215 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "komb_OR" 420 396 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+41 205 m 0
+ 41 268.2 60 326.4 96.3 369 c 0
+ 132.9 412 187.2 439 253 439 c 0
+ 406 439 463 318 463 214 c 0
+ 463 152.7 442.7 89.8 397.9 46 c 0
+ 363.8 12.7 315.4 -10 251 -10 c 0
+ 109 -10 41 103 41 205 c 0
+238 404 m 0
+ 148 404 127 315 127 228 c 0
+ 127 151 161 25 265 25 c 0
+ 312 25 377 56 377 182 c 0
+ 377 326 324 404 238 404 c 0
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" o.superior
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" o.inferior
+Substitution2: "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: p
+Encoding: 112 112 274
+Width: 519
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: HMW
+HStem: -234 33<4.625 66.875 173.375 244.375> -10 34<188.572 321.233> 393 46<232.265 331.948>
+VStem: 80 79<-190.429 2.78302 47.5916 340.925 367.852 376.901> 395 86<121.423 316.141>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 246 215 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 429 580 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 179 -319 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 271 646 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+175 331 m 0
+ 163.4 316.7 159 308 159 287 c 2
+ 159 105 l 2
+ 159 68.9 162.9 63.1 183 45.1 c 0
+ 201 29 236 24 254 24 c 0
+ 366 24 395 126 395 208 c 0
+ 395 321 340 393 276 393 c 0
+ 246.8 393 201 363 175 331 c 0
+156 368 m 0
+ 156.5 358.4 161.4 357.7 167 364 c 0
+ 206.5 408.5 257.5 439 304 439 c 0
+ 406 439 481 341 481 235 c 0
+ 481 154 454 92 407 46 c 0
+ 366 7 316 -10 260 -10 c 0
+ 228.4 -10 197.5 -4.4 173 5.5 c 0
+ 162.8 9.7 159 11 159 -2 c 2
+ 159 -110 l 2
+ 159 -193 170 -197 241 -201 c 1
+ 247 -207 247 -228 241 -234 c 1
+ 208 -233 160 -232 120 -232 c 0
+ 80 -232 43 -233 8 -234 c 1
+ 2 -228 2 -207 8 -201 c 1
+ 69 -198 80 -193 80 -110 c 2
+ 80 317 l 2
+ 80 375 69 380 15 385 c 1
+ 13 391 11 407 13 413 c 1
+ 82 422 108 431 136 442 c 1
+ 144 442 145.9 438.6 148 434 c 0
+ 152.7 423.7 154.5 398 156 368 c 0
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" p.inferior
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" p.superior
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Substitution2: "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: q
+Encoding: 113 113 275
+Width: 503
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -234 33<270.625 333.825 437.175 500.375> -10 44<196.133 329.915> 405 34<185.915 298.739>
+VStem: 35 86<115.394 309.905> 346 79<-192.377 8.52635 47.5175 365.298>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 236 215 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 469 732 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 348 -319 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_akzent" 238 645 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+322 368.4 m 0
+ 300.1 392.9 273.4 405 243 405 c 0
+ 163 405 121 331 121 227 c 0
+ 121 76 208 34 266 34 c 0
+ 281.8 34 308.6 35.1 332 47.2 c 0
+ 345 54 346 59 346 77 c 2
+ 346 307 l 2
+ 346 331.1 342 346 322 368.4 c 0
+346 -111 m 2
+ 346 0 l 2
+ 346 21 342 19 319 5.6 c 0
+ 301.9 -4.4 269 -10 242 -10 c 0
+ 98 -10 35 114 35 207 c 0
+ 35 339 125 439 247 439 c 0
+ 289.4 439 328.4 430.3 360 409.8 c 0
+ 372 402 376 405 389 423 c 0
+ 397.1 434.3 403 442 410 442 c 0
+ 421 442 425 431 425 417 c 2
+ 425 -111 l 2
+ 425 -194 436 -198 497 -201 c 1
+ 503 -207 503 -228 497 -234 c 1
+ 464 -233 426 -232 386 -232 c 0
+ 346 -232 309 -233 274 -234 c 1
+ 268 -228 268 -207 274 -201 c 1
+ 335 -198 346 -194 346 -111 c 2
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" q.inferior
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" q.superior
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Substitution2: "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: r
+Encoding: 114 114 276
+Width: 372
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: HMW
+HStem: -2 33<22.625 86.25 193.75 264.375> 377 62<240.275 322.969>
+VStem: 100 79<42.4172 324.567 375.699 376.304>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 136 185 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+176 358 m 0
+ 176.2 353 181 345 187 356 c 0
+ 210 395 251 439 298 439 c 0
+ 340 439 358 410.1 358 391 c 0
+ 358 366 335 341 311 341 c 0
+ 293.6 341 282.4 354.3 274.8 364.3 c 0
+ 267 374.6 258 377 249 377 c 0
+ 237 377 214 344 203 328 c 0
+ 191 310 179 287 179 261 c 2
+ 179 122 l 2
+ 179 39 191 36 261 31 c 1
+ 267 25 267 4 261 -2 c 1
+ 226 -1 180 0 140 0 c 0
+ 100 0 61 -1 26 -2 c 1
+ 20 4 20 25 26 31 c 1
+ 88 35 100 39 100 122 c 2
+ 100 317 l 2
+ 100 375 89 380 35 385 c 1
+ 33 391 31 407 33 413 c 1
+ 102 422 128 431 156 442 c 1
+ 164 442 165.9 438.6 168 434 c 0
+ 172.7 423.7 174.3 398 176 358 c 0
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" r.inferior
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" r.superior
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Substitution2: "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: s.superior
+Encoding: 738 738 277
+Width: 1000
+VWidth: 625
+LayerCount: 2
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: t
+Encoding: 116 116 278
+Width: 316
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -10 55<143 245.344> 390 39<25.0119 89 168 296>
+VStem: 89 79<48.4221 390 429.1 559.536>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 127 215 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 279 580 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 165 -3 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 237 15 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_punkt" 163 -110 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+43 429 m 2
+ 89 429.1 l 1
+ 89 540 86 533.4 86 545 c 0
+ 86 551.9 96 555.3 108 558.7 c 0
+ 120.5 562.2 130.7 566.5 142 572.8 c 0
+ 151.3 577.9 159.8 581.8 164.3 581.8 c 0
+ 169 581.8 172 579.4 172 573 c 2
+ 172 573 168 533 168 468 c 2
+ 168 429 l 1
+ 288 429 l 2
+ 293 429 296 427 296 423 c 2
+ 296 403 l 2
+ 296 394 282 390 272 390 c 2
+ 168 390 l 1
+ 168 137 l 2
+ 168 75 174 45 201 45 c 0
+ 227 45 257 53 283 73 c 1
+ 293 72 299 66.3 301 56 c 1
+ 262 12 212 -10 166 -10 c 0
+ 120 -10 89 18 89 89 c 2
+ 89 390 l 1
+ 30 390 l 2
+ 26 390 25 391 25 396 c 2
+ 25 409 l 2
+ 25 417 29 429 43 429 c 2
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" t.inferior
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" t.superior
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Substitution2: "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+StartChar: u
+Encoding: 117 117 279
+Width: 531
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: HMW
+HStem: -10 47<193.895 293.898> 398 33<22.625 74.0917 297.625 349.478>
+VStem: 88 79<63.8821 388.068> 363 79<80.6055 388.455>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 252 215 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "unten_anhang" 213 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 293 7 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+217 -10 m 0
+ 118 -10 88 57 88 126 c 2
+ 88 318 l 2
+ 88 383 74 394 26 398 c 1
+ 20 404 20 425 26 431 c 1
+ 60 430 96 429 128 429 c 0
+ 143 429 158 430 163 431 c 0
+ 168 431 171 428 171 425 c 2
+ 171 425 167 352 167 322 c 2
+ 167 140 l 2
+ 167 51 217 37 247 37 c 0
+ 272 37 310 53 347 85 c 0
+ 361 97 363 105 363 124 c 2
+ 363 317 l 2
+ 363 383 350 395 301 398 c 1
+ 295 404 295 425 301 431 c 1
+ 335 430 371 429 403 429 c 0
+ 418 429 433 430 438 431 c 0
+ 443 431 446 428 446 425 c 2
+ 446 425 442 352 442 322 c 2
+ 442 130 l 2
+ 442 81 451 62 515 57 c 1
+ 521 51 521 36 515 30 c 1
+ 454 23 419 8 397 -10 c 1
+ 390.5 -12.5 386 -13 378 -10 c 1
+ 378 -10 369.5 23.5 367 49 c 0
+ 366.3 56 357 54 352 50 c 0
+ 303 10 256 -10 217 -10 c 0
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" u.inferior
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" u.superior
+Substitution2: "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: v
+Encoding: 118 118 280
+Width: 497
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -12 21G<237.5 249> 398 33<7.625 59.1226 163.484 208.375 321.625 372.438 437.533 490.375>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 247 267 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "top_rechts" 460 580 basechar 0
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+325 398 m 1
+ 319 404 319 425 325 431 c 1
+ 350 430 384 429 417 429 c 0
+ 443 429 467 430 487 431 c 1
+ 493 425 493 404 487 398 c 1
+ 431 393 420.1 367.9 401.4 324 c 2
+ 268 11 l 2
+ 260.9 -5.6 254 -12 244 -12 c 0
+ 231 -12 225 -6 219 9 c 2
+ 91.4 325 l 2
+ 71 375.6 64 391.7 11 398 c 1
+ 5 404 5 425 11 431 c 1
+ 41 430 71 429 104 429 c 0
+ 137 429 172 430 205 431 c 1
+ 211 425 211 404 205 398 c 1
+ 151.7 391 156 379 173.9 331 c 2
+ 246 138 l 2
+ 261.6 96.2 266.8 95.5 283 135 c 2
+ 363.7 331 l 2
+ 384.6 381.8 379 394 325 398 c 1
+Validated: 527905
+Position2: "'rtbd' Rechte R+AOQA-nder lookup 4-1" dx=0 dy=0 dh=-28 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" v.inferior
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" v.superior
+Substitution2: "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: w
+Encoding: 119 119 281
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+HStem: -12 21G<240 249.5 492 501.5> 398 33<7.625 60.3 163.252 206.375 264.625 309.393 410.139 459.375 557.625 615.637 686.099 738.375>
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+ 351 304 l 1
+ 344.6 320 l 2
+ 326.7 364.8 315 393.5 268 398 c 1
+ 262 404 262 425 268 431 c 1
+ 298 430 331 429 356 429 c 0
+ 386 429 426 430 456 431 c 1
+ 462 425 462 404 456 398 c 1
+ 403 394 401 384 419.5 337 c 2
+ 505.8 118 l 2
+ 514 97.2 518 97 528 122 c 2
+ 611.6 330 l 2
+ 625.7 365.1 636 394 561 398 c 1
+ 555 404 555 425 561 431 c 1
+ 591 430 633 429 663 429 c 0
+ 693 429 715 430 735 431 c 1
+ 741 425 741 404 735 398 c 1
+ 684 395 667 366.9 650.6 326 c 2
+ 520 9 l 2
+ 514 -6 506 -12 497 -12 c 0
+ 487 -12 479 -6 473 8 c 2
+ 370 256 l 1
+ 269 10 l 2
+ 262 -6 254 -12 245 -12 c 0
+ 235 -12 227 -6 221 8 c 2
+ 90.1 331 l 2
+ 69 383 58.1 393.2 11 398 c 1
+ 5 404 5 425 11 431 c 1
+ 37.2 430 64 429 102 429 c 0
+ 138 429 173 430 203 431 c 1
+ 209 425 209 404 203 398 c 1
+Validated: 527905
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" w.inferior
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" w.superior
+Substitution2: "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: x.superior
+Encoding: 739 739 282
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+StartChar: y
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+HStem: -232 80<67.752 163.025> 398 33<12.625 60.5125 166.607 213.375 337.625 389.176 454.537 506.375>
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+204 -160 m 0
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+ 60 -182 75 -152 104 -152 c 0
+ 115 -152 119 -155 133 -155 c 0
+ 158 -155 172 -146 183 -126 c 1
+ 198 -95 210.1 -67.4 222 -34 c 0
+ 232 -6 216.7 39.9 208 60 c 2
+ 94.9 323 l 2
+ 68.7 384 55.7 393 16 398 c 1
+ 10 404 10 425 16 431 c 1
+ 36 430 63 429 97 429 c 0
+ 133 429 173 430 210 431 c 1
+ 216 425 216 404 210 398 c 1
+ 154 393.7 159.2 375.2 177.2 333 c 2
+ 265.9 125 l 2
+ 274.4 105.2 282.8 107.9 289.8 124 c 2
+ 389 353 l 2
+ 405 389 372.6 395 341 398 c 1
+ 335 404 335 425 341 431 c 1
+ 371 430 402 429 432 429 c 0
+ 460 429 483 430 503 431 c 1
+ 509 425 509 404 503 398 c 1
+ 456 392.3 441.7 376.3 422 334 c 0
+ 369.8 221.6 325 119 245 -74 c 0
+ 232.7 -103.6 219.6 -132.2 204 -160 c 0
+Validated: 527905
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" y.inferior
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" y.superior
+Substitution2: "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: z
+Encoding: 122 122 284
+Width: 424
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+Flags: HMW
+HStem: 0 34<129 318.149> 392 37<120.232 292>
+DStem2: 46 32 129 34 0.560999 0.827816<48.2186 438.503>
+AnchorPoint: "mittelpunkt" 207 215 basechar 0
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+71 439 m 0
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+ 313 429 l 2
+ 342 429 370 431 375 431 c 0
+ 382 431 387 428 387 424 c 0
+ 387 420 384.3 412.2 369 387 c 0
+ 307 285 203 128 129 34 c 1
+ 262 34 l 1
+ 314.1 35.2 334.5 57.2 360 110 c 2
+ 374 139 l 1
+ 386 139 397.5 136.7 404 133 c 1
+ 397 83 384 31 372 -3 c 1
+ 60 0 l 2
+ 45 0 37 5 37 12 c 0
+ 37 17 37.4 20.4 46 32 c 0
+ 124 137 224 281 292 395 c 1
+ 164 392 l 2
+ 134 391.3 103 374 83 301 c 1
+ 71.4 298.4 58.8 300.3 50 304 c 1
+ 59 353 64 388 65 433 c 0
+ 65 435.4 68.6 439 71 439 c 0
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "'sinf' Wissenschaftliche Indices 1" z.inferior
+Substitution2: "'sups' Hochgestellte 1" z.superior
+Substitution2: "'smcp' Gemeine nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: braceleft
+Encoding: 123 123 285
+Width: 277
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+Flags: W
+GlyphCompositionVertical: 5 uni23A9%0,0,138,432 uni23AA%1,431,431,432 uni23A8%0,58,58,894 uni23AA%1,431,431,432 uni23A7%0,138,0,432
+HStem: -212 24<222.629 261.757> 235 24<8.8886 55.6569> 683 24<229.39 261.757>
+VStem: 106 72<406.75 648.354> 112 74<298.375 531.25>
+LayerCount: 2
+178 552 m 2xf0
+ 186 386 l 2
+ 190.3 297 148.2 268.2 81 249 c 1
+ 81 245 l 1
+ 148.8 216.8 190.4 177.3 186 95 c 2xe8
+ 178 -54 l 2
+ 173.5 -138 214 -188 258 -188 c 1
+ 264 -194 264 -206 258 -212 c 1
+ 157 -212 101 -179 106 -49 c 2xf0
+ 112 121 l 2
+ 114 182 87.5 226 14 235 c 1
+ 6 243 5 250 14 259 c 1
+ 88 266 112 320 112 370 c 1xe8
+ 106 554 l 2
+ 102 667 168 707 258 707 c 1
+ 264 701 264 689 258 683 c 1
+ 220 672 173 654.9 178 552 c 2xf0
+Validated: 8916513
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Substitution2: "'case' Versalformen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+StartChar: bar
+Encoding: 124 124 286
+Width: 205
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+Flags: W
+HStem: -232 21G<81 125> 678 20G<81 125>
+VStem: 81 44<-232 698>
+LayerCount: 2
+125 -232 m 1
+ 81 -232 l 1
+ 81 698 l 1
+ 125 698 l 1
+ 125 -232 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: braceright
+Encoding: 125 125 287
+Width: 277
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+Flags: W
+HStem: -213 24<11.2427 43.6097> 235 24<217.343 264.111> 682 24<11.2427 50.3712>
+VStem: 87 74<-37.25 195.625> 95 72<-154.354 87.25>
+LayerCount: 2
+95 -58 m 2xe8
+ 87 108 l 2
+ 82.7 197 124.8 225.8 192 245 c 1
+ 192 249 l 1
+ 124.2 277.2 82.6 316.7 87 399 c 2xf0
+ 95 548 l 2
+ 99.5 632 59 682 15 682 c 1
+ 9 688 9 700 15 706 c 1
+ 116 706 172 673 167 543 c 2xe8
+ 161 373 l 2
+ 159 312 185.5 268 259 259 c 1
+ 267 251 268 244 259 235 c 1
+ 185 228 161 174 161 124 c 1xf0
+ 167 -60 l 2
+ 171 -173 105 -213 15 -213 c 1
+ 9 -207 9 -195 15 -189 c 1
+ 53 -178 100 -160.9 95 -58 c 2xe8
+Validated: 8916513
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Substitution2: "'case' Versalformen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: asciitilde
+Encoding: 126 126 288
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+Flags: W
+HStem: 213 59<244.806 356.377> 278 59<92.655 206.436>
+VStem: 26 17<206.267 218.121> 400 17<323.757 337.538>
+LayerCount: 2
+26 209 m 1
+ 39 274 93 337 154 337 c 0
+ 177 337 204.5 323.2 229 305 c 0
+ 256 285 279 272 301 272 c 0
+ 329 272 378 289 400 339 c 1
+ 408 339 413.7 337.1 417 333 c 1
+ 386 226 321 213 297 213 c 0
+ 274 213 245 228 221 246 c 0
+ 196.8 264.1 173 278 148 278 c 0
+ 113 278 66 249 43 205 c 1
+ 37 205 31.7 206 26 209 c 1
+Validated: 527361
+StartChar: uni00A0
+Encoding: 160 160 289
+Width: 250
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+Flags: W
+LayerCount: 2
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: exclamdown
+Encoding: 161 161 290
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+LayerCount: 2
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Substitution2: "'case' Versalformen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: cent
+Encoding: 162 162 291
+Width: 465
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+Flags: W
+HStem: -13 21G<232 268> 87.7 46.4<268 343.237> 482.7 31.7<210.601 232 268 306.951> 591 20G<232 268>
+VStem: 69.2 81.8<211.041 395.323> 232 36<-13 87.7 145.3 478.7 514.4 611> 326.8 82.7<388.655 469.532>
+LayerCount: 2
+232 611 m 1
+ 268 611 l 1
+ 268 514.4 l 1
+ 356.9 513.3 409.5 475.6 409.5 424.1 c 0
+ 409.5 394.6 383 382.2 363 382.2 c 0
+ 343 382.2 329.7 390.8 326.8 416.5 c 0
+ 323.2 448 316.2 479.4 268 482.7 c 1
+ 268 134.6 l 1
+ 271.4 134.3 274.8 134.1 278.3 134.1 c 0
+ 319.2 134.1 360.1 155 392.4 196.8 c 1
+ 401 195.8 408.6 192.1 412.4 183.5 c 1
+ 367.8 110.4 320.7 90 268 87.7 c 1
+ 268 -13 l 1
+ 232 -13 l 1
+ 232 88.8 l 1
+ 128 100 69.2 181.1 69.2 294.8 c 0
+ 69.2 414.5 148.4 494.6 232 511.2 c 1
+ 232 611 l 1
+232 145.3 m 1
+ 232 478.7 l 1
+ 183.8 462.9 151 404.4 151 315.7 c 0
+ 151 230.5 184.9 169.3 232 145.3 c 1
+Validated: 527361
+Colour: ff9ccc
+StartChar: section
+Encoding: 167 167 292
+Width: 473
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+Flags: W
+HStem: -172 31<201.946 290.26> 627 31<182.74 271.054>
+VStem: 50 54<239.454 353.711> 80 69<481.881 594.55> 98 77<-121.75 -38.1628> 298 77<524.163 607.75> 324 69<-108.55 4.11943> 369 54<131.609 246.546>
+LayerCount: 2
+124.8 415.1 m 1xe2
+ 89.9 450.4 80 484 80 526 c 0
+ 80 592 133 658 236 658 c 0
+ 333 658 375 596 375 557 c 0
+ 375 536 366 519 339 519 c 0
+ 313 519 303 541 298 560 c 0xd4
+ 288 598 273 627 230 627 c 0
+ 183 627 149 592 149 546 c 0
+ 149 499 175 462 240 427 c 0
+ 317 386 423 342 423 219 c 0xd1
+ 423 152.6 392.6 106.8 348.2 70.9 c 1
+ 383.1 35.6 393 2 393 -40 c 0
+ 393 -106 340 -172 237 -172 c 0
+ 140 -172 98 -110 98 -71 c 0
+ 98 -50 107 -33 134 -33 c 0
+ 160 -33 170 -55 175 -74 c 0xca
+ 185 -112 200 -141 243 -141 c 0
+ 290 -141 324 -106 324 -60 c 0
+ 324 -13 298 24 233 59 c 0
+ 156 100 50 144 50 267 c 0
+ 50 331.4 80.4 379.2 124.8 415.1 c 1xe2
+327 90.1 m 1
+ 351.1 111.5 369 139.6 369 171 c 0
+ 369 263 294 303 222 345 c 0
+ 190.5 363.2 165.6 379.8 146.1 395.8 c 1
+ 120.4 372.6 104 349.4 104 315 c 0xe1
+ 104 223 179 183 251 141 c 0
+ 282.6 122.8 307.5 106.1 327 90.1 c 1
+Validated: 8915969
+StartChar: copyright
+Encoding: 169 169 293
+Width: 695
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: HMW
+HStem: 23 32<235.426 405.988> 152 29<279.64 381.262> 434 23<275.918 369.842> 556 32<235.611 406.189>
+VStem: 34 40<208.888 403.383> 165 62<225.318 377.562> 568 40<208.477 403.383>
+LayerCount: 2
+439 216 m 1
+ 419 185 376 152 321 152 c 0
+ 282.3 152 245.7 164.9 219 187 c 0
+ 184.4 215.7 165 259.4 165 304 c 0
+ 165 342.2 177 378.6 201 405.5 c 0
+ 229.9 437.8 275 457 323 457 c 0
+ 393 457 410 444 430 442 c 1
+ 432 405 431 383 430 359 c 1
+ 425 356 418 355 410 355 c 1
+ 393 401 376 434 319 434 c 0
+ 279 434 232 409 232 311 c 0
+ 232 238 274 181 330 181 c 0
+ 381 181 409 215 420 231 c 1
+ 429.8 228.3 434.4 222.1 439 216 c 1
+321 23 m 0
+ 164 23 34 151 34 306 c 0
+ 34 462 165 588 321 588 c 0
+ 477 588 608 462 608 306 c 0
+ 608 150 477 23 321 23 c 0
+321 556 m 0
+ 181 556 74 445 74 306 c 0
+ 74 168 181 55 321 55 c 0
+ 459 55 568 167 568 306 c 0
+ 568 445 460 556 321 556 c 0
+Validated: 527393
+Colour: ff9ccc
+StartChar: guillemotleft
+Encoding: 171 171 294
+Width: 543
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+LayerCount: 2
+156 215 m 1
+ 193.5 172.5 231 124 283 45 c 1
+ 280.5 35 269.5 27.2 259 26 c 1
+ 179.5 111.5 129.5 160 74 209 c 1
+ 74 221 l 1
+ 129.5 270 179.5 318.5 259 404 c 1
+ 269.5 402.8 280.5 395 283 385 c 1
+ 231 306 193.5 257.5 156 215 c 1
+336 215 m 1
+ 373.5 172.5 411 124 463 45 c 1
+ 460.5 35 449.5 27.2 439 26 c 1
+ 359.5 111.5 309.5 160 254 209 c 1
+ 254 221 l 1
+ 309.5 270 359.5 318.5 439 404 c 1
+ 449.5 402.8 460.5 395 463 385 c 1
+ 411 306 373.5 257.5 336 215 c 1
+Validated: 527873
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Substitution2: "'case' Versalformen 1"
+StartChar: uni00AD
+Encoding: 173 173 295
+Width: 338
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: 223 60<44.125 292.485>
+VStem: 40 258<224.539 282.417>
+LayerCount: 2
+271 223 m 2
+ 55 223 l 2
+ 46 223 40 232 40 242 c 0
+ 40 260 53 283 65 283 c 2
+ 284 283 l 2
+ 294 283 298 273 298 263 c 0
+ 298 251 284 223 271 223 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: registered
+Encoding: 174 174 296
+Width: 695
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: 23 32<235.426 405.988> 167 24<196.354 232.584 292.416 328.646 432.562 467.374> 288 24<286 322.795> 421 24<196.354 232.584 295.373 360.615> 556 32<235.611 406.189>
+VStem: 34 40<208.888 403.383> 239 47<193.9 288 312 417.515> 376 54<317.401 414.706> 568 40<208.477 403.383>
+LayerCount: 2
+376 370 m 0
+ 376 404 360 421 326 421 c 0
+ 301 421 286 405 286 387 c 2
+ 286 312 l 1
+ 328 312 l 2
+ 358 312 376 324 376 370 c 0
+263 443 m 0
+ 279 443 315 445 335 445 c 0
+ 410 445 430 400 430 370 c 0
+ 430 331 404 306 373 296 c 1
+ 421 214 l 2
+ 432 195.2 448 187 464 190 c 1
+ 468 186 469 179 468 173 c 1
+ 456 168 444 166 432 166 c 0
+ 412 166 388 175 371 204 c 2
+ 323 284 l 1
+ 319 287 291 288 286 288 c 1
+ 286 232 l 2
+ 286 200 294 194 326 191 c 1
+ 330 187 330 171 326 167 c 1
+ 308 168 279 169 263 169 c 0
+ 247 169 217 168 199 167 c 1
+ 195 171 195 187 199 191 c 1
+ 231 194 239 200 239 232 c 2
+ 239 380 l 2
+ 239 412 231 418 199 421 c 1
+ 195 425 195 441 199 445 c 1
+ 217 444 247 443 263 443 c 0
+321 23 m 0
+ 164 23 34 151 34 306 c 0
+ 34 462 165 588 321 588 c 0
+ 477 588 608 462 608 306 c 0
+ 608 150 477 23 321 23 c 0
+321 556 m 0
+ 181 556 74 445 74 306 c 0
+ 74 168 181 55 321 55 c 0
+ 459 55 568 167 568 306 c 0
+ 568 445 460 556 321 556 c 0
+Validated: 527361
+Colour: ff9ccc
+StartChar: degree
+Encoding: 176 176 297
+Width: 267
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: 409 30<92.5357 174.982> 580 30<92.944 174.612>
+VStem: 34 34<461.515 557.37> 199 34<461.708 557.452>
+LayerCount: 2
+199 508 m 0
+ 199 541 179 580 134 580 c 0
+ 91 580 68 544 68 508 c 0
+ 68 473 92 439 134 439 c 0
+ 175 439 199 474 199 508 c 0
+34 509 m 0
+ 34 565 79 610 134 610 c 0
+ 189 610 233 565 233 509 c 0
+ 233 454 189 409 134 409 c 0
+ 79 409 34 454 34 509 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: plusminus
+Encoding: 177 177 298
+Width: 1000
+VWidth: 999
+LayerCount: 2
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: acute
+Encoding: 180 180 299
+Width: 1000
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+Substitution2: "'case' Versalformen 1" uni0359
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: pilcrow
+Encoding: 182 182 300
+Width: 602
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: -232 33<231 263 372.102 443.581 553 585> 612 33<372.102 443.581 553 585>
+VStem: 317 50<-195.731 285> 448 50<-196.259 609.259>
+LayerCount: 2
+367 574 m 2
+ 367 -161 l 2
+ 367 -188 384 -199 407 -199 c 0
+ 430 -199 448 -192 448 -161 c 2
+ 448 574 l 2
+ 448 605 430 612 407 612 c 0
+ 384 612 367 601 367 574 c 2
+408 645 m 0
+ 477 645 537.5 645 585 647 c 1
+ 587 645 l 1
+ 587 626 l 2
+ 587 621 583 618.3 579 618 c 2
+ 553 616 l 2
+ 513.3 612.9 498 604 498 574 c 2
+ 498 -161 l 2
+ 498 -191 513.3 -199.9 553 -203 c 2
+ 579 -205 l 2
+ 583 -205.3 587 -208 587 -213 c 2
+ 587 -232 l 1
+ 585 -234 l 1
+ 537.5 -232 477 -232 408 -232 c 0
+ 339 -232 280 -232 231 -234 c 1
+ 229 -232 l 1
+ 229 -213 l 2
+ 229 -208 232 -205.3 236 -205 c 2
+ 263 -203 l 2
+ 304.6 -199.9 317 -189 317 -161 c 2
+ 317 285 l 1
+ 308 283 300 282 285 282 c 0
+ 139 282 57 347 57 481 c 0
+ 57 560 115 647 247 647 c 0
+ 322 647 381 645 408 645 c 0
+Validated: 8915969
+StartChar: periodcentered
+Encoding: 183 183 301
+Width: 250
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: 199 108<83.0803 166.92>
+VStem: 71 108<211.08 294.92>
+LayerCount: 2
+125 199 m 0
+ 97 199 71 225 71 253 c 0
+ 71 281 97 307 125 307 c 0
+ 153 307 179 281 179 253 c 0
+ 179 225 153 199 125 199 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: cedilla
+Encoding: 184 184 302
+Width: 1000
+VWidth: 999
+LayerCount: 2
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: guillemotright
+Encoding: 187 187 303
+Width: 1000
+VWidth: 999
+LayerCount: 2
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Substitution2: "'case' Versalformen 1"
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: onequarter
+Encoding: 188 188 304
+Width: 1000
+VWidth: 999
+LayerCount: 2
+Ligature2: "'frac' Brueche 1" one slash four
+LCarets2: 2 215 424
+Colour: ff9ccc
+StartChar: onehalf
+Encoding: 189 189 305
+Width: 1000
+VWidth: 999
+LayerCount: 2
+LCarets2: 2 208 414
+Ligature2: "'frac' Brueche 1" one slash two
+Colour: ff9ccc
+StartChar: threequarters
+Encoding: 190 190 306
+Width: 1000
+VWidth: 999
+LayerCount: 2
+LCarets2: 2 260 447
+Ligature2: "'frac' Brueche 1" three slash four
+Colour: ff9ccc
+StartChar: questiondown
+Encoding: 191 191 307
+Width: 1000
+VWidth: 999
+LayerCount: 2
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+Substitution2: "'case' Versalformen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: Agrave
+Encoding: 192 192 308
+Width: 1000
+VWidth: 999
+LayerCount: 2
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: Aacute
+Encoding: 193 193 309
+Width: 1000
+VWidth: 999
+LayerCount: 2
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: Acircumflex
+Encoding: 194 194 310
+Width: 1000
+VWidth: 999
+LayerCount: 2
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: Atilde
+Encoding: 195 195 311
+Width: 1000
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+LayerCount: 2
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: Adieresis
+Encoding: 196 196 312
+Width: 1000
+VWidth: 999
+LayerCount: 2
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'ss01' Stilgruppe 1 1" Adieresis.alt
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Colour: ff9ccc
+StartChar: Aring
+Encoding: 197 197 313
+Width: 1000
+VWidth: 999
+LayerCount: 2
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: Ccedilla
+Encoding: 199 199 314
+Width: 1000
+VWidth: 999
+LayerCount: 2
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: Egrave
+Encoding: 200 200 315
+Width: 1000
+VWidth: 999
+LayerCount: 2
+Position2: "'cpsp' Versalabstaende 1" dx=2 dy=0 dh=5 dv=0
+Substitution2: "'c2sc' Versale nach Kapitaelchen 1"
+AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Alle Alternativen zeigen 1"
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: Eacute
+Encoding: 201 201 316
+Width: 1000
+VWidth: 999
+LayerCount: 2
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+Comment: "Ist das so richtig?"
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+Comment: "Sieht in Times anders aus"
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+ 814 65 l 1
+ 854 72 876 77 892 83 c 0xb72311e4
+ 894 83 895 83 895 81 c 2x9b2311e4
+678 155 m 0x932319e4
+ 678 170 690 182 705 182 c 0
+ 720 182 733 170 733 155 c 0
+ 733 140 720 128 705 128 c 0
+ 690 128 678 140 678 155 c 0x932319e4
+732 80 m 2
+ 732 80 730 42 730 13 c 2
+ 730 -129 l 2
+ 730 -145 736 -152 754 -153 c 1
+ 765 -155 l 2
+ 767 -155 770 -156 770 -159 c 2
+ 770 -170 l 1
+ 769 -171 l 1
+ 769 -171 732 -170 708 -170 c 0
+ 685 -170 648 -171 648 -171 c 1
+ 647 -170 l 1
+ 647 -159 l 2
+ 647 -156 649 -155 652 -155 c 2
+ 663 -153 l 1
+ 682 -151 687 -145 687 -129 c 2
+ 687 13 l 2
+ 687 41 683 47 675 48 c 2
+ 650 51 l 1
+ 649 64 l 1xb72315e4
+ 689 71 713 76 729 82 c 0
+ 731 82 732 82 732 80 c 2
+1065 358 m 2x937311f4
+ 1065 500 l 2
+ 1065 528 1061 534 1053 535 c 2
+ 1028 538 l 1
+ 1027 551 l 1x936711f4
+ 1067 558 1090 563 1106 569 c 0
+ 1107 569 1108 569 1108 567 c 2
+ 1106 516 l 1
+ 1108 516 l 1
+ 1123 538 1148 567 1175 567 c 0
+ 1198 567 1207 556 1207 541 c 0
+ 1207 526 1197 517 1182 517 c 0
+ 1171 517 1164 522 1159 527 c 0
+ 1155 531 1151 532 1147 532 c 0
+ 1141 532 1129 522 1115 503 c 0
+ 1111 498 1108 490 1108 483 c 2
+ 1108 358 l 2x933311f4
+ 1108 342 1114 335 1133 334 c 1
+ 1149 332 l 2
+ 1152 332 1154 331 1154 328 c 2
+ 1154 317 l 1
+ 1153 316 l 1x937311ec
+ 1153 316 1108 317 1086 317 c 0
+ 1065 317 1027 316 1027 316 c 1
+ 1026 317 l 1
+ 1026 328 l 2
+ 1026 331 1027 332 1030 332 c 2
+ 1041 334 l 1
+ 1059 335 1065 342 1065 358 c 2x937311f4
+830 483 m 1
+ 935 483 l 2
+ 940 483 943 485 943 491 c 0
+ 943 538 916 550 895 550 c 0
+ 882 550 840 547 830 483 c 1
+980 373 m 1
+ 992 364 l 1
+ 970 334 936 313 895 313 c 0
+ 817 313 782 367 782 432 c 0
+ 782 519 841 569 895 569 c 0
+ 970 569 988 518 988 470 c 0
+ 988 464 984 460 978 460 c 2
+ 828 460 l 1
+ 828 375 877 341 909 341 c 0x93a311e4
+ 940 341 960 351 980 373 c 1
+576 360 m 1
+ 588 346 600 334 617 334 c 0
+ 671 334 697 383 697 448 c 0
+ 697 503 669 545 634 545 c 0x936b13e4
+ 628 545 598 544 576 521 c 1
+ 576 360 l 1
+533 641 m 2
+ 533 678 528 685 516 685 c 1
+ 498 687 l 2
+ 496 687 495 688 495 689 c 2
+ 494 703 l 1
+ 517 705 556 712 571 718 c 1
+ 576 718 578 716 578 712 c 2
+ 578 712 576 689 576 652 c 2
+ 576 539 l 1
+ 596 560 618 570 646 570 c 0
+ 695 570 746 527 746 458 c 0
+ 746 367 679 314 621 314 c 0x936b13e4
+ 596 314 578 321 561 335 c 1
+ 556 328 548 318 543 313 c 1x93a313e4
+ 537 313 534 314 531 316 c 1
+ 533 328 533 338 533 360 c 2
+ 533 641 l 2
+383 641 m 0x932391e4
+ 383 656 395 668 410 668 c 0
+ 425 668 438 656 438 641 c 0
+ 438 626 425 614 410 614 c 0
+ 395 614 383 626 383 641 c 0x932391e4
+437 566 m 2
+ 437 566 435 528 435 499 c 2
+ 435 357 l 2
+ 435 341 441 334 459 333 c 1
+ 470 331 l 2
+ 472 331 475 330 475 327 c 2
+ 475 316 l 1
+ 474 315 l 1
+ 474 315 437 316 413 316 c 0
+ 390 316 353 315 353 315 c 1
+ 352 316 l 1
+ 352 327 l 2
+ 352 330 354 331 357 331 c 2
+ 368 333 l 1
+ 387 335 392 341 392 357 c 2
+ 392 499 l 2x932351e4
+ 392 527 388 533 380 534 c 2
+ 355 537 l 1
+ 354 550 l 1
+ 394 557 418 562 434 568 c 0
+ 436 568 437 568 437 566 c 2
+Validated: 8391681
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+Substitution2: "'lnum' Versalziffern 1" four
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportionalziffern 1" four.oldstyle
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+Encoding: 57629 57629 1690
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+Substitution2: "'lnum' Versalziffern 1" five
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportionalziffern 1" five.oldstyle
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+Encoding: 57630 57630 1691
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+Substitution2: "'lnum' Versalziffern 1" six
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportionalziffern 1" six.oldstyle
+Colour: ff00ff
+StartChar: seven.taboldstyle
+Encoding: 57631 57631 1692
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+Substitution2: "'lnum' Versalziffern 1" seven
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportionalziffern 1" seven.oldstyle
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+StartChar: eight.taboldstyle
+Encoding: 57632 57632 1693
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+Substitution2: "'lnum' Versalziffern 1" eight
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+StartChar: nine.taboldstyle
+Encoding: 57633 57633 1694
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+Substitution2: "'lnum' Versalziffern 1" nine
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportionalziffern 1" nine.oldstyle
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+196 404 m 0
+ 183 404 178 405 175 406 c 0
+ 167 409 166 422 166 422 c 1
+ 166 437 178 439 182 440 c 1
+ 187 440 194 441 202 441 c 0
+ 213 441 226 440 230 439 c 0
+ 236 438 243 432 243 421 c 0
+ 243 416 240 404 223 404 c 0
+ 218 404 221 404 196 404 c 0
+67 380 m 0
+ 67 388 70 392 83 402 c 0
+ 104 417 109 419 115 419 c 0
+ 121 419 132 416 132 399 c 0
+ 132 391 127 387 122 384 c 0
+ 114 380 106 374 98 367 c 0
+ 94 363 90 362 84 362 c 0
+ 77 362 67 368 67 380 c 0
+305 370 m 0
+ 301 374 292 380 283 386 c 0
+ 279 389 276 395 276 400 c 0
+ 276 411 285 418 294 418 c 0
+ 297 418 300 417 303 416 c 0
+ 312 411 327 400 334 393 c 0
+ 339 388 341 385 341 379 c 0
+ 341 364 329 361 323 361 c 0
+ 318 361 314 363 305 370 c 0
+31 284 m 0
+ 31 302 31 312 32 319 c 0
+ 34 335 46 336 53 336 c 0
+ 59 336 68 331 68 321 c 0
+ 68 318 67 311 67 295 c 0
+ 67 279 66 277 65 275 c 0
+ 62 268 55 264 48 264 c 0
+ 32 264 31 277 31 284 c 0
+341 294 m 0
+ 341 298 340 314 340 317 c 0
+ 340 327 348 334 357 334 c 0
+ 374 334 377 321 377 296 c 0
+ 377 278 376 262 360 262 c 0
+ 342 262 341 279 341 294 c 0
+31 168 m 2
+ 31 209 l 2
+ 31 216 37 227 47 227 c 0
+ 63 227 66 212 66 207 c 2
+ 66 169 l 2
+ 66 164 59 155 48 155 c 0
+ 39 155 31 162 31 168 c 2
+342 165 m 0
+ 341 169 341 188 341 210 c 0
+ 341 216 348 226 359 226 c 0
+ 376 226 377 209 377 205 c 2
+ 377 168 l 2
+ 377 159 370 154 358 154 c 0
+ 346 154 343 164 342 165 c 0
+51 71 m 0
+ 43 82 37 95 37 101 c 0
+ 37 106 41 119 55 119 c 0
+ 66 119 70 112 73 105 c 0
+ 76 99 80 92 85 85 c 0
+ 90 78 91 76 91 70 c 0
+ 91 56 82 53 72 53 c 0
+ 66 53 63 53 51 71 c 0
+315 71 m 0
+ 315 75 316 78 321 83 c 0
+ 326 89 330 96 333 104 c 1
+ 337 111 341 118 352 118 c 0
+ 366 118 369 106 369 100 c 0
+ 369 86 350 62 348 59 c 0
+ 343 54 339 51 333 51 c 0
+ 321 51 315 61 315 71 c 0
+221 19 m 0
+ 221 23 223 27 226 31 c 0
+ 229 34 232 35 239 37 c 0
+ 248 39 254 41 263 43 c 0
+ 268 45 272 46 274 46 c 0
+ 285 46 292 38 292 29 c 0
+ 292 21 291 15 273 8 c 0
+ 258 3 246 0 238 0 c 0
+ 230 0 221 8 221 19 c 0
+125 12 m 0
+ 121 14 114 19 114 29 c 0
+ 114 36 118 46 134 46 c 0
+ 136 46 138 46 145 43 c 0
+ 152 41 159 39 167 37 c 0
+ 184 34 185 22 185 19 c 0
+ 185 10 179 0 168 0 c 0
+ 160 0 133 8 125 12 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 63162 63162 1697
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+StartChar: c.inferior
+Encoding: 57674 57674 1699
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+StartChar: longs_i
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+Ligature2: "'liga' Standardligaturen ohne TRK CRT AZE 1" longs i
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+Ligature2: "'liga' Standardligaturen ohne TRK CRT AZE 1" longs longs i
+LCarets2: 2 254 536
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+StartChar: uni1E9C
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+StartChar: uni1E9D
+Encoding: 7837 7837 1738
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+StartChar: uni1EFB
+Encoding: 7931 7931 1739
+Width: 1000
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+Width: 1000
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+StartChar: uniE130
+Encoding: 57648 57648 1743
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+-166 662 m 0
+ -151.4 662 -137.2 660.5 -127 655 c 0
+ -114.1 648.1 -107 636 -107 626 c 0
+ -107 613 -115 607 -123 607 c 0
+ -132 607 -141 614 -142 623 c 0
+ -143.3 635.1 -148 645 -163 645 c 0
+ -180 645 -199 624 -199 584 c 0
+ -199 536 -171 531 -160 531 c 0
+ -139 531 -133 541 -123 553 c 1
+ -115.6 551.4 -112.1 546.7 -110 541 c 1
+ -124 522 -144 509 -168 509 c 0
+ -214 509 -237 543 -237 582 c 0
+ -237 621 -209 662 -166 662 c 0
+Validated: 527361
+StartChar: copyleft
+Encoding: 57356 57356 1748
+Width: 695
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: 23 32<235.426 405.988> 152 29<258.738 364.46> 434 23<270.4 360.289> 556 32<235.611 406.189>
+VStem: 34 40<208.888 403.383> 206 20<361.34 382.073> 413 62<232.906 385.658> 568 40<208.477 403.383>
+LayerCount: 2
+201 216 m 1
+ 205.6 222.1 210.2 228.3 220 231 c 1
+ 231 215 259 181 310 181 c 0
+ 378 181 413 228 413 301 c 0
+ 413 399 361 434 321 434 c 0
+ 264 434 243 406 226 360 c 1
+ 218 360 211 361 206 364 c 1
+ 205 388 205.6 410.7 216 442 c 1
+ 236 444 247 457 317 457 c 0
+ 405 457 475 395 475 311 c 0
+ 475 232 408 152 319 152 c 0
+ 264 152 221 185 201 216 c 1
+321 23 m 0
+ 164 23 34 151 34 306 c 0
+ 34 462 165 588 321 588 c 0
+ 477 588 608 462 608 306 c 0
+ 608 150 477 23 321 23 c 0
+321 556 m 0
+ 181 556 74 445 74 306 c 0
+ 74 168 181 55 321 55 c 0
+ 459 55 568 167 568 306 c 0
+ 568 445 460 556 321 556 c 0
+Validated: 527393
+StartChar: publicdomain
+Encoding: 57357 57357 1749
+Width: 695
+VWidth: 999
+Flags: W
+HStem: 23 32<235.426 406.993> 152 29<294.209 380.088> 434 23<286.933 374.716> 556 32<234.88 406.189>
+VStem: 34 40<208.888 403.606> 175 67<228.134 381.93> 420 20<356.34 379.372> 568 40<207.517 403.383>
+LayerCount: 2
+321 23 m 0
+ 164 23 34 151 34 306 c 0
+ 34 462 165 588 321 588 c 0
+ 477 588 608 462 608 306 c 0
+ 608 150 477 23 321 23 c 0
+426.9 190.3 m 1
+ 478.5 111.9 l 1
+ 533.4 157.9 568 227.7 568 306 c 0
+ 568 445 460 556 321 556 c 0
+ 278.5 556 239.1 545.8 204.8 527.7 c 1
+ 261.3 441.8 l 1
+ 283.1 451.6 307.6 457 333 457 c 0
+ 403 457 420 444 440 442 c 1
+ 442 405 441 383 440 359 c 1
+ 435 356 428 355 420 355 c 1
+ 403 401 386 434 329 434 c 0
+ 311.9 434 293.5 429.4 278 416.5 c 1
+ 413.3 211 l 1
+ 425.7 221.6 434.5 232.5 439 239 c 1
+ 448.8 236.3 453.4 230.1 458 224 c 1
+ 451.1 213.3 440.3 201.3 426.9 190.3 c 1
+394.3 168.7 m 1
+ 375 158.7 353.2 152 331 152 c 0
+ 292.3 152 255.7 164.9 229 187 c 0
+ 194.4 215.7 175 259.4 175 304 c 0
+ 175 342.2 187 378.6 211 405.5 c 0
+ 216.2 411.4 222 416.7 228.2 421.7 c 1
+ 172.2 507 l 1
+ 111.9 461.6 74 388.8 74 306 c 0
+ 74 168 181 55 321 55 c 0
+ 367.1 55 409.9 67.5 446.5 89.3 c 1
+ 394.3 168.7 l 1
+253.9 382.5 m 1
+ 246.5 364.7 242 341.4 242 311 c 0
+ 242 238 284 181 340 181 c 0
+ 354.7 181 368.3 184.5 380.4 189.9 c 1
+ 253.9 382.5 l 1
+Validated: 527393
diff --git a/fonts/LinLibertine_R_subset.woff b/fonts/LinLibertine_R_subset.woff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dd60b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/LinLibertine_R_subset.woff
Binary files differ
diff --git a/fonts/README b/fonts/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d113ee0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/README
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+LOFP - Libertine Open Fonts Project
+We work on a serif and organic grotesque font-family for practical use in documents. Our project aims at creating a free alternative to the standard W*ndows Font (T*mes).
+But neveretheless Libertine and Biolinum are not a clone of any common font! They have been developed from scratch and go different ways in typography than the Times or Arial. Just the useability and the dimensions shall be similar, Libertine should be even better for typical office use! If you want Times- and Arial-clones go elsewhere. If you just need reliable and good typography give our fonts a chance. If you want to know more about the design of Libertine and Biolinum, have a look at our website.
+We publish our fonts under the terms of the GPL (see GPL.txt) and OFL (OFL.txt)
+-> see also LICENCE.txt!
+The OpenSource-tool Fontforge is used as font editor (see
+The font files are available as TTF (TrueType) and OTF (OpenType) fonts. The TTF-Family is called
+"Linux Libertine" and "Linux Biolinum"
+and the OTF
+"LinuxLibertine O" and "Linux Biolinum O".
+So that both types can be installed and used parallely.
+Most often TTF is the better supported format though OTF has advances in printing. Decide yourself what is better for your purpose. OpenType-features are equally available in both fonts. Note that OpenOffice doesn’t support OTFs, yet.
+Please note: The Biolinum is a very early version. While you use Libertine-Fonts without any warranty anyway, take special care with this young font face.
+The TrueType-hinting is a complex technique and our editor FontForge doesn't support full possibilities (but it becomes alot better version by version)...
+Since version 2.7 also the normal TTFs are hinted. If you don't like this, send me a mail. You may also try the OpenTypes (which contain PS-Hintings which are quite good supported by FontForge).
+We publish our fonts at
+Please note: The underlined variant is recently not being maintained because its concept doesn’t seem to be sofware-technically reliable and because of lack of interest.
+The advantage of this font was that g, commas, cedillas... were not overprinted by the line anymore. For technical reasons the space was not underlined but you could use the _ instead. In this font it had the width of the space and the line was at hight of the underline. The underlined variant used an older font outline.
+Philipp Poll -- gillian at
diff --git a/header/web.html b/header/web.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..509800a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/header/web.html
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ <h1>
+ Patrick “P. J.” M<span class="super">c</span>Dermott
+ </h1>
+ <div class="left">
+ <p></p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="right">
+ <p></p>
+ </div>
diff --git a/resume.shtml b/resume.shtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f85b15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resume.shtml
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+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <head>
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>Patrick “P. J.” McDermott</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/main.css">
+ </head>
+ <body>
+<!--#if expr="'$HEADER' eq 'web'" -->
+<!--#include virtual="/header/web.html" -->
+<!--#elif expr="'$HEADER' eq 'confidential'" -->
+<!--#include virtual="/header/confidential.html" -->
+<!--#endif -->
+<!--#include virtual="/section/edu.html" -->
+<!--#include virtual="/section/hon.html" -->
+<!--#include virtual="/section/skl.html" -->
+<!--#include virtual="/section/wor.html" -->
+<!--#include virtual="/section/afl.html" -->
+<!--#include virtual="/section/hob.html" -->
+<!-- include virtual="/section/ref.html" -->
+ </body>
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+<section class="afl">
+ <h2>Professional Affiliations</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <p>
+ Associate Member of Free Software Foundation,
+ Inc.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Former member of NJIT chapter of Association for
+ Computing Machinery (ACM)
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Former leader of GNU/Linux special interest
+ group in NJIT chapter of ACM
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
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+<section class="edu">
+ <h2>Education</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <h3>New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Newark,
+ NJ</h3>
+ <p>
+ B.S. Computer Science, May 2012 with honors
+ <span>GPA: 3.60</span>
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <h3>Sussex County Community College (SCCC), Newton,
+ NJ</h3>
+ <p>
+ A.S. Computer Science, May 2010 with honors
+ <span>GPA: 3.57</span>
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
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+++ b/section/hob.html
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+<section class="hob">
+ <h2>Hobbies/Interests</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <p>
+ Writing software; researching topics in computer
+ science; building computers; system
+ administration; embedded systems; software
+ freedom and computing ethics; copyright law;
+ music; studying natural language families,
+ syntax, and etymology; learning natural
+ languages
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
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+++ b/section/hon.html
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+<section class="hon">
+ <h2>Honors/Awards</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <p>
+ <span>
+ Dean’s List all semesters, Delta Epsilon
+ Iota Academic Honor Society
+ </span>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <span>
+ Dean’s List, Phi Theta Kappa Academic
+ Honor Society
+ </span>
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
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+<section class="ref">
+ <h2>References</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <p>
+ References available upon request.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
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+<section class="skl">
+ <h2>Skills</h2>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>
+ Computer Languages
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ ARM assembly, ISO C 89 and 99, ISO C++ 98, CSS 2.1 and
+ 3, DOT, HTML 4.01 and 5, Java, JavaScript, POSIX.1-2008
+ makefile syntax, Markdown, Perl 5, PHP 5, POSIX.1-2008
+ shell command language, ISO SQL 1999, Apache HTTPd 2.2
+ and NCSA HTTPd SSI, troff/groff (with the “man” macro
+ package), XHTML 1.1
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ Library APIs
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ ISO C 89 and 99 standard library, CGI-SSI (Perl), X/Open
+ Curses Issue 4 Version 2, Expat, HTML-Template (Perl),
+ HTML-Tree (Perl), JSON-XS (Perl), libwww-perl (Perl),
+ Markdown (Perl), SDL 1.2, SDL_image 1.2, POSIX.1-2008
+ utilities, zlib
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ Software Codebases
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ BusyBox, coreboot, debhelper, debootstrap, GNU C
+ Library, GNU Coreutils, Linux, musl libc, OpenEmbedded,
+ opkg, sbuild
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ Design and Development Software
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ debhelper, dh_make, FontForge, GCC, GDB, GIMP, Git,
+ GNOME Dia, GNU Autoconf, GNU Automake, GNU Binutils,
+ Inkscape, MakeMaker, pkg-config, quilt, Tiled, Vim
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ System Software
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ APT, BusyBox, Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 and 7.0, dpkg,
+ ifupdown, Linux 2.6 and 3.x, LVM2, OpenBSD netcat, opkg,
+ rsync, System V style init, Vixie cron 3.0
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ Service Software
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Apache HTTP Server 2.x, APT-Cacher NG, cgit, Dovecot 1.2
+ and 2.1, Gitosis, GNU Mailman, ikiwiki, Linux NFS,
+ MHonArc, MySQL, OpenBSD inetd, OpenSSH, Postfix,
+ Reprepro, SpamAssassin, SpamPD, SQLite, vsftpd
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ Monitoring Software
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ apticron, fail2ban, inotify-tools, Logwatch, Munin
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ Virtualization Software
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ libvirt, qemu-kvm (KVM), virt-manager, virt-install
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ Technical Knowledge
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Debian packaging, ELF binary format, microprocessor
+ instruction encoding, embedded systems, relational and
+ flat file database design, TCP/IP, HTTP 1.1, POP 3, SMTP
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ General Skills
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Event coordination, group and project leadership,
+ technical instruction, technical writing
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
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+<section class="wor">
+ <h2>Work Experience</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <h3>
+ Self-employed (Libiquity)
+ <span>
+ December 2011 – Present
+ </span>
+ </h3>
+ <h4>
+ Lead Developer – ProteanOS
+ </h4>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ Leading the design and development of a
+ free/libre and open-source operating
+ system distribution for embedded devices
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Sponsored and led two teams of
+ university students on development
+ projects
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Designing and developing tools to build
+ and manage software packages
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Developing and maintaining distribution
+ software packages
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Bootstrapping the distribution to port
+ it to new architectures
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Setting release goals and tracking
+ development progress
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Cooperating with developers in other
+ software projects
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Maintaining project infrastructure and
+ related tools – Web site, source code
+ repositories, mailing list services,
+ documentation, and file hosting services
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <h3>
+ Google Inc. (On contract)
+ <span>
+ May 2012 – August 2012
+ </span>
+ </h3>
+ <h4>
+ Student Developer – Google Summer of Code
+ (Debian Project)
+ </h4>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ Worked on the “Bootstrappable Debian”
+ project with mentors and other students
+ to make the Debian operating system
+ distribution easier to port to new
+ architectures
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Modified dpkg (Debian’s package manager)
+ and sbuild (tool for building Debian
+ packages in clean environments) to
+ support “build profiles”
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Modified various Debian packages to fix
+ cross building issues and to support
+ “build profiles” that break dependency
+ cycles
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Produced support packages to improve
+ package cross building in Debian
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <h3>
+ George Washington University
+ <span>
+ June 2010 – August 2010
+ </span>
+ </h3>
+ <h4>
+ Intern – Cyber Security Policy and Research
+ Institute
+ </h4>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ Designed a cyber security Web portal for
+ community colleges
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Advised the Cyber Security Policy and
+ Research Institute on a potential Web
+ site redesign
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <h3>
+ Sussex County Community College
+ <span>
+ January 2009 – May 2009
+ </span>
+ </h3>
+ <h4>
+ Student Technician – IT Services
+ </h4>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ Maintained and installed workstations,
+ software, printers, and projectors on
+ campus
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Responded to service and support calls
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <h3>
+ Sussex County Computer Warehouse
+ <span>
+ September 2007 – August 2008
+ </span>
+ </h3>
+ <h4>
+ Web Software Developer, Server Administrator
+ </h4>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ Designed and wrote dynamic Web
+ applications in-house and for clients
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Assisted with management of client Web
+ hosting
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Performed administration of server
+ systems
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
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