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authorP. J. McDermott <>2015-03-16 12:51:36 (EDT)
committer P. J. McDermott <>2015-03-16 12:51:36 (EDT)
commit00fe68008dae61869892d6527cca287176b4af3b (patch)
parent0ffbb91c4cfbe8d279b7409a91b95dce57a38d25 (diff)
README: New file
1 files changed, 113 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb18cf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+This is Epirts.js, a free software replacement for Stripe.js implementing a
+subset of the Stripe.js API.
+Epirts.js is compatible with Stripe.js version 2. Currently Epirts.js only
+supports validating and tokenizing payment cards.
+ * `Epirts.setPublishableKey(key)`
+ Sets a test or live publishable key.
+ * `Epirts.card.createToken(card, [amount,] callback)`
+ Creates a single-use token that represents a payment card.
+ Example:
+ Epirts.card.createToken({
+ number: '4242424242424242',
+ exp_month: 12,
+ exp_year: 2016,
+ cvc: '123'
+ }, stripeResponseHandler);
+ * `Epirts.card.validateCardNumber(number)`
+ Checks that the card number appears valid and passes the Luhn check.
+ Examples:
+ Epirts.card.validate('42424242'); // false
+ Epirts.card.validate('4242424242424242'); // true
+ Epirts.card.validate('4242-4242-4242-4242'); // true
+ Epirts.card.validate('4242 4242 4242 4242'); // true
+ Epirts.card.validate('4242 424242424242'); // true
+ Epirts.card.validate('42424242424242r2'); // false
+ Epirts.card.validate('4242-4242-4242-4240'); // false
+ * `Epirts.card.validateEpiry(month, year)`
+ Checks that the expiration date is a valid month in the future.
+ Examples:
+ Epirts.card.validateExpiry('01', '1970'); // false
+ Epirts.card.validateExpiry('01', '2020'); // true
+ Epirts.card.validateExpiry(1, 2020); // true
+ * `Epirts.card.validateCVC(cvc)`
+ Checks that the CVC appears valid.
+ Examples:
+ Epirts.card.validateCVC('123') // true
+ Epirts.card.validateCVC('1') // false
+ * `Epirts.card.cardType(number)`
+ Detects the card type based on the first two digits of the Issuer
+ Identification Number (the first six digits of the card number). Returns
+ the card brand name as a string, or "Unknown" if the card's issuer is
+ unsupported. The supported card brand names are "Visa", "MasterCard",
+ "American Express", "JCB", "Discover", and "Diners Club".
+ Examples:
+ Epirts.card.cardType('4242-4242-4242-4242'); // "Visa"
+ Epirts.card.cardType('378282246310005'); // "American Express"
+ Epirts.card.cardType('1234'); // "Unknown"
+PCI DSS Compliance
+All merchants who accept payment cards must comply with the Payment Card
+Industry Data Security Standards. Merchants classified in Levels 2 through 4
+may complete an annual Self-Assessment Questionnaire.
+E-commerce merchants who "fully outsource" all cardholder data processing to a
+PCI DSS compliant third-party payment processor (by redirecting to or loading in
+an iframe a payment page served by the payment processor) can file SAQ A. This
+applies to merchants who use the non-free Stripe.js program, because it loads a
+payment page from Stripe in an iframe.
+E-commerce merchants who "partially outsource" their payment processing (e.g. by
+serving their own payment page and sending cardholder data to a payment
+processor by JSONP) must file the longer SAQ A-EP and have quarterly
+vulnerability scans performed by an Approved Scanning Vendor. This applies to
+merchants who use Epirts.js, because it uses JSONP instead of an iframe, to
+avoid causing the customer to run non-free JavaScript programs loaded by
+Stripe's payment page.
+Therefore, under PCI DSS 3.0, **Epirts.js may not be used to process live
+payment cards without first completing PCI SAQ A-EP and having an ASV perform
+quarterly vulnerability scans**.
+Copyright Information
+Copyright (C) 2015 Patrick "P. J." McDermott
+Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
+are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
+notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is,
+without any warranty.