\." Manual page for xcf2pnm \." Copyright (C) 2006 Henning Makholm \." \." This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify \." it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as \." published by the Free Software Foundation. \." \." This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, \." but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of \." MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the \." GNU General Public License for more details. \." \." You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License \." along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software \." Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA .TH xcf2pnm 1 2006-01-22 "Xcftools" "" .SH NAME xcf2pnm \- convert from GIMP xcf files to ppm/pgm/pbm format .SH SYNOPSIS .B xcf2pnm [ .I options ] .I filename [ .I layer names ] .SH DESCRIPTION .B xcf2pnm is a command-line tool that converts image files in the XCF format used by .BR gimp (1) to the generic image formats .BR pbm (5), .BR pgm (5), and .BR ppm (5), flattening layers if necessary. It does not need to have the Gimp engine itself available. .SH GENERAL OPTIONS .so xcf2pnm.1i .P Several groups of options are mutually incompatible; in each group the one given last will win: .TP 4 1) .B \-A and .BR \-b . .TP 2) .BR \-c , .BR \-g , .BR \-m , and .BR \-n . .TP 3) .B \-D and .BR \-G . .TP 4) .BR \-j , .BR \-z , and .BR \-Z . .SH LAYER SPECIFICATIONS If no .I layer name is given on the command line, all of the visible layers in the XCF file are merged to produce the output image. It is also possible to specify the layers to merge explicitly, by giving their names as separate arguments after the input filename. In that case, the output will contain .I only the named layers. The layers will be merged in the order they appear on the command line, with the leftmost being "at the bottom" \- that is, the layer ordering in the XCF file will be ignored. .P The following options can be given .I after a layer name to override the global properties of the layer: .so xcf2pnm.1il .SH EXIT STATUS The exit status of .B xcf2pnm is .TP 5 0 Success .TP 20 Problems parsing the command line, including unknown color names (or missing color name directory) for .BR \-b . .TP 21 The specified XCF file does not exist or cannot be read. .TP 22 A layer named on the command line was not found, or the .B --mask option was used for a layer that has no layer mask. .TP 100 For .BR xcf2pnm , transparent pixels were found, but neither .B \-a nor .B \-b was given. .TP 101 The .B \-a option was given yet the image has no transparency. (Use .B \-A to go on anyway). .TP 102 The .B \-G option was given, yet partial transparency was found. .TP 103 .B \-g (or .BR \-m ) was given, yet colored (or gray) pixels were found. .TP 123 The XCF file contains presumably valid features that .B xcftools does not support. (Certain layer modes, for example, cause this return). .TP 125 The XCF file is malformed. .TP 126 An uncompression program could not be executed or terminated abnormally. .TP 127 Unexpected I/O error, internal errors, or other "this can't happen" situations. .P If an uncompression program returns an error exit status, this will be returned from .B xcf2pnm too. .SH EXAMPLES .IP .B xcf2pnm -b white foo.xcf > foo.ppm .IP .B xcf2pnm -a footrans.pgm -o foo.ppm foo.xcf Layer1 Layer2 .P To test whether the flattened image has any transparency, use .IP .B xcf2pnm foo.xcf > /dev/null .P To test whether the flattened image has .I partially transparent pixels, use .IP .B xcf2pnm -b white -G > /dev/null .SH BUGS AND LIMITATIONS .P When several partially transparent layers are merged, the pixel values are interpolated without gamma correction. (The Gimp also does it this way). Some slight rounding errors in the interpolation are inevitable; .B xcf2pnm sometimes have different rounding errors than the Gimp itself, especially when more than two layers are involved, or in case of some of the more exotic layer modes. These differences are usually not visible to the eye. .P A few particularly exotic layer modes (which work in HSV space rather than RGB space) are not currently implemented. .P There are probably other bugs lurking in corner cases. If you discover one, please notify the author. .SH FILES .TP 8 .B /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt Color name database for .BR \-b . .SH AUTHOR .B xcf2pnm was written by Henning Makholm .P .SH SEE ALSO .BR xcfinfo (1), .BR xcf2png (1)