Math::Decimal::FastPP ===================== Math::Decimal::FastPP provides a few common decimal arithmetic and rounding functions written in pure Perl. The functions are of course slower than Perl's built-in binary floating-point math, but they're faster than Math::BigFloat and other commonly used decimal math modules. This module is currently less complete than Perl's built-in math and other decimal math modules. So far it only includes addition, multiplication, and two rounding functions. Despite the similar name and purpose, this module is not compatible with Math::Decimal. Downloading ----------- Math::Decimal::FastPP is maintained in a [Git repository][pm-repo-http], which can be cloned from `git://`. [pm-repo-http]: decmath.js ========== decmath.js provides a few common decimal arithmetic and rounding functions. The functions are of course slower than JavaScript's built-in binary floating-point math, but the code is smaller and probably faster than other commonly used decimal math libraries. This library is currently less complete than JavaScript's built-in math and other decimal math libraries. So far it only includes addition, multiplication, and two rounding functions. Downloading ----------- decmath.js is maintained in a [Git repository][js-repo-http], which can be cloned from `git://`. [js-repo-http]: