Contact Information

The following are ways to contact me, listed in order of my preference.

In Person

I always prefer face-to-face communication over any other medium. If we don't normally cross paths and you would like to meet with me, please coordinate a meeting over some other medium (e.g. e-mail).


I use the Freenode and OFTC IRC networks. You can find me in a channel or query me if you'd like. I generally reply within minutes or hours of contact. However, my IRC client runs 24 hours a day on this server. So even though I'm online, I may be asleep, travelling, or otherwise disconnected from my IRC client. I eventually receive all personal messages, so I should respond sometime within 24 hours.


The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) works very well for verbose asynchronous communication. You can reach me at <>. Depending on the complexity of queries and my schedule, I usually reply to e-mail messages within a couple of hours or days.