#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Std; use CGI::SSI; sub main { my %opts; my $input; my $output; $SIG{'__WARN__'} = \&warning; if (not getopts('o:hV', \%opts)) { usage(*STDERR); } if (exists($opts{'h'})) { help(*STDERR); exit(0); } if (exists($opts{'V'})) { version(*STDERR); exit(0); } if ($#ARGV lt 0) { error(4, "No input files\n"); } if (exists($opts{'o'})) { if ($#ARGV gt 0) { error(4, "Cannot specify -o with multiple files\n"); } compile($ARGV[0], $opts{'o'}); } else { for $input (@ARGV) { $output = $input; $output =~ s/\.[^.]+$/.html/; compile($input, $output); } } } sub usage { my ($fh) = @_; printf($fh "Usage: %s [-o ] ...\n", $0); } sub help { my ($fh) = @_; usage($fh); print("Options:\n"); print(" -o Place the output into \n"); print(" -h Display this information\n"); print(" -V Display compiler version information\n"); } sub version { my ($fh) = @_; print("ssic 0.1.0\n"); print("Copyright (C) 2013 Patrick \"P. J.\" McDermott\n"); print("License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later " . ".\n"); print("This is free software: you are free to change and " . "redistribute it.\n"); print("There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n"); } sub warning { my ($fmt, $args) = @_; printf("ssic: Warning: " . $fmt, $args); } sub error { my ($status, $fmt, $args) = @_; printf("ssic: Error: " . $fmt, $args); exit($status); } sub compile { my ($input, $output) = @_; my $input_fh; my $output_fh; my $ssi; if ($input eq $output) { error(4, "Input and output files are equal\n"); } open($input_fh, "<", $input); open($output_fh, ">", $output); $CGI::SSI::DEBUG = 0; $ssi = CGI::SSI->new(); print($output_fh $ssi->process(<$input_fh>)); } main();