#include #include #include #include "xml.h" #include "logging.h" inline int xml_check_tag(const char *found, const char *expected) { return strcmp(found, expected) != 0; } inline void xml_unexpected_start_tag(XML_Parser p, const char *found, const char *expected) { warn("Found \"%s\" start tag where expected one of \"%s\" in map", found, expected); XML_StopParser(p, XML_FALSE); } inline void xml_unexpected_end_tag(XML_Parser p, const char *found, const char *expected) { warn("Found \"%s\" end tag where expected one of \"%s\" in map", found, expected); XML_StopParser(p, XML_FALSE); } void xml_get_int_attr(XML_Parser p, const char **attr, const char *name, int *dest, int req) { for (; attr[0] != NULL; attr += 2) { if (strcmp(attr[0], name) == 0) { if (sscanf(attr[1], "%d", dest) == 1) { return; } else if (req) { warn("Invalid \"%s\" attribute value", name); XML_StopParser(p, XML_FALSE); } } } if (req) { warn("Required attribute \"%s\" not found", name); XML_StopParser(p, XML_FALSE); } } void xml_get_string_attr(XML_Parser p, const char **attr, const char *name, char **dest, int req) { for (; attr[0] != NULL; attr += 2) { if (strcmp(attr[0], name) == 0) { *dest = strdup(attr[1]); } } if (req) { warn("Required attribute \"%s\" not found", name); XML_StopParser(p, XML_FALSE); } }