/* * Tree data structure * * Copyright (C) 2017 Patrick McDermott * * This file is part of Marquee. * * Marquee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Marquee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Marquee. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include "tree.h" #include #include #if MQ_TREE_DEBUG static void print_tree_recurse(MqTree *node, gsize indent) { gsize i; for (; node; node = node->next) { for (i = 0; i < indent; ++i) { g_print("\t"); } g_print("\t0x%" PRIxPTR " (size %d, position %d)\n", (uintptr_t) node, node->size, node->position); if (node->first_child) { print_tree_recurse(node->first_child, indent + 1); } } } static void print_tree(const gchar *msg, MqTree *node) { g_print("%s 0x%" PRIxPTR ", ", msg, (uintptr_t) node); node = node->root; g_print("new tree (size %d):\n", node->size); print_tree_recurse(node, 0); } static void print_node(MqTree *node) { g_print("\t0x%" PRIxPTR "\n", (uintptr_t) node); } static void print_head(const gchar *head, MqTree *node) { g_print("%s, starting at 0x%" PRIxPTR "\n", head, (uintptr_t) node); } #else /* MQ_TREE_DEBUG */ #define print_tree(node) #define print_node(node) #define print_head(head, node) #endif /* MQ_TREE_DEBUG */ MqTree * mq_tree_insert_root_allocated(MqTree *node, gpointer data) { node->root = node; node->size = 1; node->data = data; return node; } static void update_sizes(MqTree *node, gint step) { if (node) { node->size += step; update_sizes(node->parent, step); } } static gboolean update_position(MqTree *node, gpointer user_data) { gint *step; step = (gint *) user_data; node->position += *step; return MQ_TREE_CONTINUE; } static void update_positions(MqTree *node, gint step) { print_head("Updating positions", node); mq_tree_foreach_from(node, update_position, &step); } MqTree * mq_tree_append_child_allocated(MqTree *node, MqTree *parent, gpointer data) { /* Copy ancestor pointers. */ node->root = parent->root; node->parent = parent; if (parent->last_child) { /* Parent has children, so get position from sibling and append * to list of children. */ node->position = parent->last_child->position; node->prev = parent->last_child; parent->last_child->next = node; } else { /* Parent has no children, so get position from parent and add * first child to parent. */ node->position = parent->position; parent->first_child = node; } parent->last_child = node; update_positions(node, 1); node->size = 0; update_sizes(node, 1); node->data = data; print_tree("Appended child", node); return node; } MqTree * mq_tree_append_sibling_allocated(MqTree *node, MqTree *sibling, gpointer data) { /* Copy ancestor pointers. */ node->root = sibling->root; node->parent = sibling->parent; /* Link new node and parent's last child. */ node->prev = node->parent->last_child; if (node->prev) { node->prev->next = node; } /* Set parent's new last child. */ node->parent->last_child = node; node->position = node->parent->position + node->parent->size - 1; update_positions(node, 1); node->size = 0; update_sizes(node, 1); node->data = data; print_tree("Appended sibling", node); return node; } void mq_tree_remove(MqTree *node) { /* TODO */ node = node; } MqTree * seek(MqTree *node, gint offset) { /* Skip forward to the containing subtree. */ while (node && node->position + node->size <= offset) { node = node->next; } /* Check whether we've gone past the end of the tree. */ if (!node) { return NULL; } /* Check whether the sibling we've reached is the node we want. */ if (node->position == offset) { return node; } /* Recurse down the subtree. */ return seek(node->first_child, offset); } MqTree * mq_tree_seek(MqTree *node, gint offset) { /* XXX: Only forward seeking from a tree's root is supported. */ g_assert(node); g_assert(node->position == 0); g_assert(offset > 0); return seek(node, offset); } static gboolean foreach_down(MqTree *node, gboolean (*cb)(MqTree *node, gpointer user_data), gpointer user_data) { for (; node; node = node->next) { /* XXX: Warning: Does not skip root node */ print_node(node); if (cb(node, user_data) == MQ_TREE_STOP) { return MQ_TREE_STOP; } if (node->first_child) { if (foreach_down(node->first_child, cb, user_data) == MQ_TREE_STOP) { return MQ_TREE_STOP; } } } return MQ_TREE_CONTINUE; } void mq_tree_foreach(MqTree *node, gboolean (*cb)(MqTree *node, gpointer user_data), gpointer user_data) { print_head("Traversing full tree", node); foreach_down(node->root->first_child, cb, user_data); } static gboolean foreach_up(MqTree *node, gboolean (*cb)(MqTree *node, gpointer user_data), gpointer user_data) { node = node->parent; if (!node) { return MQ_TREE_CONTINUE; } if (foreach_down(node->next, cb, user_data) == MQ_TREE_STOP) { return MQ_TREE_STOP; } if (foreach_up(node, cb, user_data) == MQ_TREE_STOP) { return MQ_TREE_STOP; } return MQ_TREE_CONTINUE; } void mq_tree_foreach_from(MqTree *node, gboolean (*cb)(MqTree *node, gpointer user_data), gpointer user_data) { print_head("Traversing tree from position", node); if (foreach_down(node, cb, user_data) == MQ_TREE_CONTINUE) { foreach_up(node, cb, user_data); } }