/* * about:preferences * * Copyright (C) 2017 Patrick McDermott * * This file is part of Marquee. * * Marquee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Marquee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Marquee. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "paths.h" #include "../application.h" #include "../config.h" #include "../about.h" #include "../html.h" static void save_pref(gchar *key, gchar *value, MqConfig *config) { mq_config_set(config, key, value); } #define GEN_BOOL(NAME, LABEL) mq_html_input_checkbox(NAME, LABEL, \ mq_config_get_boolean(config, NAME)) #define GEN_INT( NAME, LABEL, MIN, STEP, MAX) mq_html_input_number_i( \ NAME, LABEL, MIN, STEP, MAX, mq_config_get_integer(config, NAME)) #define GEN_DBL( NAME, LABEL, MIN, STEP, MAX) mq_html_input_number_d( \ NAME, LABEL, MIN, STEP, MAX, mq_config_get_double(config, NAME)) #define GEN_STR( NAME, LABEL) mq_html_input_text(NAME, LABEL, \ mq_config_get_string(config, NAME)) #define GEN_STRL(NAME, LABEL) mq_html_input_text(NAME, LABEL, \ mq_config_get_string(config, NAME)) static gchar * gen_page_general(MqConfig *config) { return mq_html_container("div", mq_html_h3(NULL, "Web Browsing"), GEN_STR ("tabs.new", "New Tab Page"), GEN_STR ("tabs.home", "Home Page"), GEN_BOOL("tabs.background", "Open New Tabs in the Background"), GEN_BOOL("tabs.warn-on-close", "Warn When Closing Multiple Tabs or Windows"), mq_html_h3(NULL, "Navigation and Accessibility"), GEN_BOOL("navigation.smooth-scrolling", "Smooth Scrolling"), GEN_BOOL("navigation.tabbing", "Enable Tabbing Navigation (Cycling Focus by Tab Key)"), GEN_BOOL("navigation.caret", "Enable Caret (Text Cursor) Navigation"), GEN_BOOL("navigation.spatial", "Enable Spatial Navigation Between Elements By Arrow " "Keys"), mq_html_h3(NULL, "Spell Checking"), GEN_BOOL("spell.enable", "Enable Spell Checking"), GEN_STRL("spell.langs", "Spell Checking Languages"), mq_html_h3(NULL, "Miscellaneous"), GEN_BOOL("display.textarea.resize.enable", "Enable Resizable Text Areas"), GEN_BOOL("devtools.enable", "Enable Developer Tools"), mq_html_h3(NULL, "Compatibility"), GEN_STR ("compatibility.user-agent", "User Agent Identity"), GEN_BOOL("compatibility.quirks", "Enable Site-Specific Quirks"), NULL); } static gchar * gen_page_display(MqConfig *config) { return mq_html_container("div", mq_html_h3(NULL, "Fonts"), GEN_STR ("font.family.default", "Default Font Family"), GEN_STR ("font.family.monospace", "Default Monospace Font Family"), GEN_STR ("font.family.serif", "Default Serif Font Family"), GEN_STR ("font.family.sans-serif", "Default Sans-serif Font Family"), GEN_STR ("font.family.cursive", "Cursive Font Family"), GEN_STR ("font.family.fantasy", "Fantasy Font Family"), GEN_STR ("font.family.pictograph", "Pictograph Font Family"), GEN_INT ("font.size.default", "Default Font Size", 5, 1, 72), GEN_INT ("font.size.monospace-default", "Default Monospace Font Size", 5, 1, 72), GEN_INT ("font.size.minimum", "Minimum Font Size", 0, 1, 72), mq_html_h3(NULL, "Languages"), GEN_STRL("intl.accept-languages", "Preferred Web Site Languages"), GEN_STR ("intl.default-charset", "Default Character Set"), mq_html_h3(NULL, "Zoom"), GEN_DBL ("zoom.default", "Default Zoom Level", 0.00, 0.10, 10.00), GEN_BOOL("zoom.text-only", "Zoom Text Only"), NULL); } static gchar * gen_page_permissions(MqConfig *config) { return mq_html_container("div", mq_html_h3(NULL, "General"), GEN_BOOL("permissions.images.auto-load", "Automatically Load Images"), GEN_BOOL("permissions.images.favicons.override", "Always Load Icons Irrespective of Automatic Image " "Loading"), GEN_BOOL("permissions.java.enable", "Enable Java"), GEN_BOOL("permissions.javascript.enable", "Enable JavaScript"), GEN_BOOL("permissions.plugins.enable", "Enable Plugins"), mq_html_h3(NULL, "JavaScript"), GEN_BOOL("permissions.javascript.open-windows", "Enable JavaScript to Open Windows"), GEN_BOOL("permissions.javascript.fullscreen", "Enable JavaScript to Display Elements Fullscreen"), GEN_BOOL("permissions.javascript.modal-dialogs", "Enable JavaScript to Show Modal Dialogs"), GEN_BOOL("permissions.javascript.clipboard", "Enable JavaScript to Access the Clipboard"), mq_html_h3(NULL, "Data Storage"), GEN_BOOL("permissions.javascript.database", "Enable Web Database"), GEN_BOOL("permissions.javascript.storage", "Enable Web Storage"), GEN_BOOL("permissions.appcache", "Enable Application Cache"), mq_html_h3(NULL, "Graphics and Multimedia"), GEN_BOOL("canvas.acceleration.enable", "Enable Hardware-Accelerated 2-D Canvas Drawing"), GEN_BOOL("permissions.javascript.webgl", "Enable JavaScript WebGL 3-D Graphics Rendering"), GEN_BOOL("permissions.javascript.audio", "Enable JavaScript to Process and Synthesize Audio"), GEN_BOOL("media.autoplay", "Enable Automatic Media Playback and Loading"), GEN_BOOL("media.force-fullscreen", "Force Media to Play Fullscreen"), GEN_BOOL("permissions.javascript.mediastream.enable", "Enable JavaScript to Access Audio and Video Devices"), GEN_BOOL("permissions.javascript.mediasource.enable", "Enable JavaScript to Generate Media Streams"), NULL); } static gchar * gen_page_sec_and_priv(MqConfig *config) { return mq_html_container("div", mq_html_h3(NULL, "History"), GEN_BOOL("privacy.private-browsing.enabled", "Enable Private Prowsing (Disables History, Cache, and " "Form Auto-Filling)"), GEN_BOOL("privacy.remember.history", "Remember Browsing History"), GEN_BOOL("privacy.remember.downloads", "Remember Download History"), mq_html_h3(NULL, "Cookies"), GEN_STR ("cookies.accept", "Accept Cookies"), mq_html_h3(NULL, "Security"), GEN_BOOL("security.xss-auditor.enable", "Attempt to Detect and Block Cross-Site Scripting " "Attacks"), mq_html_h3(NULL, "Network"), GEN_BOOL("dns.prefetch.enable", "Prefetch Domain Name Resolutions for Better " "Performance"), NULL); } #undef GEN_BOOL #undef GEN_INT #undef GEN_DBL #undef GEN_STR #undef GEN_STRL void mq_about_preferences_response(MqApplication *application, GHashTable *query, WebKitURISchemeRequest *request) { MqConfig *config; gchar *document; config = mq_application_get_config(application); if (query) { g_hash_table_foreach(query, (GHFunc) save_pref, config); mq_config_save(config); mq_about_redirect(request, "mq-about:preferences"); } else { document = mq_html_document("Preferences", mq_html_form("Save", "Cancel", mq_html_notebook(FALSE, "notebook1", 0, gen_page_general(config), "General", gen_page_display(config), "Display", gen_page_permissions(config), "Permissions", gen_page_sec_and_priv(config), "Security and Privacy", NULL), NULL), NULL); mq_about_response(request, document); } }