/* * gbe/gbe.h * This file is part of the ich9deblob utility from the libreboot project * * Copyright (C) 2014 Steve Shenton <sgsit@libreboot.org> * Francis Rowe <info@gluglug.org.uk> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* * Purpose: provide struct representing gbe region. * Map actual buffers of this regions, directly to instances of these * structs. This makes working with gbe really easy. */ /* * bit fields used, corresponding to datasheet. See links to datasheets * and documentation in ich9deblob.c */ /* * See docs/hcl/x200_remove_me.html for info plus links to datasheet (also linked below) * * Info about Gbe region (read whole datasheet): * http://www.intel.co.uk/content/dam/doc/application-note/i-o-controller-hub-9m-82567lf-lm-v-nvm-map-appl-note.pdf * https://communities.intel.com/community/wired/blog/2010/10/14/how-to-basic-eeprom-checksums */ #ifndef GBESTRUCT_H #define GBESTRUCT_H #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "../descriptor/descriptor.h" /* Size of the full gbe region in bytes */ #define GBEREGIONSIZE_8K 0x2000 /* * Size of each sub-region in gbe. * gbe contains two regions which * can be identical: main and backup. * These are each half the size of the full region */ #define GBEREGIONSIZE_4K 0x1000 /* * When adding up the first 0x3F 16-bit words * in a 4KiB GBE region, it should be equal * to 0xBABA */ #define GBECHECKSUMTOTAL 0xBABA /* * These will have a modified descriptor+gbe based on what's in the factory.rom * These will be joined into a single 12KiB buffer (descriptor, then gbe) and saved to a file * NOTE: The GBE region of 8K is actually 2x 4K regions in a single region; both 4K blocks can be identical (and by default, are) * The 2nd one is a "backup", but we don't know when it's used. perhaps it's used when the checksum on the first one does not match? */ /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Gbe struct representing the data: * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct GBE_RESERVED_WORD_03H { /* least significant bits */ unsigned char reserved1_0 : 8; /* bits should all be set to zero */ unsigned char reserved1_1 : 3; /* ^ part of above. Separated so that the bitfields align */ unsigned char ibaLom : 1; /* set to 1 for intel boot agent to work (i.e. set it to 0) */ unsigned char reserved2 : 4; /* bits should all be set to zero */ /* most significant bits */ }; /* Word 0A */ struct GBE_PCI_INITIALIZATION_CONTROL_WORD { /* least significant bits */ unsigned char loadVendorDeviceId : 1; /* 1 = load from NVM. 0 = load from MAC fuses. It's 1 in my deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char loadSubsystemId : 1; /* 1 = load from NVM. 0 = load from MAC fuses. It's 1 in my deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char reserved1 : 1; /* Reserved. Set to 0 (according to datasheet). 0 in my deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char reserved2 : 3; /* Reserved. Set them to 0 (according to datasheet). 0 in my deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char pmEnable : 1; /* Power Management Enable. 1=Enable. It's 1 in my deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char auxPwr : 1; /* Auxiliary Power Indication. See datasheet. it's 1 in my deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char reserved3 : 4; /* Reserved. Set to 0000 (according to datasheet). */ unsigned char reserved4 : 4; /* Reserved. Set to 0001 (according to datasheet). */ /* most significant bits */ }; /* Word 10h. */ struct GBE_LAN_POWER_CONSUMPTION { /* least significant bits */ unsigned char lanD3Power : 5; /* It's 00001b (0x1) in deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char reserved : 3; /* Reserved. These bits should all be 0. confirmed from deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char lanD0Power : 8; /* default value: 0x0D (according to datasheet). confirmed from deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ /* most significant bits */ }; /* Word 13h */ struct GBE_SHARED_INITIALIZATION_CONTROL_WORD { /* least significant bits */ unsigned char reserved1 : 3; /* Reserved. These bits should be set to 101 (0x5) in binary (according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin) */ unsigned char forceDuplex : 1; /* Hardware default is 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin. Presumably to set whether the chipset is to operate at full- or half-duplex */ unsigned char forceSpeedEnable : 1; /* Hardware default is 0. Presumably to limited speed eg 10, 10/100, 10/100/1000 */ unsigned char reserved2_0 : 3; /* Reserved. All bits should be set to 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char reserved2_1 : 1; /* ^ part of above. separated so that bitfields align */ unsigned char phyPowerDownEnable : 1; /* PHY Power Down in D3/Dr (if WoL is disabled), 1 means Enable power down. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 1 */ unsigned char reserved3 : 1; /* Reserved. Should be set to 1 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char reserved4 : 3; /* Reserved. These bits should all be 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ /* ^ reserved4: indicates whether a valid NVM is present. If invalid, MAC does not read NVM and uses default values. */ /* 00 = invalid NVM, 01 = invalid NVM, 10 = valid NVM present, 11 = invalid NVM */ /* Default should be 10 (binary) according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char sign : 2; /* Make sure to set this to 0x2 (10 in binary) */ /* most significant bits */ }; /* Word 14h */ struct GBE_EXTENDED_CONFIGURATION_CONTROL_WORD_1 { /* least significant bits */ unsigned short extendedConfigurationPointer: 12; /* dword: base address of extended configuration area in NVM. should not be zero. Default is 020h according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char oemWriteEnable : 1; /* 1=enable. if set, loads oem bits from phy_ctrl register to the 82567. loaded to EXTCNF_CTRL register. default is 1 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char reserved1 : 1; /* Reserved. default value 1 according to datasheet and deblobed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char reserved2 : 1; /* Reserved. default value 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char reserved3 : 1; /* Reserved. default value 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ /* most significant bits */ }; /* Word 15h */ struct GBE_EXTENDED_CONFIGURATION_CONTROL_WORD_2 { /* least significant bits */ unsigned char reserved : 8; /* Reserved. Should be 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char extendedPhyLength : 8; /* dword: size of extended phy configuration area. most be 0 if phy config area is disabled. default is 0000101 (binary) or 05 (hex) according to datasheet, but 00001010 (0A) according to deblobbed_descriptor.bin. Is 0000101 (in the datasheet) a typo that actually means 00001010? */ /* most significant bits */ }; /* * Word 17h: LED 1 Configuration and Power Management * * Default values for LEDCTL register fields controlling LED1 (LINK_1000) * output behaviours and OEM fields that define PHY power management * parameters loaded to the PHY_CTRL register. */ struct LED_CTL_1 { /* least significant bits */ /* See page 16 in the datasheet to show the different modes. deblobbed_descriptor.bin has "ACTIVITY" mode set */ unsigned char led1Mode : 4; /* Default value 0111 (bin) 7 (hex) says datasheet. 1011 (bin) B (hex) according to deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char reserved1 : 1; /* Reserved. Should be 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char led1BlinkMode : 1; /* 0 = slow blink, 1 = fast blink. should be identical to led0 blink mode. Default is 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ /* By setting this and led0 blink mode (see word 18h) to 1, you could enable a faster blinking on the LED's where the ethernet cable goes * on the gigabit ethernet port. Not really useful. Slow blink is fine, and probably better (the LED will probably last longer) */ unsigned char led1Invert : 1; /* initial value of LED1_IVRT field. 0 = led1 has active low output, 1 is high active output. Default is 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char led1Blink : 1; /* 1 = led1 blinks, 0 = it does not. default 0 according to datasheet, but it's 1 in deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char reserved2 : 1; /* Reserved. should be 1 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char lpluEnable : 1; /* Low Power Link Up. Enable links at lowest supported speed by both link partners in all power states. 1=enabled(all power states), 0=disabled. Default is 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char lpluEnableNonD0a : 1; /* Low Power Link up (non-D0a states). Same as above but only for non-D0a states. default is 1 according to and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char gbeDisableNonD0a : 1; /* If set to 1, disable gigabit speeds in non-D0a power states. Must be 1 (according to datasheet) because GbE is not supported in Sx mode. It's also set to 1 in deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char reserved3 : 2; /* Reserved. Datasheet says both bits should be 0 (confirmed in deblobbed_descriptor.bin) */ unsigned char gbeDisable : 1; /* When 1, gigabit speeds are disabled in all power states including D0a. Default is 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char reserved4 : 1; /* Reserved. Should be 1, according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ /* most significant bits */ }; /* * Word 18: LED 0 and 2 Configuration Defaults * * Hardware defaults for LEDCTL register fields controlling LED0 (LINK/ACTIVITY) * and LED2 (LINK_100) output behaviours. */ struct LED_CTL_02 { /* least significant bits */ /* see page 16 in datasheet to show the different modes. deblobbed_descriptor has "LINK-UP" mode set */ unsigned char led0Mode : 4; /* default value 0100 (bin) or 4 (hex) according to datasheet. It's 0010 (bin) or 2 (hex) according to deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char reserved1 : 1; /* Reserved. Should be set to 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char led0BlinkMode : 1; /* This should be the same as led1BlinkMode (see word 17h). Default is 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char led0Invert : 1; /* initial value of LED0_IVRT field. 0 = led0 has active low output, 1 is high active output. Default is 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char led0Blink : 1; /* LED0_BLINK field. Should be 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ /* see page 16 in datasheet to shew the different modes. deblobbed_descriptor has "LINK_100" mode set */ unsigned char led2Mode : 4; /* default value 0110 (bin) or 6 (hex) according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char reserved2 : 1; /* Reserved. Should be 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char led2BlinkMode : 1; /* 0 = slow blink. 1 = fast. default 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char led2Invert : 1; /* LED2_IVRT field. Should be 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned char led2Blink : 1; /* LED2_BLINK field. should be 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ /* most significant bits */ }; /* Word 30h */ struct GBE_PXE_BOOT_AGENT_MAIN_SETUP_OPTIONS { /* least significant bits */ unsigned char protocolSelect : 2; /* Default 00 binary (PXE) according to datasheet. 01 is reserved. 10/11 are undefined. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 00 */ unsigned char reserved1 : 1; /* Reserved. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0 */ unsigned char defaultBootSelection : 2; /* deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 00 (binary). 00 is network boot, then local. 01 is local boot, then network. 10 is network boot only. 11 is local boot only */ unsigned char reserved2 : 1; /* Reserved. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0. */ unsigned char promptTime : 2; /* deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 00. delay for how long "press ctrl-s" setup prompt message appears. 00 = 2 secs, 01 is 3 secs, 10 is 5 secs, 11 is 0 secs. */ unsigned char displaySetupMessage : 1; /* default 1 says datasheet. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 1. if 1, "ctrl-s" setup prompt message appears after the title message. */ unsigned char reserved3 : 1; /* Datasheet says to set 0. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0. */ unsigned char forceSpeed : 2; /* deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 00. 00 = auto-negotiate, 01 = 10Mbps, 10 = 100Mbps, 11 = "not allowed" */ unsigned char forceFullDuplex : 1; /* deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0. Only relevant when bits 10/11 are set; if so, then: 0 = half duplex, 1 = full duplex */ unsigned char reserved4 : 1; /* Reserved. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0. datasheet recommends 0. */ unsigned char efiPresence : 1; /* 1 means that an EFI image is present (0 means not present). deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0. if 1, eeprom word 33h (efi version) becomes valid. if pxePresent is 1, that means EFI and PXE are both present.*/ unsigned char pxePresence : 1; /* 0 means that a PXE image is present. 1 means to pxe present. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0. if 0, then word 32h (PXE version) in eeprom becomes valid */ /* most significant bits */ /* This whole data structure is pointless, since libreboot doesn't (read: won't) * include the proprietary intel boot agent. Struct exists here simply for documentations sake. */ }; /* Word 31h */ struct GBE_PXE_BOOT_AGENT_CONFIGURATION_CUSTOMIZATION_OPTIONS_31H { /* least significant bits */ unsigned char disableSetupMenu : 1; /* 1 means invoking setup menu with ctrl-s won't work. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0 (as is default, per datasheet) */ unsigned char disableTitleMessage : 1; /* 1 means that title in boot agent screen is suppressed, as is ctrl-s message. default is 0, and deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0 */ unsigned char disableProtocolSelect : 1; /* 1 means no changes to boot protocol are allowed. default is 0, and deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0 */ unsigned char disableBootSelection : 1; /* 1 means no changes in boot order option menu are allowed. default is 0, and deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0 */ unsigned char disableLegacyWakeupSupport : 1; /* 1 means no changes in legacy wakeup support menu is allowed. default is 0, and deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0 */ unsigned char disableFlashUpdate : 1; /* 1 means no changes to flash image using PROset is allowed. default is 0, and deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0 */ unsigned char reserved1 : 2; /* Reserved. Datasheet says these must be 0, and deblobbed_descriptor.bin sets them to 0. */ /* * deblobbed_descriptor says 000 * 000 = normal behaviour * see datasheet (page 21) for other modes. */ unsigned char ibaBootOrderSetupMode : 3; unsigned char reserved2 : 3; /* Reserved. Datasheet says these must be set to 0, and deblobbed_descriptor.bin sets them to 0. */ unsigned char signature : 2; /* Must be set to 01 to indicate that this whole word has been configured by the agent or other software. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 01. */ /* most significant bits */ /* This whole data structure is pointless, since libreboot doesn't (read: won't) * include the proprietary intel boot agent. Struct exists here simply for documentations sake. */ }; /* Word 32h */ struct GBE_PXE_BOOT_AGENT_CONFIGURATION_CUSTOMIZATION_OPTIONS_32H { /* least significant bits */ unsigned char buildNumber : 8; /* PXE boot agent build number. default is 28 (hex). deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 18 (hex) */ unsigned char minorVersionNumber : 4; /* PXE boot agent minor number. default is 2 (hex). deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 3 (hex) */ unsigned char majorVersionNumber : 4; /* PXE boot agent major number. default is F (hex). deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 1 (hex) */ /* most significant bits */ /* This whole data structure is pointless, since libreboot doesn't (read: won't) * include the proprietary intel boot agent. Struct exists here simply for documentations sake. */ }; /* Word 33h */ struct GBE_PXE_IBA_CAPABILITIES { /* least significant bits */ unsigned char baseCodePresent : 1; /* 0 means PXE base code is indicated as being present. 1 (default) means not. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 1 */ unsigned char undiCapabilityPresent : 1; /* 1 (default) means pxe/undi capability is indicated present. 0 means not present. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 1 */ unsigned char reserved1 : 1; /* Reserved. Must be 1. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 1 */ unsigned char efiUndiCapabilityPresent : 1; /* EFI UNDI capability present: 0 (default) means not present. 1 means present. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0 */ unsigned char reserved2_0 : 4; /* reserved. all bits must be 0. deblobbed_descriptor.bin sets them to 0. */ unsigned char reserved2_1 : 6; /* ^ part of reserved2_0. split this way so that the bitfields align */ unsigned char signature : 2; /* must be 01 to indicate that the word is configured by the agent or other software. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 01 */ /* most significant bits */ /* This whole data structure is pointless, since libreboot doesn't (read: won't) * include the proprietary intel boot agent. Struct exists here simply for documentations sake. */ }; /* Words 30h to 3Eh */ struct GBE_PXE_SOFTWARE_REGION { struct GBE_PXE_BOOT_AGENT_MAIN_SETUP_OPTIONS bootAgentMainSetupOptions; /* Word 30h */ struct GBE_PXE_BOOT_AGENT_CONFIGURATION_CUSTOMIZATION_OPTIONS_31H bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h; /* Word 31h */ struct GBE_PXE_BOOT_AGENT_CONFIGURATION_CUSTOMIZATION_OPTIONS_32H bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions32h; /* Word 32h */ struct GBE_PXE_IBA_CAPABILITIES ibaCapabilities; /* Word 33h */ /* Words 34h to 3Eh (padding). Set these to 0xFFFF (according to deblobbed_descriptor.bin) */ unsigned short paddingWords34hTo3Eh[11]; /* * the pxe software region is practically useless in libreboot, since * libreboot does not include the intel boot agent (it's proprietary software). * * Having this struct in place is simply for documentations sake. It is completely * irrelevant what you put here. filling it with 0xFFFF would probably be fine. */ }; struct GBEREGIONRECORD_4K { unsigned char macAddress[6]; /* Word 00 to 02 */ struct GBE_RESERVED_WORD_03H reservedWord03h; /* Reserved word 03. */ unsigned short reservedWord04h; /* Reserved word 04: set it to 0xFFFF (according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin) */ unsigned short imageVersionInformation; /* Reserved word 05: 83 10 (little endian) in my deblobbed_descriptor.bin. Set this to 0x1083 (in C, assuming little endian byte order). "cannot be changed" according to datasheet */ unsigned short reservedWords06h07h[2]; /* Reserved words 06-07: set both to 0xFFFF (according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin) */ /* * Word 08 and 09 (pba low and pba high): * * Both of these should be set to 0xFFFF by default, according to the datasheet. * "nine digit printed board assembly (PBA) number" for intel cards to be stored * in a 4 byte (read: 2 word) field. * * Example: if pba number is 123456-003, then word 08 should be 1234h and word 09 becomes 5603. * Note: 1234 and 5603 above are big endian. In the image it would actually be 34 12 and 0356 * * Example: in mine it was (in the image): 08 10 FF FF. That becomes 1008h and FFFFh, or * basically: 1008FF-0FF. The same was observed in another. * * Setting it to FF FF FF FF should be fine, according to the datasheet. */ unsigned short pbaLow; /* Word 08. Set it to 0x1008 (according to deblobbed_descriptor.bin). */ unsigned short pbaHigh; /* Word 09. Set it to 0xFFFF (according to deblobbed_descriptor.bin). */ /* Word 0A */ struct GBE_PCI_INITIALIZATION_CONTROL_WORD pciInitializationControlWord; /* * Word 0B; subsystem ID * * If load subsystem ID bit of word 0A (pci init control word) is * set to 1 (read: it is. in my deblobbed_descriptor.bin), store * the subsystem id here. Datasheet says that the default value is * 0000h, but you should set this to 20EEh (little endian: EE 20) */ unsigned short subsystemId; /* Set this to 0x20EE */ /* * Word 0C; subsystem vendor ID * * If load subsystem vendor ID bit of word 0A (pci init control word) * is set to 1 (read: it is. in my deblobbed_descriptor.bin), store * the subsystem vendor id here. Datasheet says that the default * value is 8086h, but you should set this to 17AAh (lendian: AA 17). */ unsigned short subsystemVendorId; /* Set this to 0x17AA */ /* * Word 0D: device ID * * If load vendor/device ID in word 0A (pci init control word) is 1 * (it is) then this word is used to init device id using word 21h, * 1Eh or 1Fh. In my case, deviceId is 0x10F5. Word 21h is set to * 0x10CB, word 1Eh is 0x10F5 and 1Fh is 0x10BF * * The datasheet says that 10F5 is for Intel 82567LM gigabit ethernet * controller; 10BF is for Intel 82567LF and 10CB is for Intel 82567V. * * Based on this, the X200 is shown to have the Intel 82567LM ethernet * controller. */ unsigned short deviceId; /* Set this to 0x10F5. */ /* It is important that this is correct, for the linux kernel driver */ /* * Word 0E: vendor ID * * If load vendor/device ID in word 0A (pci init control) is 1 (it is), * then this word used read to initialize the PCI vendor ID. Default * value is 8086 according to datasheets, and deblobbed_descriptor.bin. * * Intel is often 8086 as a PCI vendor ID. Because 8086. As in the CPU architecture. */ unsigned short vendorId; unsigned short deviceRevId; /* Word 0F: reserved bits. Set all bits to 0. */ struct GBE_LAN_POWER_CONSUMPTION lanPowerConsumption; /* Word 10: LAN Power Consumption (see struct definition) */ unsigned short reservedWords11h12h[2]; /* Words 11-12: Reserved. Set both of them to 0x0000 (according to datasheet). */ /* Word 13: Shared Initialization Control Word */ struct GBE_SHARED_INITIALIZATION_CONTROL_WORD sharedInitializationControlWord; /* Word 14: Extended Configuration Control Word 1 */ struct GBE_EXTENDED_CONFIGURATION_CONTROL_WORD_1 extendedConfigurationControlWord1; /* Word 15: Extended Configuration Control Word 2 */ struct GBE_EXTENDED_CONFIGURATION_CONTROL_WORD_2 extendedConfigurationControlWord2; /* Word 16: Extended Configuration Control Word 3 */ /* All bits reserved. Datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin say to set it to zero */ unsigned short extendedConfigurationControlWord3; struct LED_CTL_1 ledCtl1; /* Word 17: LED 1 Configuration and Power Management */ struct LED_CTL_02 ledCtl02; /* Word 18: LED 0 and 2 Configuration Defaults */ unsigned short reservedWord19h; /* Word 19: Reserved. Default is 0x2B00 according to datasheet, but in deblobbed_descriptor.bin it is 0x2B40 */ unsigned short reservedWord1Ah; /* Word 1A: Reserved. Default is 0x0043 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned short reservedWord1Bh; /* Word 1B: Reserved. Should be 0x0000 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned short reservedWord1Ch; /* Word 1C: Reserved. Should be 0x10F5 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned short reservedWord1Dh; /* Word 1D: Reserved. Should be 0xBAAD according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned short _82567lmDeviceId; /* Word 1E: Device ID for Intel 82567LM gigabit ethernet controller (note: X200 uses this). Should be 0x10F5 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin*/ unsigned short _82567lfDeviceId; /* Word 1F: Device ID for Intel 82567LF gigabit ethernet controller. Should be 0x10BF according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned short reservedWord20h; /* Word 20: Reserved. Should be 0xBAAD according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned short _82567vDeviceId; /* Word 21: Device ID for Intel 82567V gigabit ethernet controller. Should be 0x10CB according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned short reservedWord22h; /* Word 22: Reserved. Should be 0xBAAD according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned short reservedWord23h; /* Word 23: Reserved. Should be 0xBAAD according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ unsigned short reservedWords24to2Fh[12]; /* Words 24-2F: Reserved. These should all be 0x0000 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */ struct GBE_PXE_SOFTWARE_REGION pxeSoftwareRegion; /* Words 30-3E: PXE Software Region */ unsigned short checkSum; /* when added to the sum of all words above, this should match GBECHECKSUMTOTAL */ /* set all bytes in here to 0xFF */ unsigned char padding[3968]; }; /* main and backup region in gbe */ struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K { struct GBEREGIONRECORD_4K main; struct GBEREGIONRECORD_4K backup; /* * Backup region: * This is actually "main" on X200, since the real main has a bad checksum * and other errors. You should do what you need on this one (if modifying * lenovobios's gbe region) and then copy to main */ }; /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function declarations (keep gcc/make happy. check them in gbe.c) * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ unsigned short gbeGetRegionWordFrom8kBuffer(int index, char* regionData); unsigned short gbeGetChecksumFrom8kBuffer(char* regionData, unsigned short desiredValue, int byteOffset); unsigned short gbeGetChecksumFrom4kStruct(struct GBEREGIONRECORD_4K gbeStruct4k, unsigned short desiredValue); struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K deblobbedGbeStructFromFactory(struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K factoryGbeStruct8k); int notCreatedHFileForGbeCFile(char* outFileName, char* cFileName); int notCreatedCFileFromGbeStruct4k(struct GBEREGIONRECORD_4K gbeStruct4k, char* outFileName, char* headerFileName); void printGbeChecksumDataFromStruct4k(struct GBEREGIONRECORD_4K gbeStruct4k, char* romName, char* regionName); void printGbeChecksumDataFromStruct8k(struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K gbeStruct8k, char* romName); #endif