/* * ich9desc.c * This file is part of the ich9deblob utility from the libreboot project * * Copyright (C) 2014 Steve Shenton <sgsit@libreboot.org> * Francis Rowe <info@gluglug.org.uk> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ // Purpose: provide struct representing descriptor region. // Map actual buffers of this regions, directly to instances of these // structs. This makes working with descriptor really easy. // bit fields used, corresponding to datasheet. See links to datasheets // and documentation in ich9deblob.c struct FLVALSIG{ unsigned int signature; }; struct FLMAP0 { // least signicant bits unsigned char FCBA : 8; unsigned char NC : 2; unsigned char reserved1 : 6; // ^^^^ unnamed members like these represent unused bits (per datasheet). // the same applies for all structs in this file. unsigned char FRBA : 8; unsigned char NR : 3; unsigned char reserved2 : 5; // most significant bits. // the datasheet lists msb's first and lsb's last, in each table. // meanwhile, x86 gcc treats the members at the top of the struct as lsb's // and at the bottom of the struct, the members there are msb's. The same // fact applies to all the other structs below. // non-x86 (and/or non-gcc) is untested // little endian assumed }; struct FLMAP1 { unsigned char FMBA : 8; unsigned char NM : 3; unsigned char reserved : 5; unsigned char FISBA : 8; unsigned char ISL : 8; }; struct FLMAP2 { unsigned char FMSBA : 8; unsigned char MSL : 8; unsigned short reserved : 16; }; struct FLMAPS { struct FLMAP0 flMap0; struct FLMAP1 flMap1; struct FLMAP2 flMap2; }; struct FLCOMP { unsigned char component1Density : 3; unsigned char component2Density : 3; unsigned char reserved1 : 2; unsigned char reserved2 : 8; unsigned char reserved3 : 1; unsigned char readClockFrequency : 3; unsigned char fastReadSupport : 1; unsigned char fastreadClockFrequency : 3; unsigned char writeEraseClockFrequency : 3; unsigned char readStatusClockFrequency : 3; unsigned char reserved4 : 2; }; struct COMPONENTSECTIONRECORD { struct FLCOMP flcomp; unsigned int flill; unsigned int flpb; unsigned char padding[36]; }; struct FLREG { unsigned short BASE : 13; unsigned short reserved1 : 3; unsigned short LIMIT : 13; unsigned short reserved2 : 3; }; struct REGIONSECTIONRECORD { struct FLREG flReg0; // Descriptor struct FLREG flReg1; // BIOS struct FLREG flReg2; // ME struct FLREG flReg3; // Gbe struct FLREG flReg4; // Platform unsigned char padding[12]; }; struct FLMSTR { unsigned short requesterId : 16; unsigned char fdRegionReadAccess : 1; unsigned char biosRegionReadAccess : 1; unsigned char meRegionReadAccess : 1; unsigned char gbeRegionReadAccess : 1; unsigned char pdRegionReadAccess : 1; unsigned char reserved1 : 3; unsigned char fdRegionWriteAccess : 1; unsigned char biosRegionWriteAccess : 1; unsigned char meRegionWriteAccess : 1; unsigned char gbeRegionWriteAccess : 1; unsigned char pdRegionWriteAccess : 1; unsigned char reserved2 : 3; }; struct MASTERACCESSSECTIONRECORD { struct FLMSTR flMstr1; struct FLMSTR flMstr2; struct FLMSTR flMstr3; unsigned char padding[148]; }; struct ICHSTRAP0 { // todo: add MeSmBus2Sel (boring setting) unsigned char meDisable : 1; // If true, ME is disabled. unsigned char reserved1 : 6; unsigned char tcoMode : 1; // TCO Mode: (Legacy,TCO Mode) The TCO Mode, along with the BMCMODE strap, determines the behavior of the IAMT SmBus controller. unsigned char smBusAddress : 7; // The ME SmBus 7-bit address. unsigned char bmcMode : 1; // BMC mode: If true, device is in BMC mode. If Intel(R) AMT or ASF using Intel integrated LAN then this should be false. unsigned char tripPointSelect : 1; // Trip Point Select: false the NJCLK input buffer is matched to 3.3v signal from the external PHY device, true is matched to 1.8v. unsigned char reserved2 : 2; unsigned char integratedGbe : 1; // Integrated GbE or PCI Express select: (PCI Express,,Integrated GbE) Defines what PCIe Port 6 is used for. unsigned char lanPhy : 1; // LANPHYPC_GP12_SEL: Set to 0 for GP12 to be used as GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output), or 1 for GP12 to be used for native mode as LAN_PHYPC for 82566 LCD device unsigned char reserved3 : 3; unsigned char dmiRequesterId : 1; // DMI requestor ID security check disable: The primary purpose of this strap is to support server environments with multiple CPUs that each have a different RequesterID that can access the Flash. unsigned char smBus2Address : 7; // The ME SmBus 2 7-bit address. }; struct ICHSTRAP1 { unsigned char northMlink : 1; // North MLink Dynamic Clock Gate Disable : Sets the default value for the South MLink Dynamic Clock Gate Enable registers. unsigned char southMlink : 1; // South MLink Dynamic Clock Gate Enable : Sets the default value for the South MLink Dynamic Clock Gate Enable registers. unsigned char meSmbus : 1; // ME SmBus Dynamic Clock Gate Enable : Sets the default value for the ME SMBus Dynamic Clock Gate Enable for both the ME SmBus controllers. unsigned char sstDynamic : 1; // SST Dynamic Clock Gate Enable : Sets the default value for the SST Clock Gate Enable registers. unsigned char reserved1 : 4; unsigned char northMlink2 : 1; // North MLink 2 Non-Posted Enable : 'true':North MLink supports two downstream non-posted requests. 'false':North MLink supports one downstream non-posted requests. unsigned char reserved2 : 7; unsigned short reserved3 : 16; }; struct ICHSTRAPSRECORD { struct ICHSTRAP0 ichStrap0; struct ICHSTRAP1 ichStrap1; unsigned char padding[248]; }; struct MCHSTRAP0 { unsigned char meDisable : 1; // If true, ME is disabled. unsigned char meBootFromFlash : 1; // ME boot from Flash - guessed location unsigned char tpmDisable : 1; // iTPM Disable : When set true, iTPM Host Interface is disabled. When set false (default), iTPM is enabled. unsigned char reserved1 : 3; unsigned char spiFingerprint : 1; // SPI Fingerprint Sensor Present: Indicates if an SPI Fingerprint sensor is present at CS#1. unsigned char meAlternateDisable : 1; // ME Alternate Disable: Setting this bit allows ME to perform critical chipset functions but prevents loading of any ME FW applications. unsigned char reserved2 : 8; unsigned short reserved3 : 16; }; struct MCHSTRAPSRECORD { struct MCHSTRAP0 mchStrap0; unsigned char padding[3292]; }; struct MEVSCCTABLERECORD { unsigned int jid0; unsigned int vscc0; unsigned int jid1; unsigned int vscc1; unsigned int jid2; unsigned int vscc2; unsigned char padding[4]; }; struct DESCRIPTORMAP2RECORD { unsigned char meVsccTableBaseAddress : 8; unsigned char meVsccTableLength : 8; unsigned short reserved : 16; }; struct OEMSECTIONRECORD { unsigned char magicString[8]; unsigned char padding[248]; }; struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD { struct FLVALSIG flValSig; struct FLMAPS flMaps; struct COMPONENTSECTIONRECORD componentSection; struct REGIONSECTIONRECORD regionSection; struct MASTERACCESSSECTIONRECORD masterAccessSection; struct ICHSTRAPSRECORD ichStraps; struct MCHSTRAPSRECORD mchStraps; struct MEVSCCTABLERECORD meVsccTable; struct DESCRIPTORMAP2RECORD descriptor2Map; struct OEMSECTIONRECORD oemSection; };