/* * gbe/gbe.c * This file is part of the ich9deblob utility from the libreboot project * * Copyright (C) 2014 Steve Shenton <sgsit@libreboot.org> * Francis Rowe <info@gluglug.org.uk> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* * Provide gbe related functions. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> /* structs describing the data from gbe region */ #include "gbe.h" /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Gbe functions: * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Read a 16-bit unsigned int from a supplied region buffer */ unsigned short gbeGetRegionWordFrom8kBuffer(int index, char* regionData) { return *((unsigned short*)(regionData + (index * 2))); } /* * checksum calculation for 8k gbe region (algorithm based on datasheet) * also works for 4k buffers, so long as isBackup remains false */ unsigned short gbeGetChecksumFrom8kBuffer(char* regionData, unsigned short desiredValue, char isBackup) { int i; unsigned short regionWord; /* store words here for adding to checksum */ unsigned short checksum = 0; /* this gbe's checksum */ unsigned short offset = 0; /* in bytes, from the start of the gbe region. */ /* * if isBackup is true, use 2nd gbe region ("backup" region) * this function uses *word* not *byte* indexes, hence the bit shift. */ if (isBackup) offset = GBEREGIONSIZE_4K>>1; for (i = 0; i < 0x3F; i++) { regionWord = gbeGetRegionWordFrom8kBuffer(i+offset, regionData); checksum += regionWord; } checksum = desiredValue - checksum; return checksum; } /* checksum calculation for 4k gbe struct (algorithm based on datasheet) */ unsigned short gbeGetChecksumFrom4kStruct(struct GBEREGIONRECORD_4K gbeStruct4k, unsigned short desiredValue) { char gbeBuffer4k[GBEREGIONSIZE_4K]; memcpy(&gbeBuffer4k, &gbeStruct4k, GBEREGIONSIZE_4K); return gbeGetChecksumFrom8kBuffer(gbeBuffer4k, desiredValue, 0); } /* modify the gbe region extracted from a factory.rom dump */ struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K deblobbedGbeStructFromFactory(struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K factoryGbeStruct8k) { /* * Correct the main gbe region. By default, the X200 (as shipped from Lenovo) comes * with a broken main gbe region, where the backup gbe region is used instead. Modify * it so that the main region is usable. */ struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K deblobbedGbeStruct8k; memcpy(&deblobbedGbeStruct8k, &factoryGbeStruct8k, GBEREGIONSIZE_8K); deblobbedGbeStruct8k.backup.checkSum = gbeGetChecksumFrom4kStruct(deblobbedGbeStruct8k.backup, 0xBABA); memcpy(&deblobbedGbeStruct8k.main, &deblobbedGbeStruct8k.backup, GBEREGIONSIZE_4K); /* * Debugging: * calculate the 0x3F'th 16-bit uint to make the desired final checksum for GBe * observed checksum matches (from X200 factory.rom dumps) on main: 0x3ABA 0x34BA 0x40BA. spec defined as 0xBABA. * X200 ships with a broken main gbe region by default (invalid checksum, and more) * The "backup" gbe regions on these machines are correct, though, and is what the machines default to * For libreboot's purpose, we can do much better than that by fixing the main one... below is only debugging */ printf("\nfactory Gbe (main): calculated Gbe checksum: 0x%hx and actual GBe checksum: 0x%hx\n", gbeGetChecksumFrom4kStruct(factoryGbeStruct8k.main, 0xBABA), factoryGbeStruct8k.main.checkSum); printf("factory Gbe (backup) calculated Gbe checksum: 0x%hx and actual GBe checksum: 0x%hx\n", gbeGetChecksumFrom4kStruct(factoryGbeStruct8k.backup, 0xBABA), factoryGbeStruct8k.backup.checkSum); printf("\ndeblobbed Gbe (main): calculated Gbe checksum: 0x%hx and actual GBe checksum: 0x%hx\n", gbeGetChecksumFrom4kStruct(deblobbedGbeStruct8k.main, 0xBABA), deblobbedGbeStruct8k.main.checkSum); printf("deblobbed Gbe (backup) calculated Gbe checksum: 0x%hx and actual GBe checksum: 0x%hx\n", gbeGetChecksumFrom4kStruct(deblobbedGbeStruct8k.backup, 0xBABA), deblobbedGbeStruct8k.backup.checkSum); return deblobbedGbeStruct8k; }