From 4ec0cad51ffb0f8eb4de1af5659ccc0878dcbd94 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Francis Rowe <>
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2015 00:59:15 -0400
Subject: docs/hcl/gm45_remove_me.html: add notes about flash write protect

(limited to 'docs/hcl/gm45_remove_me.html')

diff --git a/docs/hcl/gm45_remove_me.html b/docs/hcl/gm45_remove_me.html
index 0d12d63..618da51 100644
--- a/docs/hcl/gm45_remove_me.html
+++ b/docs/hcl/gm45_remove_me.html
@@ -117,6 +117,34 @@
 				for how to flash it.
+			<h2>
+				Write-protecting the flash chip
+			</h2>
+				<p>
+					Look in <i>resources/utilities/ich9deblob/src/descriptor/descript.c</i>
+					for the following lines in the <i>descriptorHostRegionsUnlocked</i> function:
+				</p>
+   descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.fdRegionWriteAccess = 0x1;
+   descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.biosRegionWriteAccess = 0x1;
+   descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.meRegionWriteAccess = 0x1;
+   descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.gbeRegionWriteAccess = 0x1;
+   descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.pdRegionWriteAccess = 0x1;
+				<p>
+					Change them all the 0x0, then re-compile ich9gen. After you have done that,
+					follow the notes in <a href="#ich9gen">#ich9gen</a> to generate a new
+					descriptor+gbe image and insert that into your ROM image, then flash it.
+					The next time you boot, the flash chip will be ready-only in software
+					(hardware re-flashing will still work, which you will need for re-flashing
+					the chip after write-protecting it, to clear the write protection or
+					to flash yet another ROM image with write protection set in the descriptor).
+				</p>
+				<p>
+					For external flashing guides, refer to <a href="../install/index.html">../install/index.html</a>.
+				</p>
 	<div class="section">
cgit v0.9.1