path: root/resources/utilities/ich9deblob/descriptor/struct.h
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authorFrancis Rowe <>2014-12-23 11:44:59 (EST)
committer Francis Rowe <>2014-12-23 11:44:59 (EST)
commitece2f6f796afa94dbc927e9c4f514a3e131c7897 (patch)
treed67d046304731ed95b62b33e6ebc6f55e9d8340b /resources/utilities/ich9deblob/descriptor/struct.h
parent2fa1721ab9338c8f72c6b9ee390ed11ced4c2e15 (diff)
ich9deblob: rename descriptor/struct.h to descriptor/descriptor.h
Diffstat (limited to 'resources/utilities/ich9deblob/descriptor/struct.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 316 deletions
diff --git a/resources/utilities/ich9deblob/descriptor/struct.h b/resources/utilities/ich9deblob/descriptor/struct.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 710c09b..0000000
--- a/resources/utilities/ich9deblob/descriptor/struct.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
- * descriptor/struct.h
- * This file is part of the ich9deblob utility from the libreboot project
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2014 Steve Shenton <>
- * Francis Rowe <>
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-// Purpose: provide struct representing descriptor region.
-// Map actual buffers of this regions, directly to instances of these
-// structs. This makes working with descriptor really easy.
-// bit fields used, corresponding to datasheet. See links to datasheets
-// and documentation in ich9deblob.c
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#define DESCRIPTORREGIONSIZE 0x1000 // 4 KiB
-// Related to the flash descriptor
-#define FLREGIONBITSHIFT 0xC // bits 12(0xC)-24(0x18) are represented for words found in the flash descriptor
- // To manipulate these easily in C, we shift them by FLREGIONBITSHIFT and then shift them back when done
-struct FLVALSIG{
- unsigned int signature;
-struct FLMAP0 {
- // least signicant bits
- unsigned char FCBA : 8;
- unsigned char NC : 2;
- unsigned char reserved1 : 6;
- // ^^^^ unnamed members like these represent unused bits (per datasheet).
- // the same applies for all structs in this file.
- unsigned char FRBA : 8;
- unsigned char NR : 3;
- unsigned char reserved2 : 5;
- // most significant bits.
- // the datasheet lists msb's first and lsb's last, in each table.
- // meanwhile, x86 gcc treats the members at the top of the struct as lsb's
- // and at the bottom of the struct, the members there are msb's. The same
- // fact applies to all the other structs below.
- // non-x86 (and/or non-gcc) is untested
- // little endian assumed
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Descriptor struct representing the data
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-struct FLMAP1 {
- unsigned char FMBA : 8;
- unsigned char NM : 3;
- unsigned char reserved : 5;
- unsigned char FISBA : 8;
- unsigned char ISL : 8;
-struct FLMAP2 {
- unsigned char FMSBA : 8;
- unsigned char MSL : 8;
- unsigned short reserved : 16;
-struct FLMAPS {
- struct FLMAP0 flMap0;
- struct FLMAP1 flMap1;
- struct FLMAP2 flMap2;
-struct FLCOMP {
- unsigned char component1Density : 3;
- unsigned char component2Density : 3;
- unsigned char reserved1 : 2;
- unsigned char reserved2 : 8;
- unsigned char reserved3 : 1;
- unsigned char readClockFrequency : 3;
- unsigned char fastReadSupport : 1;
- unsigned char fastreadClockFrequency : 3;
- unsigned char writeEraseClockFrequency : 3;
- unsigned char readStatusClockFrequency : 3;
- unsigned char reserved4 : 2;
- struct FLCOMP flcomp;
- unsigned int flill;
- unsigned int flpb;
- unsigned char padding[36];
-struct FLREG {
- unsigned short BASE : 13;
- unsigned short reserved1 : 3;
- unsigned short LIMIT : 13;
- unsigned short reserved2 : 3;
- struct FLREG flReg0; // Descriptor
- struct FLREG flReg1; // BIOS
- struct FLREG flReg2; // ME
- struct FLREG flReg3; // Gbe
- struct FLREG flReg4; // Platform
- unsigned char padding[12];
-struct FLMSTR {
- unsigned short requesterId : 16;
- unsigned char fdRegionReadAccess : 1;
- unsigned char biosRegionReadAccess : 1;
- unsigned char meRegionReadAccess : 1;
- unsigned char gbeRegionReadAccess : 1;
- unsigned char pdRegionReadAccess : 1;
- unsigned char reserved1 : 3;
- unsigned char fdRegionWriteAccess : 1;
- unsigned char biosRegionWriteAccess : 1;
- unsigned char meRegionWriteAccess : 1;
- unsigned char gbeRegionWriteAccess : 1;
- unsigned char pdRegionWriteAccess : 1;
- unsigned char reserved2 : 3;
- struct FLMSTR flMstr1;
- struct FLMSTR flMstr2;
- struct FLMSTR flMstr3;
- unsigned char padding[148];
-struct ICHSTRAP0 {
- // todo: add MeSmBus2Sel (boring setting)
- unsigned char meDisable : 1; // If true, ME is disabled.
- unsigned char reserved1 : 6;
- unsigned char tcoMode : 1; // TCO Mode: (Legacy,TCO Mode) The TCO Mode, along with the BMCMODE strap, determines the behavior of the IAMT SmBus controller.
- unsigned char smBusAddress : 7; // The ME SmBus 7-bit address.
- unsigned char bmcMode : 1; // BMC mode: If true, device is in BMC mode. If Intel(R) AMT or ASF using Intel integrated LAN then this should be false.
- unsigned char tripPointSelect : 1; // Trip Point Select: false the NJCLK input buffer is matched to 3.3v signal from the external PHY device, true is matched to 1.8v.
- unsigned char reserved2 : 2;
- unsigned char integratedGbe : 1; // Integrated GbE or PCI Express select: (PCI Express,,Integrated GbE) Defines what PCIe Port 6 is used for.
- unsigned char lanPhy : 1; // LANPHYPC_GP12_SEL: Set to 0 for GP12 to be used as GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output), or 1 for GP12 to be used for native mode as LAN_PHYPC for 82566 LCD device
- unsigned char reserved3 : 3;
- unsigned char dmiRequesterId : 1; // DMI requestor ID security check disable: The primary purpose of this strap is to support server environments with multiple CPUs that each have a different RequesterID that can access the Flash.
- unsigned char smBus2Address : 7; // The ME SmBus 2 7-bit address.
-struct ICHSTRAP1 {
- unsigned char northMlink : 1; // North MLink Dynamic Clock Gate Disable : Sets the default value for the South MLink Dynamic Clock Gate Enable registers.
- unsigned char southMlink : 1; // South MLink Dynamic Clock Gate Enable : Sets the default value for the South MLink Dynamic Clock Gate Enable registers.
- unsigned char meSmbus : 1; // ME SmBus Dynamic Clock Gate Enable : Sets the default value for the ME SMBus Dynamic Clock Gate Enable for both the ME SmBus controllers.
- unsigned char sstDynamic : 1; // SST Dynamic Clock Gate Enable : Sets the default value for the SST Clock Gate Enable registers.
- unsigned char reserved1 : 4;
- unsigned char northMlink2 : 1; // North MLink 2 Non-Posted Enable : 'true':North MLink supports two downstream non-posted requests. 'false':North MLink supports one downstream non-posted requests.
- unsigned char reserved2 : 7;
- unsigned short reserved3 : 16;
- struct ICHSTRAP0 ichStrap0;
- struct ICHSTRAP1 ichStrap1;
- unsigned char padding[248];
-struct MCHSTRAP0 {
- unsigned char meDisable : 1; // If true, ME is disabled.
- unsigned char meBootFromFlash : 1; // ME boot from Flash - guessed location
- unsigned char tpmDisable : 1; // iTPM Disable : When set true, iTPM Host Interface is disabled. When set false (default), iTPM is enabled.
- unsigned char reserved1 : 3;
- unsigned char spiFingerprint : 1; // SPI Fingerprint Sensor Present: Indicates if an SPI Fingerprint sensor is present at CS#1.
- unsigned char meAlternateDisable : 1; // ME Alternate Disable: Setting this bit allows ME to perform critical chipset functions but prevents loading of any ME FW applications.
- unsigned char reserved2 : 8;
- unsigned short reserved3 : 16;
- struct MCHSTRAP0 mchStrap0;
- unsigned char padding[3292];
- unsigned int jid0;
- unsigned int vscc0;
- unsigned int jid1;
- unsigned int vscc1;
- unsigned int jid2;
- unsigned int vscc2;
- unsigned char padding[4];
- unsigned char meVsccTableBaseAddress : 8;
- unsigned char meVsccTableLength : 8;
- unsigned short reserved : 16;
- unsigned char magicString[8];
- unsigned char padding[248];
- struct FLVALSIG flValSig;
- struct FLMAPS flMaps;
- struct COMPONENTSECTIONRECORD componentSection;
- struct REGIONSECTIONRECORD regionSection;
- struct MASTERACCESSSECTIONRECORD masterAccessSection;
- struct ICHSTRAPSRECORD ichStraps;
- struct MCHSTRAPSRECORD mchStraps;
- struct MEVSCCTABLERECORD meVsccTable;
- struct DESCRIPTORMAP2RECORD descriptor2Map;
- struct OEMSECTIONRECORD oemSection;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Descriptor functions
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Modify the flash descriptor, to remove the ME/AMT, and disable all other regions
-// Only Flash Descriptor, Gbe and BIOS regions (BIOS region fills factoryRomSize-12k) are left.
-// Tested on ThinkPad X200 and X200S. X200T and other GM45 targets may also work.
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD deblobbedDescriptorStructFromFactory(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD factoryDescriptorStruct, unsigned int factoryRomSize)
- struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD deblobbedDescriptorStruct;
- memcpy(&deblobbedDescriptorStruct, &factoryDescriptorStruct, DESCRIPTORREGIONSIZE);
- // Now we need to modify the descriptor so that the ME can be excluded
- // from the final ROM image (libreboot one) after adding the modified
- // descriptor+gbe. Refer to libreboot docs for details: docs/hcl/x200_remove_me.html
- // set number of regions from 4 -> 2 (0 based, so 4 means 5 and 2
- // means 3. We want 3 regions: descriptor, gbe and bios, in that order)
- deblobbedDescriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.NR = 2;
- // make descriptor writable from OS. This is that the user can run:
- // sudo ./flashrom -p internal:laptop=force_I_want_a_brick
- // from the OS, without relying an an external SPI flasher, while
- // being able to write to the descriptor region (locked by default,
- // until making the change below):
- deblobbedDescriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.fdRegionWriteAccess = 1;
- // relocate BIOS region and increase size to fill image
- deblobbedDescriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.BASE = 3; // 3<<FLREGIONBITSHIFT is 12KiB, which is where BIOS region is to begin (after descriptor and gbe)
- deblobbedDescriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.LIMIT = ((factoryRomSize >> FLREGIONBITSHIFT) - 1);
- // ^ for example, 8MB ROM, that's 8388608 bytes.
- // ^ 8388608>>FLREGIONBITSHIFT (or 8388608/4096) = 2048 bytes
- // 2048 - 1 = 2047 bytes.
- // This defines where the final 0x1000 (4KiB) page starts in the flash chip, because the hardware does:
- // 2047<<FLREGIONBITSHIFT (or 2047*4096) = 8384512 bytes, or 7FF000 bytes
- // (it can't be 0x7FFFFF because of limited number of bits)
- // set ME region size to 0 - the ME is a blob, we don't want it in libreboot
- deblobbedDescriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg2.BASE = 0x1FFF; // setting 1FFF means setting size to 0. 1FFF<<FLREGIONBITSHIFT is outside of the ROM image (8MB) size?
- // ^ datasheet says to set this to 1FFF, but FFF was previously used and also worked.
- deblobbedDescriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg2.LIMIT = 0;
- // ^ 0<<FLREGIONBITSHIFT=0, so basically, the size is 0, and the base (1FFF>>FLREGIONBITSHIFT) is well outside the higher 8MB range.
- // relocate Gbe region to begin at 4KiB (immediately after the flash descriptor)
- deblobbedDescriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.BASE = 1; // 1<<FLREGIONBITSHIFT is 4096, which is where the Gbe region is to begin (after the descriptor)
- deblobbedDescriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.LIMIT = 2;
- // ^ 2<<FLREGIONBITSHIFT=8192 bytes. So we are set it to size 8KiB after the first 4KiB in the flash chip.
- // set Platform region size to 0 - another blob that we don't want
- deblobbedDescriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg4.BASE = 0x1FFF; // setting 1FFF means setting size to 0. 1FFF<<FLREGIONBITSHIFT is outside of the ROM image (8MB) size?
- // ^ datasheet says to set this to 1FFF, but FFF was previously used and also worked.
- deblobbedDescriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg4.LIMIT = 0;
- // ^ 0<<FLREGIONBITSHIFT=0, so basically, the size is 0, and the base (1FFF>>FLREGIONBITSHIFT) is well outside the higher 8MB range.
- // disable ME in ICHSTRAP0 - the ME is a blob, we don't want it in libreboot
- deblobbedDescriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.meDisable = 1;
- // disable ME and TPM in MCHSTRAP0
- deblobbedDescriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.meDisable = 1; // ME is a blob. not wanted in libreboot.
- deblobbedDescriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.tpmDisable = 1; // not wanted in libreboot
- // disable ME, apart from chipset bugfixes (ME region should first be re-enabled above)
- // This is sort of like the CPU microcode updates, but for the chipset
- // (commented out below here, since blobs go against libreboot's purpose,
- // but may be interesting for others)
- // deblobbedDescriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.meAlternateDisable = 1;
- // debugging
- printf("\nOriginal (factory.rom) Descriptor start block: %08x ; Descriptor end block: %08x\n", factoryDescriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg0.BASE << FLREGIONBITSHIFT, factoryDescriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg0.LIMIT << FLREGIONBITSHIFT);
- printf("Original (factory.rom) BIOS start block: %08x ; BIOS end block: %08x\n", factoryDescriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.BASE << FLREGIONBITSHIFT, factoryDescriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.LIMIT << FLREGIONBITSHIFT);
- printf("Original (factory.rom) ME start block: %08x ; ME end block: %08x\n", factoryDescriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg2.BASE << FLREGIONBITSHIFT, factoryDescriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg2.LIMIT << FLREGIONBITSHIFT);
- printf("Original (factory.rom) GBe start block: %08x ; GBe end block: %08x\n", factoryDescriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.BASE << FLREGIONBITSHIFT, factoryDescriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.LIMIT << FLREGIONBITSHIFT);
- printf("\nRelocated (libreboot.rom) Descriptor start block: %08x ; Descriptor end block: %08x\n", deblobbedDescriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg0.BASE << FLREGIONBITSHIFT, deblobbedDescriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg0.LIMIT << FLREGIONBITSHIFT);
- printf("Relocated (libreboot.rom) BIOS start block: %08x ; BIOS end block: %08x\n", deblobbedDescriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.BASE << FLREGIONBITSHIFT, deblobbedDescriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.LIMIT << FLREGIONBITSHIFT);
- printf("Relocated (libreboot.rom) ME start block: %08x ; ME end block: %08x\n", deblobbedDescriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg2.BASE << FLREGIONBITSHIFT, deblobbedDescriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg2.LIMIT << FLREGIONBITSHIFT);
- printf("Relocated (libreboot.rom) GBe start block: %08x ; GBe end block: %08x\n", deblobbedDescriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.BASE << FLREGIONBITSHIFT, deblobbedDescriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.LIMIT << FLREGIONBITSHIFT);
- return deblobbedDescriptorStruct;