Libreboot release information

GnuPG public key (signing key)

pub  4096R/656F212E 2014-07-04 Libreboot Releases (signing key) <>
Fingerprint=C923 4BA3 200C F688 9CC0  764D 6E97 D575 656F 212E

Download the key: libreboot.asc.

You should also be able to find it on a key server. Note: the above key is not for email. It is only for verifying the release archives.


"Release" means that a new coreboot git revision with substantially different code has been adapted for libreboot.

"Revision" means a modification to an existing release, where the result is insubstantially different from what preceded it.

The 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th releases were really just older revisions of the 5th release. For historical reasons (and to avoid confusion), these are still called 'releases' instead of correcting the mistake.

6th release (pre-release, 5th beta)

Warning: BETA release! TESTING needed! BUGS present!

If flashing on an X60 then note that you might want to enable wifi and trackpoint after booting libreboot the first time (meaning, **after** you powered off and subsequently booted again). See ../docs/index.html#x60_wifi and ../docs/index.html#x60_trackpoint for how to do that.

Binaries (for flashing) (right-click save as, or use wget)

Source code (for hacking) (right-click save as, or use wget)

Metadata (for re-creating the source archive) (right-click save as, or use wget)

Machines still supported (compared to previous release):

New machines supported in this release:

Machines no longer supported (compared to previous release):

Revisions for 1st beta (2014 July 11th)

Revisions for 2nd beta (2014 July 16th)

Revisions for 3rd beta (2014 July 20th)

Revisions for 4th beta (2014 July 29th)

Revisions for 5th beta (2014 August 11th)

Corrections to 5th beta (2014 August 2014)

Other tasks (to be completed before declaring the initial stable release)

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5th release

Officially supported

Binaries (for flashing)

Source code (for hacking)

( and were the old links)

Development notes

Revision notes (2014 March 9th):

Revision notes (2014 June 5th):

Revision notes (2014 June 11th):

Revision notes (2014 June 22nd)

Revision (2014 June 22nd - extra)

Revision (2014 June 22nd - extra)

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4th release

Officially supported

Binaries (for flashing)

Source code (for hacking)

Development notes

The "Parse" options read ./isolinux/isolinux.cfg on a CD or USB, and automatically converts it to a grub config and switches to the boot menu of that distro. This makes booting ISO's *much* easier than before.

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3rd release


Binaries (for flashing)

Source code (for hacking)

Development notes

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2nd release


Binaries (for flashing)

Source code (for hacking)

Development notes

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1st release


Binaries (for flashing)

Source code (for hacking)

Development notes

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Copyright © 2014 Francis Rowe, All Rights Reserved.
See license.html for license conditions.