; Input file name: [input_filename] ; Printer preset: [printer_preset] ; Filament preset: [filament_preset] ; Print preset: [print_preset] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Begin LulzBot Mini HIPS start G-code ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Set units, positioning modes, and extruder origin G21 ; Set units to millimeters G90 ; Set absolute positioning mode M82 ; Set E absolute mode (override G91) G92 E0 ; Set extruder position to 0 (origin) ; Begin heating hotend to HIPS retraction temperature M107 ; Turn off the print cooling fan M104 S150 ; Set hotend temperature without waiting M140 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; Set bed temperature without waiting ; While waiting for the hotend to heat, auto-home the axes G28 ; Auto-home all axes M109 ; Wait for hotend temperature ; Retract filament before wiping G1 Z150 E-30 F75 ; Slowly lower Z and retract filament ; Begin heating hotend to HIPS wiping temperature M104 S170 ; Set hotend temperature without waiting ; While waiting for the hotend to heat, position the nozzle over the wiping pad G1 X45 Y174 Z10 F11520 ; Move nozzle to just over wiping pad M109 ; Wait for hotend temperature ; Wipe the nozzle G1 Z-0.5 F4000 ; Plunge nozzle into wiping pad G1 X55 Y172 F4000 ; Wipe G1 X45 Y174 Z0 F4000 ; Wipe G1 X55 Y172 F4000 ; Wipe G1 X45 Y174 F4000 ; Wipe G1 X55 Y172 F4000 ; Wipe G1 X45 Y174 F4000 ; Wipe G1 X55 Y172 F4000 ; Wipe G1 X60 Y174 F4000 ; Wipe G1 X80 Y172 F4000 ; Wipe G1 X60 Y174 F4000 ; Wipe G1 X80 Y172 F4000 ; Wipe G1 X60 Y174 F4000 ; Wipe G1 X90 Y172 F4000 ; Wipe G1 X80 Y174 F4000 ; Wipe G1 X100 Y172 F4000 ; Wipe G1 X80 Y174 F4000 ; Wipe G1 X100 Y172 F4000 ; Wipe G1 X80 Y174 F4000 ; Wipe G1 X100 Y172 F4000 ; Wipe G1 X110 Y174 F4000 ; Wipe G1 X100 Y172 F4000 ; Wipe G1 X110 Y174 F4000 ; Wipe G1 X100 Y172 F4000 ; Wipe G1 X110 Y174 F4000 ; Wipe G1 X115 Y172 Z-0.5 F1000 ; Wipe slower, bury nozzle in cleanish area G1 Z10 ; Lift out of wiping pad ; Begin heating hotend to HIPS probing temperature M104 S170 ; Set hotend temperature without waiting ; While waiting for the hotend to heat, auto-home X and Y G28 X0 Y0 ; Auto-home X and Y M109 ; Wait for hotend temperature ; Probe the bed and enable bed leveling compensation M204 S300 ; Set acceleration for probing moves G29 ; Probe the bed M204 S2000 ; Set acceleration back to normal G1 Z10 F5000 ; Lift off the bed-leveling washer ; Begin heating hotend to first layer temperature M104 S[first_layer_temperature] ; Set hotend temperature without waiting ; While waiting for the hotend to heat, position the nozzle and pause G1 X5 Y15 F5000 ; Move near front left corner G4 S1 ; Dwell/pause command queue for 1 second M400 ; Pause processing until moves complete ; Ensure the hotend and bed are at the first layer temperatures M109 ; Wait for hotend temperature M190 ; Wait for bed temperature ; Extrude filament back into the nozzle G1 Z2 E0 F75 ; Slowly raise nozzle and extrude filamant ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; End LulzBot Mini HIPS start G-code ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;