#!/bin/sh set -eu MKBUILDDEPS_TOOL='/usr/bin/apt-get -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=yes' MKBUILDDEPS_TOOL="${MKBUILDDEPS_TOOL} --no-install-recommends -y" # Get the newest version. sed_s='s/uscan: Newest version of icecat on remote site is \([^,][^,]*\),' sed_s="${sed_s}"' local version is 0$/\1/p;' version="$(uscan --package 'icecat' --upstream-version '0' \ --watchfile "${0%/*}/watch" 2>&1 | sed -n "${sed_s}")" upstream_version="${version%-*}" # Download. uscan --package icecat --upstream-version 0 --watchfile ../watch --download \ --download-version "${version}" # Create package directory and mount a temporary file system on it. mkdir "icecat-${upstream_version}/" sudo mount -t tmpfs tmpfs "icecat-${upstream_version}/" # Unpack package. tar -xjf "icecat-${version}.tar.bz2" # Make sure build dependencies are installed. #mk-build-deps -i -t "${MKBUILDDEPS_TOOL}" -r -s sudo \ # "icecat-${upstream_version}/debian/control" # Build source and binary packages. cd "icecat-${upstream_version}/" #dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc bash cd ../ # Unmount and remove package directory. sudo umount "icecat-${upstream_version}/" rmdir "icecat-${upstream_version}/"