#!/bin/sh xmodmap "${HOME}/.Xmodmap" export GTK_IM_MODULE='xim' export QT_IM_MODULE='xim' xinput set-prop 'TPPS/2 IBM TrackPoint' 'Evdev Wheel Emulation' 1 xinput set-prop 'TPPS/2 IBM TrackPoint' 'Evdev Wheel Emulation Button' 2 xinput set-prop 'TPPS/2 IBM TrackPoint' 'Evdev Wheel Emulation Timeout' 200 xinput set-prop 'TPPS/2 IBM TrackPoint' 'Evdev Wheel Emulation Axes' 6 7 4 5 # HACK: # There's an apparent race condition where fbpanel declares its NETWM dock hint # before fluxbox is around to handle it. But if we delay fbpanel's execution, # then fluxbox grabs notification clients. So, we'll start fbpanel first, then # fluxbox. Then we'll wait a second for fluxbox to be ready for NETWM hints and # then restart fbpanel. # Give fluxbox a second before starting fbpanel. DISPLAY=:0.0 fbpanel -p taskbar & panel=$! #sleep 1 fluxbox & sleep 1 kill ${panel} DISPLAY=:0.0 fbpanel -p taskbar & clipit & redshift-gtk -c "${HOME}/.redshift.conf" & wicd-gtk -t & xscreensaver &