Global { edge = top allign = center widthtype = percent width = 100 heighttype = pixel height = 48 margin = 0 setdocktype = true setpartialstrut = true transparent = false tintcolor = #000000 alpha = 255 autohide = false roundcorners = false roundcornersradius = 0 layer = below setlayer = true maxelemheight = 24 } Plugin { type = space config { size = 188 } } Plugin { type = taskbar expand = true padding = 0 config { showiconified = true showmapped = true showalldesks = false tooltips = true iconsonly = false maxtaskwidth = 200 } } Plugin { type = tray expand = false padding = 0 } Plugin { type = cpu config { color = green } } Plugin { type = genmon expand = false padding = 0 config { command = /home/pj/bin/hwmon -r CPU: :k10temp/temp1 :w83795g/fan1 :fam15h_power/power1 textsize = 7168 textcolor = #F3F3F5 pollingtime = 1 maxtextlength = 16 } } Plugin { type = mem config { ShowSwap = false } } Plugin { type = genmon expand = false padding = 0 config { command = /home/pj/bin/hwmon -r GPU: :nouveau/temp1 :nouveau/fan1 :nouveau/power1 textsize = 7168 textcolor = #F3F3F5 pollingtime = 1 maxtextlength = 16 } } Plugin { type = net config { interface = ens10 TxColor = violet RxColor = blue # 1 Gb/s = 122070.3125 KiB/s # The chart seems to overflow a border of 2 px at the top and 1 px at the # bottom (3 px total, leaving 45 px of usable space out of the 48 px panel # height), so the limits should be: # 122070.3125 KiB/s * 48 px / 45 px = 130208.33 KiB/s TxLimit = 130208 RxLimit = 130208 } } Plugin { type = net config { interface = ens10 TxColor = violet RxColor = blue # 8 Mb/s = 976.5625 KiB/s # 2 Mb/s = 244.140625 KiB/s # 8 Mb/s + 2 Mb/s = 10 Mb/s = 1220.703125 KiB/s # Limits calculations: # 976.5625 KiB/s * 48 px / 45 px = 1041.67 KiB/s # 244.140625 KiB/s * 48 px / 45 px = 260.42 KiB/s TxLimit = 1042 RxLimit = 260 } } Plugin { type = tclock expand = false padding = 0 config { clockfmt = %H:%M:%S %Y-%m-%d %A showcalendar = true showtooltip = false } }